
Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Byun Wooseok shares behind-the-scenes of You Quiz on the Block on his Instagram



-He's so handsome, seriously.

-So handsome.

-It's hard to believe he's that good-looking.

-His proportions are crazy.

-Is he even human? Did he shrink his face and lengthen his legs with Snow app? Is he an alien? He's driving me crazy...

-My boyfriend.


-I really love Byun Wooseok.

-I couldn't hear what he was saying because I was too focused on his handsome face while watching the broadcast. I'll have to watch it again tomorrow. He's really good-looking.

-His proportionsㅋㅋㅋㅋ Wowㅋㅋㅋ

-His skin is so good.

-But why was he so incredibly handsome that day? I agree with Yoo Jaesuk's commentㅋㅋㅋ

-This episode of You Quiz on the Block should be added to Byun Wooseok's filmography

-Byun Wooseok༼;´༎ຶ ۝༎ຶ`༽

-Every time I see him, I'm amazed by his proportions.

-Now, I'm a fan of Wooseok, not Sunjaeㅜㅜ

-His proportions are seriously out of this world.

-Is he really a human?
