Thursday, September 1, 2016

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Jackson's condition after being injured in car accident due to sasaeng fans

He got on plane right after the accident.. What the.. instiz -Hul.. Shouldn't they take him to the hospital first..? -Ah.. This is so upsetting.. -This really upsets me.. He's already having a hard time because of his tight schedules, why are treating him like this? -They should've taken him to the hospital first.. -I'm tearing upㅠㅠㅠ Jackson-ah..ㅠㅠㅠㅠ -JYP.....
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NCT's Taeyong looking good in press pictures

instiz -Is he a fairy..? Or is he my man..? -He's not exactly my type since I really like innocent-looking men, but I have to admit that he's the most handsome idol I've ever seen in my life.. Like for real.. Just look at those distinct features.. -He looks like Kim Taeri.. -He's seriously so handsome.. Legend.. -He's really good-looking...
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What happens if you mix the features of a westerner and a Korean.

pann [+253][-12] 1. [+178][-1] What happens if you mix the features of a good-looking westerner and also a good-looking Korean.. 2. [+97][-8] The reason why people with mixed blood are always good-looking.. 3. [+65][-21] That edited picture of Goo Hara's picture is so pretty.. 4. [+19][-0] This only happens because you mix...
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Red Velvet teases their fans with a new logo for their cb!

instiz -It's so pretty.. It looks like something that would be sold as a temporary sticker tattoos..? -Whoa.. It looks so pretty.. -Whoa.. -So prettyㅠㅠ I'm looking forward to their comebackㅠㅠ -Hul.. It's so pretty.. -Oh.. It's so pretty.. -SM is doing their work properly now.. Nice.. I hope they will let RV have their own reality show...
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An all-rounder male idol

is B1A4's Jinyoung. Singing He's in the vocal line of the group, along with Sandeul and CNU. Sports. Took home the gold medal for fencing, is good at both archery and running. Producing. Produce101 - In the same place IOI - When the Cherry Blossoms Fade OMG - One Step, Two Step. He also produces and writes lyrics for B1A4's songs. Acting. She...
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One of the things that people with weak hearts can't do

Not accepting flyers that are distributed in the streets. 'You can just walk past them and ignore it, though?' There are some people who just can't understand it.. But.. There are some people who just can't ignore and walk past those people who are handing the flyers diligently.. The sight of them working so hard will hit them right in their hearts..  for...
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Two female idols with the most beautiful side profile

T-Ara's Jiyeon Apink's Yoon Bomi Both of them have a very beautiful side profile.. instiz -The last gif is to die for.. -I thought I would see Irene in this post.. -The first picture of Bomi is so legendary.. -Jiyeon.. I'm trembling.. -So prettyㅠㅠ -Whoa.. They're so beautiful.. -I came here expecting to see...
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