Thursday, May 17, 2018


Are there anyone who's worse than me when it comes to interacting with guys?

Up until this second, I have never saved a guy's phone number on my phone.. I'm a homebody so I don't hang out with my friends a lot. I usually only meet guys for something like team projects, nothing more than that. Guys around me joke and talk a lot with my friends, but they just won't talk to me. Even if they do, it's just really awkward. And it's not because...
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Let's talk about the moment when you find men are scary

For me, it's my ex-boyfriend and my older brother.  I've already said no to my ex for a numerous time, but he kept on asking for it. He would touch my butt and legs, force and drag me into a quiet place and kiss me there. When I broke up with him, he used to terror me with thousands of phone calls, Kakao Talk, and Facebook messages. He even said that...
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Taeyong and L in one frame

Both of them are so freaking handsome..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ They look different, but at the same time they look alike in a very strange way.. Anyway, L doesn't age;; pann [+452][-51] ㅇㅇ |2018.05.15 20:19 신고하기 Both of them look like manga characters, so I thought they would look quite similar but now that I see them standing side by side, they don't look...
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