Wednesday, July 5, 2017

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Kim Yoojung's sister, Kim Yeonjung, to star in a webdrama.. Along with Produce 101's Park Sungwoo

instiz -Ah.. So it's true that she's currently filming for 'Crushes'.. -It will be really nice if she has a decent acting skills.. By the way, she looks so beautiful.. -Hul.. Chibal.. -Which one is Kim Yoojung and which one is Kim Yeonjung in that picture.. They look so similar, I can't tell them apart.. -Hul.. With Chibal! -Hul.. 'Crushes'.....
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Lee Hyori asks fans to sign on her body.jpg

The result: instiz -Whoa.. She looks so cool.. -Whoa.. Look at her aura.. God-Hyori.. -She looks cool no matter what she does.. -The quality of the live broadcast was so bad..ㅠㅠ -Lee Hyori being cool as usual.. -Unnie..ㅠㅠ You're so pretty..ㅠㅠ Lee Hyori is the best..ㅠㅠ -Whoa.. She somehow looks really cool..ㅠㅠ The real girl...
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OMG's Arin and GGD's Kang Mina in pictures that were uploaded by SOPA students

instiz -Arin looks so cuteㅠㅠ -Hul.. Arin is so pretty.. -Whoa.. Both of them have a really small face.. -Mina..ㅠㅠㅠ -Arin looks like a doll.. -Look at those wounds on Kang Mina's legs..ㅠㅠ It's so heart-breaking to see..ㅠㅠ -Hul.. Mina's legs.. My baby, why are you so thin..ㅠㅠ -The other students have their face blurred out in...
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Chick flick movies that managed to do well without top actresses in it

Sunny The movies that were playing in cinemas at the same time: Kungfu Panda 2, Pirates of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Transformers: Dark of The Moon. Miss Granny Shim Eunkyung even won the Best Actress Awards in Baeksang Arts Awards because of this movie. instiz -Whoa.. Shim Eunkyung.. -Huk.. I didn't notice that the landlord in...
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The female idol who becomes the model of a cosmetic brand.jpg

Apink's Yoon Bomi instiz -Oh God.. She's so pretty<3<3 -Bomi is indeed really beautiful..ㅠㅠ -The queen of pictorials..ㅠㅠ She looks gorgeous.. -Look at her jaw line..ㅠㅠ -I was concerning whether if it's really Yoon Bomi or not..ㅠㅠ She looks excellent..ㅠㅠ -Bomi's beauty could destroy the whole world.. -Bomi is seriously...
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The skin of a 30 years old celebrity who has never smoked in his entire life

There are two type of people in this world: The ones who have good skin because they were born with it and the ones who have good skin because they take a good care of it (by not smoking, drinking alcohol, etc) He checked the age of his skin and the result said '15 years old' instiz -I think he was originally born...
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The celebrity whose acting skill is often being questioned about but still constantly stars in dramas

'Brilliant Seduction' Nam Joohyuk, limited acting skills of a model-turned-actor? Destructing the whole atmosphere 'What a shame' Surplus Princess (Lead character) Who are you - School 2015 (Lead character) Brilliant Seduction (Lead character's young self) Cheese in The Trap (Lead character) Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo (Lead character) Weightlifting...
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The trainee who made it to top 35 in PD101 but still has no official activities from his company

is The Vibe Label's Kim Taedong Taedong is well-known for his perfectly shaped triangle, and the nickname 'King of Hold Me', since he did the 'Hold me hold me' part really well He's also that trainee who flew from F class to A class in the first evaluation!! He was the center for 'Mansae' and ranked #2 in the group battle evaluation. He...
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The pictures that international fans use when they complain about whitewashing

1. They edit the idols' picture to make their skin color looks darker and state that's how the idols' skin color actually looks like in real life. 2. They think these pictures, that were taken under a yellow-ish light, show the idols' natural skin color 3. They make a comparison 4. They think these pictures, that somehow taken...
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