
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Jung Joonyoung, seen at a club embracing a woman... Obtained footage filmed by an informant

Jung Joonyoung, who completed his sentence for charges including group sexual assault, was spotted in Lyon, France. 

An informant who spoke with Jung Joonyoung shared a video showing him conversing with someone. In a club in Lyon, amidst loud music, Jung Joonyoung was seen standing with a woman. The two faced each other and engaged in physical contact. 

The informant who filmed this video is learning Korean and was delighted to engage in conversation upon seeing Jung Joonyoung and his friends using Korean.

During their interaction, another companion mentioned, "He is a famous singer in Korea," and they recognized him as Jung Joonyoung from the 'Burning Sun Gate' scandal.

Subsequently, they communicated with Jung Joonyoung via social media, where Jung Joonyoung introduced himself as "Jun from Boston." He mentioned, "I am a lyricist and composer," and said, "I will soon open a Korean restaurant in Lyon."

After Jung Joonyoung's presence in France became known, Jung Joonyoung deactivated his social media account with the statement, "I only asked people to be friends, but I am very disappointed."

The informant expressed concern about the outpouring of violent comments but explained why they shared Jung Joonyoung's recent whereabouts. "He hasn't changed at all," they said, "A five-year imprisonment cannot change a person, and I dislike the fact that he has no intention of leaving the music industry."

article source: https://n.news.naver.com/article/437/0000400850?sid=102

comment sourcehttps://theqoo.net/hot/3313427361

-Wow, thank you to the informant... Seriously creepy... Criminals don't change, they just look for women and clubs as soon as they get out of jail...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-People really don't change.

-Convicted criminals seem quite free to enter and leave the countryㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋThey should just disappear and never come back.

-This is really sickening 🤮🤮🤮

-Thankfully K-pop is somewhat famous, otherwise, we would have been completely ignored. He was totally out of place. Will he go to another country and do the same thing again?

-He's one of the main figures in the BBC's documentary about sexual crime, of course, he'll be in the spotlight for lifeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


-But if he does this right after being released, shouldn't he be receiving treatment for sexual addiction...?

-Is he even human? Doesn't he have anything better to do for the country?

-Was the prison name Boston?

-He's seriously messed up...

-He should have been sentenced to at least 50 years.

-So he committed sexual assault and only got sentenced to 5 years?

-🤮 He should have been locked up for 50 years at least.

-A Korean restaurant? Who knows what he'll do to the food...

-Even if he already completed his sentence, shouldn't we keep him locked up so there aren't more victims?

Continue reading Jung Joonyoung, seen at a club embracing a woman... Obtained footage filmed by an informant

This is how Jang Hyunseung has been doing these days

JHS: Kids these days: I can't tell the difference between 'Oppa', 'Ahjussi', and 'Uncle'

Fan: Honestly, isn't it right to call you 'Uncle' if there's a XX age gap?

JHS: I think I can still be called 'Oppa' if the age gap is not too extreme, no? But actually, I have a lot of Noona fans. I should give formula milk as fan support for those Noonas...

Fan: I'm about to break up with someone I've been dating for 400 days. Does a guy asking for space mean he wants to break up?

JHS: Your boyfriend doesn't seem great. Break up with him. He might just need time to think, and there are a lot of cases where couples get back together after that. But he still doesn't seem great.

So freaking hilariousㅋㅋ


1. [+212][-1] The f*ckㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
And there are so many of you who don't message me. They're just lurking... Isn't it a waste of money? Send messages, won't you?

2. [+209][-0] ㅋㅋㅋ
Fan: Wow oppa, I'm currently pooping but it's so hot in the bathroom that I'm sweating buckets. Please cheer me up.
JHS: You don't like me, do you?

3. [+180][-0] Giving formula milk as fan support is f*cking hilariousㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+172][-0] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋHe's really funny. Honestly, I thought Jang Hyungseung had a strange personality, but seeing him talk with Daesung, he seems completely normal, which surprised me.

5. [+152][-0] Fans who ask for advice on their relationships are hilarious as well. It's like they're chatting with Simsimi or chatbotㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+95][-1] So freaking hilariousㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I know 'Geondae' is correct, but design-wise, 'Gandae' looks prettier. It's my preference.

7. [+91][-0] Sometimes, I burst out laughing seeing his messagesㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Fan: Today's remaining schedule: Watch baseball, shower and brush teeth, organize desk, finish assignments please, refill fountain pen ink.

JHS: Don't use my chatroom as memo pad like that...ㅋㅋㅋ큐
Continue reading This is how Jang Hyunseung has been doing these days

Jung Joonyoung Seen Clubbing in France

Here's a summary of the story of a French person who saw Jung Joonyoung in a club in Lyon, France:

1. The OP (a French person) was with friends at a club in Lyon, ordering drinks when the order came out wrong. They were about to give the drinks away when a man (Jung Joonyoung) appeared, saying he would take them and started a conversation.

2. The OP recognized Jung Joonyoung but wasn’t entirely sure. Jung Joonyoung asked for her Instagram ID. Since there was no data signal in the club, he took a picture of the OP's Instagram ID.

3. The OP noted his tattoos and later confirmed his identity as Jung Joonyoung.

4. After Jung Joonyoung left, another Korean man came up to OP and her friends. He pointed at Jung Joonyoung, saying he was a famous Korean singer, confirming the OP's suspicions. The author shared this with their friends.

5. Jung Joonyoung was seen taking advances of and kissing another young French woman. The OP was shocked but decided not to intervene to avoid causing a scene or having any unwanted recordings of the incident.

6. The next day, Jung Joonyoung followed the OP on Instagram with a new account that had only 4 followersㅋㅋㅋ The OP tried to gather more information and learned that Jung Joonyoung is currently struggling to find work in Europe, moving around to different places. He's planning to go to Switzerland next. It looks like Jung Joonyoung has connections in France.


(NB: Most of the comments are unrelated to the post. It looks like the OP posted about something else and then edited it)

1. [+43][-0] Shouldn't we warn French women? It would be a national disgrace if victims emerge even abroad. He wasn't properly punished in his own country, and now he's shamelessly targeting people in other countries.

2. [+40][-1] Looks like the OP edited this post. Anyway, isn't that bastard dead yet? How long do we have to tell him to die?

3. [+35][-0] I was wondering why all the top comments were off-topic. It turns out the post was edited. 

4. [+34][-0] Don't French women have the right to know? Seriously, if they knew what kind of person he is, would any woman in Europe kiss him? Out of basic human decency, we should let them know. It's disgusting.

5. [+32][-0] Jung Joonyoung should have his phone checked every time he goes in and out of a foreign country. He can't do it in Korea anymore, so he might seduce women abroad and upload weird videos. If that happens, it would be a national disgrace. Poor French women. He should be called a hidden camera criminal wherever he goes.
Continue reading Jung Joonyoung Seen Clubbing in France

ILLIT Yunah's old pictures are shocking

How can a baby have such defined features...? Honestly, I thought she had plastic surgery, but she looks exactly the same in these pictures.


1. [+72][-16] Agree with the comment below... While she suits the girl crush style, she also looks really pretty in a feminine style. Honestly, her outfit for her debut show was a bit off, but she's been consistently pretty since then. It's ridiculous how people keep framing her as not fitting the concept.

2. [+56][-10] Even as a newborn, her features were so defined...

3. [+41][-6] I've seen her childhood photos and videos from R U Next, so I knew she was a natural beauty, but people keep accusing her of having plastic surgery, and I feel frustrated on her behalf. 

4. [+40][-4] She doesn't fit the group image well, so people don't realize how beautiful she is.

5. [+38][-10] People who wrote comments like this must be so embarrassed 

'She looks like she's had a lot of surgeryㅠㅠ' '
Especially the nose, it's too much'

6. [+16][-2] She looks exactly the same, and her face size seems to have stopped growing at this time tooㅋㅋ

7. [+15][-0] She has that LE SSERAFIM vibe.

8. [+10][-1] I went to the same elementary school and lived in the same apartment as Noh Yunah, so I've seen her since she was a baby. She looks exactly the same.

9. [+10][-1] She has a bit of a Russian beauty vibe.

10. [+10][-0] I don't understand why people keep forcing the girl crush concept on her. Watching her on the show, she seems more delicate than the others, but people keep trying to fit her into their standards based on her looks.

Continue reading ILLIT Yunah's old pictures are shocking

Koreans' Average Shower Frequency

Twice or more per day: 7.3%

Once per day: 48.4%

Once every 2 days: 22.2%

Once every 3 days: 11.7%

Once every 4-5 days: 4.8%

Once every 6-7 days: 5.4%


1. [+97][-3] During summer, it’s impossible not to shower at least once a day because of all the sweat...

2. [+65][-13] Those who shower twice a day must be the ones who exercise, right?

3. [+59][-0] What is up with those who shower once every 6-7 days? I hope I don’t have anyone like that around me.

4. [+32][-9] How pathetic must you be to criticize others and boost your self-esteem by saying you shower twice a day? Once a day is the average, nothing to criticize aboutㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This is really funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Of course, if you sweat in the morning after showering at night, you shower again in the morning. If you sweat again after showering in the morning, you shower again in the evening. If it’s fine, once is enough. Why do you have to be so defensive? It’s pitifulㅠㅠㅠㅠ Do you sleep without air conditioning because you’re poor?ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

5. [+6][-0] Once before going to work and once before going to bed… Am I the only one? Showering relaxes my body...

6. [+4][-6] In summer, I shower three times a day... Once after waking up, a quick rinse after exercise, and once more before bed...

7. [+4][-0] In summer, you absolutely need to shower once a day; I can’t get into bed feeling sticky.

8. [+4][-0] What’s up with those who shower once every 6-7 days?

9. [+4][-0] Showering once a day is a must with this humid and hot weather.

10. [+3][-0] Showering is important, but please pay attention to washing your clothes too. The people who smell on the subway and bus are all men. I understand clothes don’t dry well during the rainy season, but that’s all the more reason to be careful.
Continue reading Koreans' Average Shower Frequency

Is it true that you can smell period blood?

Is it true that you can smell period blood?

Some of my friends say they can smell it when they're close to someone else, but I've never noticed it on anyone other than myself. Am I the weird one? Do you all smell it too?

-I've never smelled it on anyone else either.

-If someone wears a pad for a long time, you might catch a whiff when you're nearby, but otherwise, no.

-I have a strong sense of smell, and I can detect it on others... Some people have a stronger odor, especially if they have a heavy flow and don't change often. Guys might notice it even more since it's an unfamiliar smell to them.

-I've never smelled it on others. I think it might be the pad's smell rather than the period itself. I've heard that when using a menstrual cup, you don't get that weird smell you do with pads, just the smell of blood.

-Even for myself, I only notice it when I go to the bathroom to change my pad, not when I'm sitting down. I've never smelled it on others.

-Guys definitely notice it more. It's probably something to do with hormones, but they can pick up the scent as soon as they're near a woman on her period.

-Sometimes I can smell the scent of sanitary pads, kind of fishy.

-I've noticed it when passing by the bathroom, but never from an individual.

-I've smelled sanitary pad scents, but only on really humid days, never otherwise.

-On heavy flow days, I can smell it after about three hours. I've also smelled other people's scents, probably because they didn't change their pads in time.

-Of course, you can smell damp sanitary pads in normal situations. When tired or sensitive, I sometimes smell the metallic scent of blood. Old pads smell disgusting, but the blood scent itself isn't too bad. It's less strong than the smell of blood from wounds. I'm very sensitive to smells and can even smell blood from wounds on other people's knees.

-Yeah, I've smelled it on the bus. It's gross.

-There was a girl in my class who didn't shower during her period because she was taught not to. We had to explain to her that she needed to shower.

-If someone hasn't changed their pad for over 24 hours, you can smell it.

-It smells fishy, so you need to change it frequently even if the flow isn't heavy.

-I only sometimes smell my own scent when changing pads. I'm very sensitive to smells, but I haven't smelled others.

-I only sometimes smell my own scent when changing pads. I'm very sensitive to smells, but I haven't smelled others.

-I once smelled it strongly from a woman standing next to me on the bus. Since then, I've been more conscious of it.

-I think I smelled it during lunch once. It was a strong, rotten fish smell.

-I know my own scent.

-I've never smelled it, but I think you can if you're sensitive to smells.

-You need to change them often, or they smell.

-I'm always scared someone will smell it if they enter the restroom after me.

-I've never smelled others' scents, maybe I'm not sensitive enough.

-My flow was so heavy that it always leaked and smelled strongly. I found out my uterus was unhealthy and had it removed.
Continue reading Is it true that you can smell period blood?