Monday, June 5, 2017

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The trainee who has the similar charateristics with the seniors in his company

is Cube's Yoo Seonho. He has the 'Cube heritage looks'. I really can see his seniors traits in himㅋㅋㅋㅋ instiz -I hope he will get into the top 11 in the end..ㅠㅠ -He's so handsome.. -Is he really 16 years old? -Oh.. I can see his seniors traits in him.. He's handsome.. -Strangely, I often see Yoon Dujun and Yook Sungjae's face...
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The unedited pictures of Suzy's photoshoot

instiz -These pictures are still not edited yet..???? -The definition of flawless.. -Hul... -How could a person be that beautiful..? -Whoa.. I can't shut my mouth.. -Why does she need her pictures to be edited anyway..? -Whoa.. Her eyes are so big.. -That mouse cursor is so disturbing..ㅠㅠ -Huk.. Is this a pictorial for a...
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Have you seen Kim Yongjin's facebook update?

I don't know how to react to this.. F*ck.. He's not my bias but it breaks my heart to read this.. I wish the person he was talking about get bad luck for the rest of their life.. 'I was scrolling down through my fanpage on Instagram and saw a comment saying 'Yongjin-ah, kill yourself' in a post that can be seen by everyone. I'm not feeling upset at...
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Compilations of gifs that show the difference of Lai Guan Lin behaviors in specific conditions

First of all, here's the difference of him onstage and offstageㅠㅠㅠㅠ Is he really 17 years old? It's a little bit hard to believe that he's only 17 years oldㅋㅋㅋ Look at his Maboy video, he looks like a cute little puppy thereㅋㅋㅋ You need to watch the video in order to see his cutenessㅋㅋㅋ I lost it when he went "Ta-dah!"ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Next is the difference...
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My crush likes Red Velvet's Seulgi..

Can you tell me what her habits are.. To those who leave replies, I hope your crush will like you back!! The only thing Seulgi and I have in common is that we both have monolids.. pann [+9][-3] 1. [+29][-1] Find somebody who will love you for who you are.. You're going to have a hard time by trying to copy Seulgi.. 2. [+11][-0] Don't do that...
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Upvote if you think it's heartfluttering, downvote if you think it's cringeworthy

I saw someone played a game like this on Pann yesterday and it looked fun, so I wanted to do it too. Starting from me! "Where are you now?" Upvote if you think it's heartfluttering and downvote if you think it's cringeworthy pann [+1,473][-56] 1. [+716][-336] *looks at you with no expressions* "Don't cry" 2. [+455][-33] When a guy asks you...
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The reason why Kang Daniel is popular

The difference onstage and offstage He looks like a puppy The mole he has underneath one of his eyes His lips  His broad shoulders His dancing skills His beautiful, large hands His physical figure His light skin tone His front teeth His fashion sense His back which looks like an inverted triangle pann [+1,025][-50] 1....
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