Sunday, February 25, 2018


Yuzuru being attention seeker after learning Korean language

click here to see the tweet I'm fine with him greeting the viewers with Korean language, but I don't get it why he had to laugh in a strange way right after it;; click here to see the tweet Look at how he acts all cutesy in front of peopleㅋㅋㅋㅋ theqoo -Why are you talking shit when all he did was just smile.. -I don't really like him but don't you think you're being too mean here?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ...
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Do women watch porn too?

'Do women watch porn too?' 'I'm a guy, and I'm writing this because I'm really curious about it. Out of 100 women, how many of them watch porn? For men, I bet 99 out of 100 men watch porn, regardless whether if they're single or in a relationship' 'Aren't women human too?' 'I act innocent all the time but I actually watch it..ㅋㅋㅋ I bet those who...
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GFriend Yerin's refreshing answers towards rude fans on her VApp Live Broadcast

'I mean, I'm the one who started this broadcast, you can just focus on me. Why do you keep on asking stuffs like, where are the other members or what are the other members doing?' 'I guess you don't like me, right? You wish for other members to come on this broadcast, right?' 'Would you please just focus on me?' ' "I'm curious" If you're curious...
Continue reading GFriend Yerin's refreshing answers towards rude fans on her VApp Live Broadcast