Saturday, July 4, 2020

The toner and moisturizer that Jaehyun, who is often mentioned by other idols for his perfect skin, uses

Moisturising cream Corthe  Dermo Essential Moisture-Rx Recharging Jaehyun: I only use these two, actually. I only use toner and moisturising cream, I just changed my moisturising cream to something better recently. I was recommended (by a dermatologist?? make up salon??). This doesn't have any harmful or toxic substances at all. Related keyword:...
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Black Pink becomes the Fairy Ending of Show! Music Core today

Who is your bias? theqoo -The four of them are looking insanely gorgeous today... My bias is Jennie -Lisa totally slays this one... -Jisoo is driving me insane... -Why is Jisoo trembling in that gif...?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ My bias is Lisa... -I love you, Roséㅠㅠㅠㅠ -The four of them are beautiful but my bias is Jennie -My bias is Rosé,...
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Black Pink's Jennie receives good reactions after dying her hair all black today

She becomes a hot topic for looking beautiful today She originally has blonde fringes, which received positive reactions too. But it got a lot of divided opinion because it's unique.  theqoo -I liked her previous hairstyle too, thoughㅠㅠ But she looks beautiful with black hair as well -She's gorgeous... -She should've changed...
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Mina updates her Instagram as a response to Jimin's apology letter (The post is now deleted)

Mina updates her Instagram account as a response to Jimin's apology letter — pannatic (@pannatic) July 4, 2020 (NB; This post has been deleted by Mina) theqoo -I hope nothing bad happens to her... -Leave? Where are you going... Please don't do that. I hope she has someone on her side now. -Oh...
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5 songs that are often mentioned as girlgroups' hidden-gem tracks

Brave Girls' Rollin' Laboum's Journey to Atlantis April's April Story EXID's Every Night Stellar's Sting theqoo -April Story... It feels like I'm in a fairytale... -I often listen to Laboum's Journey to Atlantis at night... I should check out the restㅋㅋㅋ -Where is Dolls... Where are Nine Muses' songs... -I know all of these songs, they're all very great... -These...
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Jimin edited her apology letter + Updates

Before: More than that, I apologize to our teammates who have given their effort for the two of us (Mina and I) After: More than that, I apologize to our teammates and Mina who have given their effort for the two of us Jimin uploads her apology letter through her Instagram account — pannatic...
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Sulli and Mina used to be bestfriends...

Mina-ya....ㅠㅠㅠ pann [+441][-6] 1. [+336][-2] There's a saying that birds of a feather flock together. Sulli, Goo Hara, and Mina... All of them have fragile, yet kind heart. I personally think the three of them have similar auras too. I hope Mina doesn't have any negative thoughts inside her mind right now. I hope she would find her happiness. 2....
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Seventeen and Bomin are so freaking hilariousㅋㅋㅋㅋ

The Ending Fairy Bomin interviewed Seventeen as one of the #1 candidates as soon as he ended his performance with Golden Childㅋㅋㅋㅋ Look at their reactionㅋㅋㅋㅋ Both Bomin and Seventeen are so cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋ pann [+241][-2] 1. [+104][-0] Bomin locked up in a jail full of praisesㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 2. [+71][-0] Bomin said he had funㅋㅋㅋㅋ This is amazing #ChoiBomin:...
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Seeing this sight of Wendy on ISAC aches my heart

This is a Youtube link to the video where Wendy accompanies Seulgi on ISAC because she was the only one from Red Velvet who participated on the competition, and Wendy doesn't want Seulgi to get boredㅠㅠㅠ Seungwan went to accompany Seulgi, but she was left alone... When Seulgi participated on the competition, she sat there alone and waited for her. If...
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Na Haeun has grown a lot, hasn't she?

Huk... That little kid has grown up... pann [+712][-42] 1. [+245][-11] She's still a baby, but it's very cool to see her putting effort on something she does like that... 2. [+214][-24] I wonder what will she become in the future... I think she's way too good to be an idol. She deserves to be something more than an idol. 3. [+74][-5] Recently,...
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