Sunday, July 31, 2016

My girlfriend just texted me saying that she's pregnant..

But then she explained to me that she was not serious, she just wanted to check my feelings about her. What do you think? instiz -Ah.. I really hate that kind of joke.. -I would break up with her.. -I would be super annoyed.. -I really hate that kind of joke.. I think I would be very upset and mad at her.. -I would lose my feelings for...
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A male idol who shed his tears in front of his fans yesterday..

is Seventeen's Hoshi. This is what he said on Seventeen's concert yesterday: Can I ask you a favor for the last time? It's because it's my first time spending a time like this with a lot of people. I will close my eyes now, can you please cheer loudly while I close my eyes? And as Hoshi closed his eyes, the fans cheered on him loudly as they held...
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Around 80% of netizens agree that Suzy has the top visuals among the other female idols

Everyone has different opinion and taste in visuals or look.. But most of people will agree if I say that her visual is considered as a top-tier in the industry instiz -Ah.. really? For me, it's Yoona.. -I personally think that Irene is the prettiest female idol ever.. -Agree.. She looks so likeable and pretty.. -I can relate to...
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Predebut pictures of DIA's new member, Eunchae, surfaced online

DIA's Eunchae (real name: Kwon Chaewon) '99 liner instiz -She stays the same..ㅋㅋ -Whoa.. She's really pretty.. -Hul.. She looks like Yeri.. -So cute.. -Her smile is so fresh-looking.. -The way she smiles is so lovely.. -I somehow can see a little bit of IOI's Kim Sohye in her.. -Hul.. She's really cute and fresh-looking.....
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'W' Kangchul and Kyung Howon's age in real life

  Lee Jongsuk (Kangchul): September 14, 1989 Lee Taehwan (Kyung Howon) February 21, 1995 Kyung Howon is older than Kangchul in the drama, but in real life, Lee Jongsuk is a 89liner while Lee Taehwan is a 95liner. instiz -Hul.. Unbelievable.. -Hmm.. My style.. -I'm a Surprise's fan so I knew this! But hul, we share the same birthday.....
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