Wednesday, May 4, 2016

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A heart-fluttering gif of N greeting Jungyeon

N turned his back because he was going to take a microphone but he had an eye-contact with Jungyeon and ended up greeting her. I don't know why but it looks really cute and heart-fluttering original -Jungyeon is really girlyㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ -I can't stop looking at this gif... N makes my heart keeps on fluttering and Jungyeon is really cute... -Why is...
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Song Jihyo on a fashion show

  NewsEn: Song Jihyo walks on a runway, shows off her ant waist and defined abs 1. [+732][-20] The last picture is very pretty.. 2. [+729][-29] Whoa.. So pretty.. Her face is so small but her defined eyes, nose, and lips are all fit in there.. The class of a natural beauty. Why do they always giving more attention to the female guests in Running...
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