Friday, July 7, 2017

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Tiffany's phone case which is more expensive than her phone itself

instiz -As expected from my woman.. -Whoa.. It looks so pretty.. -It looks so pretty, but it's really expensive.. -Hul.. Namjoon used to use the similar phone case too.. -Move y'all.. She's mine.. -Whoa.. If I was her, I would've just used the money to buy another phone.. -I notice that she often uses that case.. Seems like it's...
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Let's take a look at Nu'est true colors

1. Kim Jonghyun and Hwang Minhyun might look like as the most 'normal' members of the group From Minhyun: Baekho-ya, I'm sorry. I ate your suitcase. ((You need to see the full video since JR is cropped from this gifㅋㅋㅋ but doesn't mean that they're actually normal. 2. Kang Dongho is way funnier on text...
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