
Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Winter, who looks legendary today, shares pictures from the university festival on Instagram

Sh's still recovering from the surgery, but she did well today👏🏻👏🏻


Take a look at how cute she is during her performance


 -She's so pretty.

-Wow, she's too beautiful.

-She did really great despite not feeling wellㅠㅠ

-I love her half-tied hair.

-She looks absolutely gorgeous...

-So cute and beautiful.

-Super adorable.

-The half-tied hair looks great on her.

-I watched the performance and she looks a bit less energetic than usual. Regardless, she did the live performance really well. Not to mention that she looked so pretty today!

-Winter is the epitome of beauty...

-It hasn't been long since her surgery, right? It must be tough to dance and sing for her during the recovery period.

-Stay healthy, Winterㅠㅠㅠ

-Minjeong-ah... Eat a lot. Rest well. Stay healthy.

-Don't be sick, puppy...

-Blonde suits her so well... She's so pretty.

-So cuteㅠㅠ Winter is still in the recovery period after the surgery, but she did the live performance really wellㅠㅠ I think she hurt her knee during Aespa's comeback stage on MCountdown. She bled while performingㅠㅠ

-Minjeong finally got some eyebrows.

Continue reading Winter, who looks legendary today, shares pictures from the university festival on Instagram

Byun Wooseok shares behind-the-scenes of You Quiz on the Block on his Instagram



-He's so handsome, seriously.

-So handsome.

-It's hard to believe he's that good-looking.

-His proportions are crazy.

-Is he even human? Did he shrink his face and lengthen his legs with Snow app? Is he an alien? He's driving me crazy...

-My boyfriend.


-I really love Byun Wooseok.

-I couldn't hear what he was saying because I was too focused on his handsome face while watching the broadcast. I'll have to watch it again tomorrow. He's really good-looking.

-His proportionsㅋㅋㅋㅋ Wowㅋㅋㅋ

-His skin is so good.

-But why was he so incredibly handsome that day? I agree with Yoo Jaesuk's commentㅋㅋㅋ

-This episode of You Quiz on the Block should be added to Byun Wooseok's filmography

-Byun Wooseok༼;´༎ຶ ۝༎ຶ`༽

-Every time I see him, I'm amazed by his proportions.

-Now, I'm a fan of Wooseok, not Sunjaeㅜㅜ

-His proportions are seriously out of this world.

-Is he really a human?

Continue reading Byun Wooseok shares behind-the-scenes of You Quiz on the Block on his Instagram

Byun Wooseok reveals his trauma from his 'nugu' days, "I had a low confidence due to the hate comments I received"

Byun Wooseok revealed that it took three years for 'Lovely Runner' to go into production. He said, "I play the lead role in this drama, but since I wasn't very well-known, the role was offered to other actors first. That's why it took three years." He continued, "I'm grateful that I was offered the role of Sunjae. As soon as I read the script, I thought to myself, 'I absolutely want to do this.' I had a strong feeling that I should give it a try."

Byun Wooseok's success didn't come overnight. He reflected on the difficult times during his 'nugu' days. He said, "There were times when I got cut off during script readings. It was traumatic. I received a lot of hate and there were times when I had low confidence." He added, "Due to my modeling background, I really love being filmed. However, as I became an actor and constantly getting scolded, I became anxious in front of cameras. I even questioned myself if this job was really meant for me."

Byun Wooseok also said, "People around me didn't say bad things, but I did hear some hurtful comments. Some told me, 'I don't think you'll make it in 4-5 years.' Ironically, things started to work out for me around 4-5 years later." He added, "When I heard those comments, I was more determined to overcome them. I didn't want to be discouraged by those words."

He continued, "Instead of staying idle, I tried to overcome my weaknesses and trauma by experiencing the field. I took on any role, no matter how small, and I think that's how I overcame it."

In an interview with the production team, Byun Wooseok also talked about the difficult times. He confessed, "There was a time when I went to a salon to get my hair done for a character, and then got a call saying, 'Sorry, we can't work together this time.'"

He added, "At that time, a group chat for the actors was created, and I said there, 'I don't think I can do this anymore.' It felt like a punch. My pride was honestly hurt, and I wondered if I would ever make it. I cried to let it out," he said. "But I think those moments made me want to do better and work harder."

-Wooseok-ah, thank you for continuing to act.

-He has a great mindset. I'm rooting for him!

-It must be hurtful to experience that... I'm glad things are going well for him now.

-Thank you for your hard work. You'll do even better in the futureㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-It seems like his acting skills are improving. I'm looking forward to his future!

-Let's do even better in the futureㅠㅠ

-Thank you for not giving up and coming to us. I'm happy to have met you.

-It's really just the beginning now.

-I bet it hurt a lot when he said goodbye and left the group chat.

-The group chatㅠㅠ If I were him, I probably would've just left quietly in the middle of the night so that no one noticesㅠㅠㅠ Hope things get even better in the future!!

-Byun Wooseok, this is just the beginning. Let's continue to be active for a long time in good health.

-Ah, it's heartbreakingㅠㅜ I'm glad things are going well.

-I'll cheer for you, Wooseok...

-Hope you become even happier and more successful. Thank you so much for hanging on there with a positive mindset even during difficult times, which has led him to Sunjaeㅠㅠ

-It's really going to get even better in the future.

-Thank you for not giving up and working hard.

Continue reading Byun Wooseok reveals his trauma from his 'nugu' days, "I had a low confidence due to the hate comments I received"

The reason Byun Wooseok can easily wake up at 7:30 in the morning even if he goes to bed at 4 a.m.

BWS: I wake up precisely at around 7:30 AM on the days 'Lovely Runner' air on TV, no matter if I went to bed at 3 or 4 AM. My eyes just open, even without an alarm. It's because the viewer ratings are usually released around 8AM. 

As soon as I wake up, I check those ratings and search for "Lovely Runner" to see how many news articles have been published. The number of articles indicates how much buzz there is. Then I search for "Byun Wooseok" to check the news and read the comments. 


-He’s adorableㅋㅋㅋ

-He’s really cute.

-He’s really, really, really, really, really, really cute.

-Ah... I really like Woo Seok.

-Byun Wooseok is so, so cute ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-I do that tooㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-He's just like me.

-I used to do that when I was obsessed with my favorite actorㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-So cute. And congratulations on the drama doing well 🎉

-He's like a fluffy puppyㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋAny hardcore fan would understand. I used to wake up around that time too to check the news about my favorite drama.

-So cute, I’m going crazy.

-I can’t stop smiling while watching this. How can someone be so adorable? ◠‿◠

-Can a 190 cm guy be this pure?

-I also wake up at 7 to check the ratings no matter when I go to bedㅋㅋㅋㅋ Actors are just like us.

Continue reading The reason Byun Wooseok can easily wake up at 7:30 in the morning even if he goes to bed at 4 a.m.

"Jung Joonyoung is preparing for immigration" His Recent Whereabouts Revealed for the First Time 64 Days After Being Released from Prison

by Journalist Kim Dohyung

During a radio interview, Journalist Kang Kyoungyoon talked about the reasons behind her participation in Burning Sun documentary that was recently released and how the late Goo Hara played a significant role in uncovering the clues behind the scandal. Additionally, recent whereabouts of Seungri and Jung Joonyoung also caught attention. 

Journalist Kang mentioned, "The documentary production began about three years ago. I received many offers for appearances, publications, and even lectures. However, I did not accept them. It was traumatic for me. However, the reason behind my participation in the documentary was the persuasion of the production team." Kang recalled the words of the production team, stating, "K-pop is really popular in Europe. If K-pop truly wants to expand globally, we need to address past events like these that have occurred in the K-pop industry." She added, "I strongly empathized with the idea that we need to address such scandal for further development (of K-pop)"

Journalist Kang also shared her thoughts on Goo Hara's contribution, which gained the most attention in the documentary. She said, "Goo Hara played a crucial role in exposing the relationship between Seungri, Jung Joonyoung, and the police. I was very concerned about how her family would perceive this. Many people misunderstand me and think that I reported this for some political reasons. That's why I had to share the process behind my report. To do so, Goo Hara's name had to be mentioned."

Regarding the recent whereabouts of Seungri and Jung Joonyoung, both have been released from prison. Seungri is reportedly focusing on business expansion rather than resuming his career as a singer, while Jung Joonyoung is said to be considering immigration. When asked, Journalist Kang replied, "I heard that he is preparing to immigrate abroad." Jung Joonyoung's whereabouts since his release on March 19 have not been widely known. This is the first time his recent whereabouts were revealed in the 64 days after he was released from prison.


-Wait, even if he gets a visa, is there a country that accepts immigrants with a criminal record??!

-Yeah, just leave and never come back to Korea.

-Is there any country that accepts scumbags like him? 

-Yeah and don't tell people that you're Korean wherever you go.

-Didn't Seungri say he'd do business in Cambodia or the Philippines? Will he follow him?

-Is getting a permanent residency that easy...?

-Go there and get shot or something.

-There may not be a country that would accept such sexual offenders, but if he can go, it's better if he disappears as soon as possible.

-In the country where I applied for permanent residency, they asked if I had ever been punished for a crime... Depending on the country of origin, there are some that ask for a criminal record document.


-Would they accept you with a criminal record? Anyway, it's probably better to stay in Korea, even though you're not wanted here.

-Is it possible to immigrate if you have a criminal record????

-Ah, please just leave Korea and take all the Burning Sun criminals with you.

-He's going abroad just to disgrace Korea again...

-If you're leaving, take your friends with you.

-Wow, it's even more surprising that it's been 64 days since his release... The sentence he received was really short.

-He lived abroad for a long time since he was young. He lived in many countries, so maybe he'll go there.

-I recommend him to immigrate to North Korea.

-How about North Korea, Junyoung?

-Even if you immigrate, people who recognize you will recognize you.

-You can immigrate as you pleaseㅋㅋㅋ With that kind of past, you won't even get a visa, let alone an entry.

-Which country accepts criminals??? Please tell me, so I won't even travel there.

Continue reading "Jung Joonyoung is preparing for immigration" His Recent Whereabouts Revealed for the First Time 64 Days After Being Released from Prison

Aespa sings 'Spicy' live raw at a university festival



-They performed 5 songs and they sang each of it live todayㅋㅋㅋㅋ They're so good

-This is a raw live performance. You can tell it's a raw live performance from the low instrument volume. 

-They're really goodㅋㅋㅋㅋ They're killing it.

-As expected, talented singers sound better in live performances.

-They're really good at live performances, I really like this group a lot.

-Their live performance is really good, they're so talented. They're the best.

-The best way to show the love they have for fans is through skills...ㅠㅠ

-What? They're really good? I knew they were good, but they're even better than I thought.

-Wow, they're really good at singing while dancing

-Their skill is top-notch.

-Wow, is there a full version of this performance?

-They've always been good, but they seem to get better every time I watch them.

-Ningning is really good.

-Winter's high notes are insane.

-They're so good, it's mind-blowing.

-Who's the gray-haired one?? She sounds exactly like the recorded version, impressive.

Continue reading Aespa sings 'Spicy' live raw at a university festival

[Queen of Tears] Newly Released Kim Soohyun, Kim Jiwon On-screen Wedding Photos

The photo book of the OST Album that was released today includes their wedding photos that have never been seen beforeㅋㅋㅋ

-They've been hiding these beautiful things and enjoying them amongst themselves.


-Seriously, please release more hidden content on Blu-rayㅠㅠㅠㅜㅠ Seeing this makes me even more impatientㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Wow, Kim Jiwon is so pretty.

-So beautiful....

-This is beyond the level of any Korean dramas...

-It's crazy... They've been hiding these...

-Crazy... I'm gonna buy it.

-Why did they hide these pictures?

-Do I need to buy this?ㅠ

-Why on earth would they hide something like this?????

-They must be crazy for keeping this to themselvesㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-It's so beautiful.

-Give us the high-quality version, pleaseㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Wow... Have a wedding again, even if you don't serve food, I'll come ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
Continue reading [Queen of Tears] Newly Released Kim Soohyun, Kim Jiwon On-screen Wedding Photos

TVXQ Korean Classic Album Showdown: 2nd Album vs 4th Album

These are their 2 Korean Full Albums that stand out the most

2nd Full Album


4th Full Album

What's your choice?

-It's so difficult ㅠㅠㅠ If I had to choose, it would be the 4th album!

-This is a really tough decision... But for me it's the 2nd album.

-It's difficult, but if I had to choose, it's the 2nd album.

-Of course, it's the 2nd album, it's really a masterpiece. Personally, I also like their 1st Korean full album.

-For sure, the 2nd album is the best..

-It's definitely the 4th album, right???

-Uh... I really can't decide.

-2nd album!! It's the album that made me got into them.

-Wow, it's really difficult.. Can't chooseㅠㅠㅠ

-Both are masterpieces, but I'll go with the 2nd album.

-After much deliberation... 2nd album.

-4th album, highly recommend "You're My Melody" and "Flower Lady."

-Both are good, but 2nd album... when you listen to it, it feels nostalgic and all, you knowㅠ

-By the way, the repackaged version of the 4th album is the real deal.

-2nd album... "Tonight" and "One"ㅠㅠ

-I'm not even a fan but I know all the songs from the 2nd albumㅋㅋ "Free Your Mind" is a killer track.
Continue reading TVXQ Korean Classic Album Showdown: 2nd Album vs 4th Album

TWICE's summer songs that receive mixed opinions from the public


'Dance the Night Away', the perfect song to enjoy a summer night party in an exciting atmosphere


'Alcohol Free', the perfect 'lazy-summer' song to listen to while relaxing at a resort

Both are really great in different styles, I guess that's why it gets mixed opinions on which one is betterㅠㅠ

-Dance the Night Away is perfect to listen to in the blazing sun, and AlcoholFree is great from to listen to around 5 PMㅋㅋㅋ

-It's so hard to chooseㅠㅠ I want to listen to Alcohol-Free while looking at the sea in Hawaii or some resort, and Dance the Night Away makes me want to dance at a festivalㅠㅠ

-TWICE, please release another summer song this year!

-Alcohol Free!

-Dance the Night Away is my favorite song of all TWICE songsㅠㅠㅠ

-Dance the Night Away!!!!

-Alcohol Free during the day, Dance the Night Away at night.

-Alcohol Free or nothing! (I love Alcohol Free that much, even though I also love Dance the Night Away. I’m just expressing it passionately because it's my favorite song.)

-For me, it's definitely Alcohol Free. Honestly, there's no song that tops this one for meㅠㅠ

-Dance the Night Away is super fun.

-Forget it! I'm going to listen to both!

-Dance the Night Away is my styleㅋㅋㅋ

-Dance the Night Away is more my style, but Alcohol Free feels like the type of song doesn't get old.

-I love both so much..

-Alcohol Free is my favorite song of all TWICE songsㅠㅠ

-The summer vibe is stronger with the latter, but I love the former more (I love both).

-Ah, I love both so much..ㅠㅠㅠ I can't choose.

-I like the vibe of Alcohol Free.

-Alcohol-Free!!!!! It always reminds me of a summer night with fireworks, a chill vibe where everyone sits, eats, drinks, and enjoys.
-TWICE, won't you release another summer song?

-Alcohol Free never gets old.

-Alcohol Free is a song I could listen to forever, I never get tired of it.

-Just hearing the intro of Alcohol Free makes me feel the night breeze.

-It's Dance the Night Away for me.

-Alcohol Free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

-Alcohol Free. Ah, no, Dance the Night Away. No, Alcohol Free.

-Dance the Night Away!! Chillax is also great.
Continue reading TWICE's summer songs that receive mixed opinions from the public

'Lovely Runner' pre-order notices, informations about content and price

For those who are eagerly awaiting the script book, we have put together some information💙💛

1. Pre-orders for the script book will start on Friday, May 24th.

2. Pre-orders will be available at three online bookstores: Yes24, Aladin, and Kyobo Bookstore.

3. The script book will be shipped in mid-July.

4. International shipping is available through <Global Yes24>. Detailed information will be posted on Friday.

5. There are limited-time special offers for each bookstore during the pre-order period. Since the pre-order period lasts until the official release in mid-July, there is plenty of time. Please be patient until Friday to find out what the special offers are. (We have been receiving a lot of DMs about thisㅠㅠ)

6. The script book is not a limited edition, so it will not be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Don’t worry about missing out on purchasing it.

7. The script book is an uncut edition, including deleted scenes and unfilmed scenes, and comes as a set of two hardcover volumes.

8. The price for the set of two volumes is 50,000 won (NB: ~$37 USD; ~Rp590,000 IDR) (Individual volumes are not sold separately.)

9. The script book includes printed autographs and messages from the writer and the actors (Kim Hyeyoon, Byun Wooseok, Song Gunhee, Lee Seunghyub).

10. The script book also contains interviews with the writer and actors (Kim Hyeyoon, Byun Wooseok).

11. The cover is amazing!👍

12. After the paper book is published, an e-book version is planned, but the exact schedule has not been decided yet. Once it is decided, we will announce it on Instagram.


-They’re releasing an e-book too, nice.

-I want to buy itㅠㅠ

-It’s such a great deal.

-I have to buy it!!

-Scriptbooks are pretty pricey too...

-It’s a bit pricey, 50,000 won for 2 volumes.

-I’ll buy it.. I’ll definitely buy it..

-So excited.

-Wow, I’ve never bought a script book before, but I really want to buy this one.

-Different special offers at each bookstore?

-Regular script books are usually around 30,000-40,000 won, but this is probably more expensive because it’s hardcover.

-I’ll buy both the paper book and the e-bookㅋㅋㅋ

-Let's make it a bestseller.

-For 50,000 won with special offers included for 2 hardcover volumes, the price is reasonable.

-Oh! Definitely buying~~~

-Kyaaah, I just bought the OST, ready to spend more money, come on!

-It’s really cheap.

Continue reading 'Lovely Runner' pre-order notices, informations about content and price

The article that was released before BELIFT Lab announces that they're suing Min Heejin

by Journalist Yoon Hyejin

Did ILLIT really copy New Jeans?

The girl group ILLIT, which debuted with their first mini-album 'SUPER REAL ME' on March 25th, is under the HYBE-affiliated label BELIFT Lab. The members were selected through the survival program 'I-LAND', with Bang Sihyuk serving as the chairman and producing their debut album. Despite debuting about 6 months after the end of the audition program, ILLIT has set various records by combining extensive promotion as the 'HYBE youngest daughter' with TikTok-sensational songs, reminiscent of the Y2K era, and a dreamy-and-innocent concept with a hint of alpha vibes.

However, it is undeniable that there were opinions suggesting similarities between New Jeans and ILLIT's concept. At first glance, there are three points that the public may feel are similar: the number of members, hairstyles, and choreography. Both groups consist of 5 members, including 2 overseas members each. The number of members can be the reason why they give a similar impression in choreography or group photoshoots. Also, all five members of ILLIT had long black hair styled uniformly to showcase their innocence, similar to when New Jeans first debuted with 'Attention'. Of course, long-black hair is not a unique style that only New Jeans has. However, the narrative changes when they use their long hair as a point in choreography. In fact, the choreography in ILLIT's song 'My World', where members sweep their hair after turning around, is similar to the choreography movements in New Jeans 'Attention'. In addition to this movement, there were discussions about the similarities to the choreography of New Jeans' 'Ditto' and LE SSERAFIM's 'EASY'. Furthermore, even in ILLIT's recent song 'Lucky Girl Syndrome (Sped Up)', similar hand movements to New Jeans' McDonald's CM song choreography can be seen.

Even though their concepts may be similar, but it's tricky to claim this as a legal issue

However, it's not easy to determine plagiarism just because the concepts are similar. Kim Taehwan, an intellectual property specialist at the law firm Daeryun, said, "When considering ILLIT and New Jeans as individual products, there is a high likelihood of similarity." He explained, "However, to assess whether there is a violation of copyright, we need to examine whether they are infringing on copyright or violating the Unfair Competition Prevention Act based on legal judgment."

Concepts, in the realm of 'ideas', are not protected under copyright law. Copyright law distinguishes between 'ideas and expressions', protecting only the 'expression' while not protecting the 'idea' itself. In this case, if similarities are detected in the music, choreography, and photoshoot, then it may be considered as a copyright infringement. However, Lawyer Kim Taehwan said, "The lyrics and melodies of the songs of the two groups are different, and there are many differences in the individual choreography according to the flow of music." He said, "If this were to proceed as a copyright infringement lawsuit, there would likely be multiple legal defense arguments, making it difficult to recognize copyright infringement."

Is it normal for groups under the same label to have similarities?

Actually, when it comes to the similarity in concepts, the opinions among industry insiders are divided on the question of whether it's okay for labels under the same parent company to cause plagiarism controversies like this. Critic Kim Young-dae expressed regret on the "Amplified" podcast, saying, "Right now, HYBE should be leading the way, but instead of presenting something new, they're repeatedly creating the most perfect state they can achieve."

However, some think it's not a problem since both groups are under the same label. One industry insider said, "Just like how Samsung uses their previous phones as references when they make new phones, idol groups released by the same company should be allowed to have similarities." He continued, "Even if Min Heejin is currently leading another group, she originally joined HYBE in 2019 as the Chief Brand Officer (CBO). HYBE would naturally want to use Min Heejin's abilities in all of their groups."

So, if another group from another subsidiary label used New Jeans' formula to benefit their own self as a whole, would this be legally acceptable? Currently, each label under HYBE handles content production, while promotion and legal matters are handled by the parent company, HYBE. 


-If it's normal for groups under the same label to have similarities, why even bother having subsidiary labels?

-HYBE is seriously so annoying. They're ruining K-pop.

-Why is similarity considered normal?ㅋㅋㅋ I mean, does that even make sense?

-Does it matter if there's a legal problem or not? Seriouslyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-We all have eyes, you know.

-'Is it normal for groups under the same label to have similarities?' If it's normal, why bother having subsidiary labels?? I mean.. They're from different companies, aren't they? Each one is an independent label.

-What's going on with all this....?

-The second-hand embarrassment is real right nowㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-A subsidiary label under HYBE is imitating a group from another subsidiary label under HYBE. Isn't that weird enough already?

-Why is HYBE's side so full of nonsense?ㅋㅋㅋ

-HYBE = Pathetic

-I'm never going to support HYBE again.

-They're just so pathetic... and petty....
Continue reading The article that was released before BELIFT Lab announces that they're suing Min Heejin

Byun Wooseok: I cried a lot reading the script for the 16th episode of Lovely Runner


Byun Wooseok shares his thoughts on the 'Sunjae craze', reveals the behind-the-scenes stories of the 3-year-long production, casting anecdotes, and also his experiences filming with co-star Kim Hyeyoon. 

Byun Wooseok expresses his deep affection for 'Lovely Runner', describing the drama as a very special project to him. He unveils that he cried a lot while reading the script for the 16th episode, building curiosity about the story. 

As Byun Wooseok transforms into the 'Nation's Sweet-heart', his confession style in real life attracts attention. In this episode, he also shares stories from his early days as a rookie model and the hardships of his 'nugu' days before landing his first lead role in 'Lovely Runner'. He also shares heartwarming stories of his family. 


-Sunjae, noooㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Why did he cry.. I'm suddenly feeling anxiousㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-What happens in episode 16!!!?!

-Maybe he cried because he was happy (I'm nervous)

-He probably cried because he was so happy

-You cried because you were happy, right? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Why!!! Why are you crying!!!ㅠㅠㅜㅜㅜ But with their story, it's impossible not to cry


-It’s the last episode, so he must have felt emotional and criedㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-He probably cried because he was overwhelmed and happyㅋㅋㅋ Ah, I’m looking forward to You Quiz on the Block today

-No way... It's not a sad ending, right?!

-Next week is really the end.... How will I live nowㅜ

-Ah, the final episode is next week

-He must have cried because he was movedㅋㅋㅋㅋ Don't worry, guys, Byun Wooseok is just a really emotional person

-Please don't let it be a sad ending

-It’s because he’s happy, right? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Thank you for being Ryu Sunjae

-He always cries during the last episodeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Byun Wooseok cries a lot....
Continue reading Byun Wooseok: I cried a lot reading the script for the 16th episode of Lovely Runner
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BELIFT Lab's Announcement (They're suing Min Heejin)

Hello, this is BELIFT Lab.

Today, May 22nd, we have filed a complaint against CEO Min Heejin for obstruction of business and defamation, due to her one-sided false claims causing harm to our company and our affiliated artists.

We clearly state that the plagiarism allegations made by CEO Min regarding our artist, ILLIT, are not true. We have submitted evidence to the authorities that proves these allegations are false, and although it may take some time, we will clarify the truth through proper legal procedures.

The determination of plagiarism concerning intellectual property should be based on reasonable standards and procedures, not on individual, distorted interpretations. We express our regret that our artists and members' efforts and achievements are being undervalued due to baseless speculations and false claims.

Furthermore, despite the fact that this issue is unrelated to ILLIT, the members of ILLIT are suffering from severe malicious comments, humiliation, and personal attacks. We earnestly request that the unfounded insults, malicious slander, false information dissemination, and defamatory attacks on our artists cease immediately.

We will do our best to protect our artists and members.

Thank you.


-Min Heejin only brought this topic up internally. HYBE was the one who brought this up to the public for the media play. Why blame Min Heejin?ㅋㅋㅋ If they want to sue, it's HYBE who they should sue. They were the ones who created fake news to attack Min Heejin.

-They should blame HYBE for leaking this to the mediaㅋㅋㅋ

-Wow, so shameless.

-They should sue HYBE. They were the ones who leaked the internal report to the media.

-Ok. So who followed that Twitter account?

-What are they even saying? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Shameless.

-I hope they go bankrupt. I uninstalled Weverse and unsubscribed from everything. From this second on, I will only support New Jeans. Everything else they do is just so off-putting. This isn’t a big company, it’s just like a neighborhood business who is run by a petty old man.

-Wow, how much lower can they go? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


-HYBE is trash. They tried to accuse her of breach of trust to get rid of her, and when she fought back, they sued her for defamation. Min Heejin, stay strong!

-Instead of apologizing, they sue? This is ridiculousㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-These thieves are so shameless.

-Who’s suing who? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I’m not surprised at all.

-Wow, look at how shameless they are.

-Shameless. I hope they go bankrupt.

-ㅋㅋㅋ I’ll never support them again.

-Is it okay that their official account followed an account that bashes other artists? ㅎㅎ They should explain that first.

Continue reading BELIFT Lab's Announcement (They're suing Min Heejin)