
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

TVXQ Korean Classic Album Showdown: 2nd Album vs 4th Album

These are their 2 Korean Full Albums that stand out the most

2nd Full Album


4th Full Album

What's your choice?

-It's so difficult ㅠㅠㅠ If I had to choose, it would be the 4th album!

-This is a really tough decision... But for me it's the 2nd album.

-It's difficult, but if I had to choose, it's the 2nd album.

-Of course, it's the 2nd album, it's really a masterpiece. Personally, I also like their 1st Korean full album.

-For sure, the 2nd album is the best..

-It's definitely the 4th album, right???

-Uh... I really can't decide.

-2nd album!! It's the album that made me got into them.

-Wow, it's really difficult.. Can't chooseㅠㅠㅠ

-Both are masterpieces, but I'll go with the 2nd album.

-After much deliberation... 2nd album.

-4th album, highly recommend "You're My Melody" and "Flower Lady."

-Both are good, but 2nd album... when you listen to it, it feels nostalgic and all, you knowㅠ

-By the way, the repackaged version of the 4th album is the real deal.

-2nd album... "Tonight" and "One"ㅠㅠ

-I'm not even a fan but I know all the songs from the 2nd albumㅋㅋ "Free Your Mind" is a killer track.