Wednesday, August 2, 2017

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Kang Daniel.. Why is your waist starting from there..?

Take a look at that yellow-ish Kang Daniel behind Kyung Gyu Ong ..?? ................??? Why is his waist starting from there..?? Why is his legs starting from up there..? Why is his waist as high as the side mirror..? He has always had that amazing body proportions from a really young age.. theqoo -His legs are...
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The song that got 200,000 hearts only 2 weeks after it's released

Exo's Ko Ko Bop was released on July 18th And it got more than 200,000 hearts in just 2 weeks after it was released instiz -Oh my goodness.. Exo is really amazing.. -Exo is amazing..ㅜㅜ -Shimmie Shimmie Ko Ko Bop~ -Hul.. That's really amazing.. -As expected from Exo.. God-xo.. -Whoa.. That's really fast.. -That's cool.. -Wow.....
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Produce 101 based group other than Wanna One and JBJ that's likely going to debut

Produce 101's participants who are called as 'Rains' (L-R: Kim Seong Lee, Lee Kiwon, Joo Wontak, Hong Eunki, Seo Sunghyuk, Byun Hyunmin) They often meet up and interact with each other They often put hashtags with their own names in their posts, and have been maintaining their friendship really well! And the most recent updates...
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Jang Doyeon getting told that she's too pretty for a comedian

Yuta: She doesn't look like a comedian, though.. Jang Doyeon: How are comedians supposed to look like? Jang Doyeon: Do I have to put my eyes here? (In order to look like a comedian) ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ instiz -She sounds really cool..ㅋㅋㅋ -I thought exactly the same thing when he said that..ㅋㅋㅋ It feels refreshing to hear her reply! -That's...
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The thing that will surprise the viewers of New Journey To The West

As a viewer of New Journey To The West, I was very surprised when I found out about this. One of the maknae line of the casts, Lee Seunggi, was born on 1987. Which means that he's turning 31 years old this year. Eun Jiwon was born on 1978, which means that he's turning 40 years old this year. He has 9 years of age difference with Seunggiㅎㄷㄷ It doesn't...
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Yook Sungjae and Yoo Seonho have gotten so much closer

You can feel how awkward they were just by looking at this gif. The awkwardness between these two can already be seen by how they do the most basic thing, which is praising each other's looks Seonho is still in the 3rd grade of middle school, but he's already good at socializingㅋㅋㅋ Sungjae told him he looks handsome and he says it's because he (Seonho)...
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