Saturday, January 8, 2022

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VERIVERY Minchan's apology letter

안녕하세요. 민찬입니다. 6일 브이앱에서 저의 언행으로 불편함을 느끼신 모든 분들께 진심으로 사과 드립니다.앞으로 똑같은 일이 발생하지 않도록 언행에 있어서 주의하고 모든 일에 진중하게 행동하는 민찬이 되겠습니다.— VERIVERY (@by_verivery) January 8, 2022Hello. This is Minchan. I would like to apologize to everyone whom I have caused discomfort because of my words and actions on the live streaming I did on the 6th. I will be careful with my words and actions so that such thing would never...
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KBS School 2021 viewer ratings before their upcoming last episodes next week

 NationwideEp1: 2.8% (Highest)Ep2: 1.6%Ep3: 2.0%Ep4: 1.6%Ep5: 1.6%Ep6:1.7%Ep7: 1.6%Ep8: 1.6%Ep9: 1.5%Ep10: 1.3% (Lowest)Ep11: 1.6%Ep12: 1.7%Ep13: 1.8%Ep14: 1.6%theqoo-I didn't even know this already aired...?-Time sure flies really fast. It feels like it hasn't been that long since I watched the first episode.-I dropped this drama because the storyline...
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AOA Jimin Instagram update is her birthday. It has been almost 2 years since the last time she posted.theqoo-I'm sorry for judging you without knowing what actually happened. Good luck to you and happy birthday, Jimin!!-I have always believed you. Back then, and even now. I hope you're happy, Jimin-ah. Happy birthday.-To...
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Heize and Noze look like each other they could pass as siblings

 theqoo-I don't know any of their faces, to me there's just one person in this post;; I was waiting for the other person's picture but I kept seeing one faceㅋㅋㅋㅋ-I think they look similar because of their eyes. I'd say they pass as cousins, at least.-What...? They don't look like each other at all-It's just their style. I don't think they look similar...
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VERIVERY's Minchan, receives critics for judging a senior female idol's looks... Deleted the related video

 On the 7th, VERIVERY's Minchan, Hoyoung, and Kangmin did live streaming. Minchan recalled, "When I was in my 3rd year of senior high, there was a celebrity who transferred to my school. She's in a group that you can actually look up in searching engines." To this, Hoyoung responded, "She must be our senior then. Our senior."Minchan continued, "My fantasy was broken. Back then, to me, celebrities...
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The type of face that has never been seen among idols

 She kinda looks like a model and Shin HyesunShe's a great performer, her fancams always get a lot of viewstheqoo-I didn't really like her at first, but the more I look at her the cuter she isㅠㅠㅠ-She looks like the mixture of Shin Hyesun and Choi Yoojung-I can see Jung Eunji in her-When I first saw her I thought she looks like Japanese, turns out she's...
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