Saturday, February 23, 2019

ITZY's stage on Show! Music Core receives great responses today

theqoo -The girls look so freaking pretty today.. -Their outfits today look really beautiful.. -The first girl group I like after Wonder Girlsㅠㅠㅠ -Lia is so freaking pretty..ㅠㅠㅠ -JYP is really good at creating girl groups.. -Their outfits today were perfect! -Lia always looks beautiful, but I think she looks more beautiful with...
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Which singers come up to your mind first when the lyrics 'As long as you love me' is mentioned?

1. Backstreet Boys - As Long As You Love Me (1997) 2. Justin Bieber - As Long As You Love Me (2012) theqoo -111.. I had no idea there was another song that has exactly the same title with Backstreet Boys' song..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ -111.. I just found out that Justin Bieber had a song with the exactly same title.. -111.. I clicked on this post while singing to Backstreet Boys' song.. -222.....
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Guys, Seolhyun and Nam Joohyuk are dating ++Proves on their IG accounts

I checked their IG accounts and there are a lot of things going on there.. I'm sorry if this doesn't convince you enough^^ Their poses in the fashion shows look really similar For your records, these are not the same fashion shows. Nam Joohyuk was at Dior's while Seolhyun was at Gucci's Both of them tagged Park Byung Eun on their pictures. The...
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Idol groups who have changed a lot compared to their debut concept

Who do you think it is? I think it's Bangtan pann [+42][-7] 1. [+92][-6] In terms of visual, it's true that BTS' style has changed a lot. But in terms of music, I think it still sounds similar. During their debut days their songs are all about going through hard times..? And their songs lately sound more relaxed. But one thing that hasn't changed...
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If a girl that you're not close with asks you for a sanitary pad, what would you do?

Would you give them yours..? It's not like they bully you or anything. You're just not close with her. There's this time that you guys joke around and she irks you (Well, she spreads a really weird rumor about me).. But thinking about it, just imagine how desperate she was that she even asked for help from me.. I did give her the sanitary pad anyway, but...
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Jennie's visual in her recent whereabouts

I was like 'Hmmm..?' when I saw her in that US TV Shows.. And this is how she looked like at the airport today.. Where did the Chanel Jennie go..?ㅠㅠ There are some comments saying that she looks like a pretty pig here, I can't help but agree.. pann [+195][-127] 1. [+40][-16] Compared to other members, Jennie seems to pay special attention...
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These describe Twice Nayeon's fans really well

1. They first saw her in Like Ohh Ahh. At first, they like her because she looks like the typical beautiful idol. 2. They re-watch Sixteen and wonder why it took them a long time to discover the epitome of cuteness.. 3. And then they discover Nayeon with bangs, hmm? There would come a day where everyone would fall in love with Nayeon...
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About ITZY's Chaeryeong..

I don't think she looks ugly, though..? It's just that the other members are really beautiful and look outstanding.. But that doesn't mean Chaeryeong is ugly.. She had no make up on in this video.. She's really charming.. pann [+607][-166] 1. [+167][-21] I also think she's really pretty, but she got a lot of hate recently.. You...
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God-Joy.. Her body is on a whole different level..

instiz -Seriously, though.. Joy is literally flawless from her head to toesㅠㅠ -Sexy Dynamite..ㅠㅠㅠ -Whoa, she really does look like a mermaid.. -Her body is slim, but it looks very toned and healthy.. -I'm jealous of the fact that she doesn't have any belly fat.. -I'm going on a diet starting from today^^ -Joy really...
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