I watched this on Youtube and what kind of CF song is this? The song is really niceㅋㅋㅋ I was a little bit flustered when I first heard thisㅋㅋㅋㅋ
And also that Yooa.. am I right? The part that goes 'Safety report app app app for you~' is really addictive.. Why would they use this good song...
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
The male idol who asks fan to not play around with the word 'cancer'

is Seo Eunkwang..?
I saw his broadcast in the recommendation section so I just decided to watch itㅋㅋㅋ It was really funny, until..
He was describing a webtoon called 'The History of A Loser' and he used his whole face to explain the content of the webtoonㅋㅋㅋㅋ
But seems like there were a lot of comments that sound 'I think I just got a cancer' etc,...
Gifs that describe your favorite group

I'm an Exo-Lㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This gif explains about how Exo usually plays around.
Maknae who runs with all his might after teasing his hyung and the annoyed leader who runs after him.
(This is the beginning of it all. They plan this, pouring water to the leader who's busy greeting the audiencesㅋㅋㅋ But he gets revenge on all the members without any exceptionㅋㅋㅋ...
a small reminder!!

hello guys.
i dont know how many times have i talked about this, but please do remember to put credits everytime you share any of my posts or retranslate them to your native languages.
i just think that it would be really nice if you at least.. credit me... *inserts sad emoticons here*
i sometimes see some accounts (esp in instagram and line@) that retranslates...
The group who knows how to be adored by a lot of peole

Seventeen knows how to be adored by a lot of people.
Seungkwan and Sandeul when they met in Dream Concert
Vernon danced to Adore U with one hand when he saw Baekhyun dancing to the same choreography
Mingyu responding by dancing to Adore U, but with different hand direction (because it would look impolite if he points his hand towards the other...