
Thursday, July 4, 2024

Ahn Sohee did a photoshoot with her first-ever short hair


I think it's just a wig?


-Wow, this haircut suits her so well.

-So charming.

-All I can say is she's really cool.

-She's really unique and pretty.

-Insane, I've never seen anyone pull off that hairstyle.

-Her face is so addictive... I keep looking at it.

-Wow, how can someone this look so good...

-Sohee... She's so pretty I'm about to faint.

-Wow, Sohee is really unique and charming.

-I'm the only one aging.

-She looks like Xiuminㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Sohee still looks like a baby, so pretty.

-Ugh, so cute ㅠㅠㅠ

-How does that hairstyle suit her so well?

-I mean, even with that hairstyle, she still looks pretty.

-It's like she never ages.

Continue reading Ahn Sohee did a photoshoot with her first-ever short hair

British Media says, "Min Heejin is a Woman Resisting Korea's Patriarchal Workplace Culture"


British daily Financial Times (FT) reported on the conflict between HYBE and ADOR's CEO Min Heejin, interpreting it as "many Korean women view Min Heejin as a young woman fighting against a patriarchal workplace culture."

FT further stated, "This situation raises questions about how the K-pop industry, including top entertainment companies like HYBE, can replicate the success of the past decade amid declining stock prices," and predicted, "HYBE will find it more challenging to handle Min Heejin as she is seen as a hero by many young women."

A 31-year-old woman working in the education sector in Seoul told the newspaper, "What Min Heejin is experiencing is what we also face daily in male-dominated and hierarchical corporate cultures," adding, "Min speaking out loud is something we have long dreamed of."


-I've supported Min Heejin from the start, regardless of her gender. It's shocking that someone as capable as Min Heejin is being unfairly mistreated just because she's a woman.

-As an office worker who is excluded from golf and hostess bars, I support her.

-Exactly, yes.

-Regardless of her gender, Min Heejin is extremely capable. I think she's the most reasonable and intelligent executive within HYBE.

-Exactly, it's surprising that even someone like Min Heejin is subjected to such dirty and difficult situations.

-Her transparency and impressive actions make her a respectable figure.

-Exactly, that's why I support her.

-Even in female-dominated workplaces, all executives are male in this country.

-Her press conference didn't go viral for no reason.

-If I were competent, I’d want to work with Min Heejin. I've always wished I could work under her!

-As a woman working in a company, you can't help but relate. That's why she seems even more amazing.

-I would support Min Heejin even if she were a man. She keeps her company card expenses clean, doesn’t kiss up to higher-ups, and confidently voices her opinions. It’s admirable. The old men form their own network through room salons and golf, trying hard to push out a female executive who stands firm and does her job well. It makes you want to support her.

-Min Heejin did a great job. She truly demonstrated what capability is.

-This is something anyone who has worked in a company would understand and empathize with Min Heejin, regardless of their gender.

Continue reading British Media says, "Min Heejin is a Woman Resisting Korea's Patriarchal Workplace Culture"
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[EXChange 3] Seo Dongjin Song Dahye's Instagram Update




-Wow, great! I'll wait for your appearance The Return of Superman!

-Did they get back together???

-Are they dating???? Amazing!!!!!!!!!!! Please get married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Oh my goodness, this is so great ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-This is insane... It's happening.

-Why am I cryingㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Dongjin, Dahye, be happyㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Congrats, congrats. I didn't watch EXchange, but I support this coupleㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I knew they would get back together. They were together for so long.

-They got back together, right?

-Dongjin, Dahyeㅠㅠㅠ

-Are they getting back together?? They should get married.

-Watching the show, you could feel how deep their feelings were, so it seemed they would get back together again.. Congrats, congrats.

-They were meant to be together... Congrats

-Get married💗

Continue reading [EXChange 3] Seo Dongjin Song Dahye's Instagram Update
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Ahn Jaehyun Gets Fired Up Reading Comments on the Legendary World Gay Music Video

Comment: "After watching this about five times, I now feel sadㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Seo Inguk... I hope he meets a good guy..."

Ahn Jaehyun: What's wrong with me? 

(Inguk's man is angry)

Seo Inguk: I mean... you left

Ahn Jaehyun: I came back


-Please give us part 3


-As expected, Ahn-guk

-That's right, he came back

-K.Will looks really happyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Hyungsoo-ssi looks so happy in the first frame, it's funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Someone please quickly make a drama out of this ;;;;

-Inguk's man is angryㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I've never been this obsessed with anything until now

-So cute

-Why is Ahn Jaehyun so funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Ahn Jaehyun is so funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Were Seo Inguk and Ahn Jaehyun originally close friends??

-Are they dating...?
Continue reading Ahn Jaehyun Gets Fired Up Reading Comments on the Legendary World Gay Music Video