Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Updates on #BurningSunGate and Jang Ja Yeon's case

I forgot to give updates on the blog again yesterday.... Sorry! Just click on the tweet, you will be directed to the thread and you can continue reading it on Twitter! May 18th: -JJY summoned for 2nd investigation, police to request arrest warrant for him -2D1N to either be discontinued or go through indefinite hiatus -One of the woman suspected to be involved in Seungri's prostitution claims...
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Choi Jonghoon's recent whereabouts make K-Netz question his mentality

Choi Jonghoon was spotted liking a picture of him on Instagram. The caption says: 'He looks really sincere #FTIsland #OT5 #ChoiJonghoon' instiz -He's a really amazing person^^ -What is he doing..?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ -I seriously can't figure him out..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ -Is he a psychopath..? -Oh Gosh, Jonghoon-ah.. Don't disappoint us anymore now, please change...
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Twice's Jihyo cried on her way to the airport.. Hints her pressured feelings regarding false rumors about her

Here you can see that Jihyo wiped her tears as she walked.  Jeongyeon who was beside her, grabbed her hand to comfort her.  The other members also had dark expressions on their faces today. http://www.news2day.co.kr/122814 instiz -What happened? -Jihyo, don't cry..ㅠㅠ And please, don't write articles based on speculations.. -Can't...
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Choi Jonghoon exposing thingsㅋㅋㅋ

'Do you have any relations to Police Senior Superintendent Yoon?' 'I do not have any relations with him' The context of conversation with FT Island's Choi Jonghoon on March 2nd Choi Jonghoon, revealed the picture of Police Yoon to the press Reporters (R) Choi Jonghoon (CJH) R: Do you know if CEO Yoo is suspected to be involved in a bribery? CJH:...
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The song that a lot of people chose as Baek Yerin's best song

https://www.melon.com/song/detail.htm?songId=8233373 My my my darling Just calling your name makes me feel overwhelmed I want to become even bigger So I can hold you tight instiz -I thought it would be Square..ㅠㅠㅠ -The lyrics and the melody for this song is seriously the best.. -I know right.. One of the songs that I...
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