MBC Risky Romance - Ji Hyunwoo, Lee Si Young
KBS Are You Human Too? - Seo Kangjoon, Gong Seungyeon
SBS 30 but 17 - Yang Sejong, Shin Hyesun
MBC Time - Kim Junghyun, Seohyun
KBS Your House Helper - Ha Seokjin, Bona
SBS Your Honor - Yoon Shiyoon, Lee Yoo Young
-Being young is surely a good thing~~~!!
-They give off 'youth' vibes, I like it..
-Time is a really nice drama..
-There are quite a lot of new actors and actresses whom I have never seen before..
-But no one had a big impact on public like how Shin Hyesun does..
-Bona is a rookie and yet she's full of energy, so pretty..ㅋㅋㅋ
-Seems like these days, everyone can be the main character..
-Decent actors and actresses usually end up playing roles for tvN and JTBC, I guess..
-Honestly, rather than the actors and the actresses, the production team has a bigger role on getting the drama known by the public.
-The cable TV channels are so much better when it comes to casting..
-It's because the top actors are currently serving in the military right now..
-Shin Hyesun is so pretty..
-30 but 17 is my favorite drama these days..ㅜㅜ It's so fun..
-Your Honor is a really nice drama..ㅠㅠ