Friday, July 22, 2022

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Hani, the Vietnamese member in Min Heejin's girlgroup

 She looks so f*cking adorable in pig tailsㅠㅠㅠtheqoo-She looks adorable. I personally have never seen a Vietnamese K-pop idol beforeㅋㅋㅋㅋ-Whoa... Vietnamese fans must be really happy to see her debut...-Visual-wise, I think she's my personal favorite from this group. She looks like fresh fruit.-There are a lot of beautiful women in Vietnamㅋㅋㅋ She looks...
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The logo of Min Heejin's girlgroup, New Jeans.jpg

 New Jeanstheqoo-I love how it's written in Hangeul, it looks so pretty...-Whoa... It looks so freaking trendy...-It looks old-fashioned and trendy both at the same time...-This is new! Especially since I'm used to seeing groups' names written in English in their logos. I love this. -That reminds me of SNSD's logo for I Got A Boyㅋㅋㅋ That's also Min...
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NCT, starring in ISAC which is finally back after 2 years ... Anticipations ↑ So which ones from which groups are participating in ISAC?-Who the f*ck is looking forward to ISAC?-NCT has a lot of members. So, tell us exactly who is going to participate in this year's ISAC?-Can they at least tell us which sub-units are participating in ISAC?-Which NCT? They...
Continue reading NCT, starring in ISAC which is finally back after 2 years ... Anticipations ↑

Min Heejin's girlgroup, NewJeans 'Attention' Official MV (Performance ver.)

 theqoo-I'm looking forward to their other song...-Whoa... I really love the song...-Nice song...! They all look really beautiful and young. I think this concept suits them really well.-They all look gorgeous but most importantly, this is a really nice song...-Which one of them is Vietnamese? I'm still having a hard time telling them apart...-Comfy clothes, light make-up, natural hairstyle......
Continue reading Min Heejin's girlgroup, NewJeans 'Attention' Official MV (Performance ver.)

ITZY recently changed the cover of their CHECKMATE album

AfterBeforeA lot of fans demand the company to change the album cover because it's too dark. theqoo-The new album cover looks so bad... They really have no in-betweens...-This is what I'm talking aboutㅠㅠㅠㅠ It screams ITZY...-I personally think the old album cover looks so much better, though...-I think it would've been better if they remove the girls'...
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Plagiarism allegations of Sunmi's Heart Burn, company is currently checking

 Recently, Sunmi's latest song, Heart Burn, becomes in talk for allegedly plagiarising Avril Lavigne's I Don't Give which was released back in 2002. Her company is currently checking the truth.theqoo-So people are now calling similar songs 'plagiarism'? I've checked out both songs and they sound similar, however, I don't think it's plagiarised.-Just ignore the allegations...-Just imagine how...
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