Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Numbers of top stars, idols, and celebrities' phones are hacked

It is reported that so far there are at least 10 celebrities whose phones have been hacked by a hacker that names himself Black Hacker, including Actor A, Actor B, Idol C, Director D, Famous chef E, and Joo Jinmoo. Most of these celebrities are using Samsung Galaxy S series.  Black Hacker claims that his main target is money. He threatens the celebrities...
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Haseul to take temporary hiatus due to anxiety disorder symptoms

Blockberry Creative announces that Haseul has been showing anxiety disorder symptoms and recently visited a hospital to get examinations and treatments. They have come to a decision for Haeseul to take some time to focus on her recovery and that LOONA will continue their next promotions as 11 members.  naver 1. [+45][-1] Stay healthyㅠㅠ 2....
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The idol who is discharged from military service today

is Infinite's Sunggyu theqoo -Finally, Kim Sunggyuㅠㅠㅠ -Welcome back, Sunggyu-yaㅠㅠㅠ -I've been waiting for this day to comeㅜㅜㅜ -I don't fangirl these days but it feels really weird to see the idol I used to fangirl now has been discharged from the military serviceㅋㅋ I hope he's healthy and happy! -The idol version of Sunggyu is back! Please...
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BTS has saved several lives in Europe

A: I knew BTS from Youtube during my hardest time, I was feeling very suicidal at the time. But after knowing BTS, everything got better.  B: BTS saved me. I had a really difficult time last year, but JHope made my life so much better. I'm your hope, you're my hope, I'm JHope C: Why do you like BTS? D: Because they saved us. Their dreams came...
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