Wednesday, August 17, 2016

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Twice Jihyo's Doppelganger

I'm not posting this to hate on Jihyo or something like that.. I was watching a volley match yesterday and I realized that this athlete look like Twice's Jihyo.. She's from Netherland   This is Jihyo. Am I the only one who thinks so? They look so freaking similar, though.. pann [+74][-1] 1. [+16][-1] Oh..ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They really look...
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What do the kid who ranks the first in your school have as their profile picture?

I had a converstation about this with my friends and I became so curiousㅋㅋ The kid who ranks first in our school don't have any profile picture and his/her background picture is just balloons in the sky.. As expected, kids who study hard are differentㅠㅠㅠㅠ pann [+24][-116] 1. [+80][-1] The kid who ranks first in my school doesn't have any smartphonesㅋㅋㅋ 2....
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Suga's Mixtape..

I cried hard when I first listened to the 7th track of his mixtape, the song is titled 'The Last'ㅠㅠ  It's so f*cking sadㅠㅠ Just imagine all of the hard times he went through since he was youngㅠㅠ +He's so freaking sexy when he swears.. My tears went back in when I heard him swearing.. I think I'm going to stan him.. pann [+922][-55] 1....
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SJ's Donghae picks up a call from a fan's mom in the middle of concert

DH: *as usual, he takes his fans' phones and takes some selfie with it and jokes with them in the middle of concert* *the phone rings* DH: *the fan's phone rings and turns out it's her mom calling* Your Mommy?? DH: *picks up the phone* *removes his in-ear because he couldn't hear the fan's mom voice with it* DH: Hello mommy? I'm Super Junior...
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