
Thursday, May 2, 2024

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IVE Jang Wonyoung and Wonyoung-istic Thinking


Today was really dull, but thanks to MCountdown, if I endure just one more day, it's already the weekend! Totally lucky Vicky~

Pessimistically Optimistic: The glass is half empty (but at least it's not empty)

Optimistically Pessimistic: The glass is half full (and it sucks that it's not full)

Wonyoung-istic thinking: I was planning to drink water right after practice, and only half a glass of water is left!! It's too much to finish, but too little to leave. I was hoping exactly for half a glass of water. Totally lucky Vicky~

The person in front of me bought all the bread left. Luckily, I ended up getting the freshly baked ones. The goddess of luck is truly on my side. 


-I'm also totally lucky Vicky because I get to see Wonyoung's face and hear her voice 💕

-Wow, it's the first time I've seen Wonyoung looking shy, it's so cute 🍀

-Seriously, she's so cute ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅠ

-Ah, so adorable!!!!!!!!!! She's so cute I wanna eat her up!!!!!!!!!!

-I'm totally lucky Vicky to see cute Wonyoung today 

-She's a princess, reallyㅠㅠㅜ

-The last one is super cute, seriouslyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-She's too beautiful and cute for this world

-Ah, I wish she was my daughter

-Lucky Vicky Wonyoung... So cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Lucky Vicky~~ She's totally making me smile...

-Ah, she got me smiling like crazy on the subway, damnㅋㅋㅋ

ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'm Lucky Vicky just watching this videoㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Wow, what's with that tone, it's really lovelyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-So charming and cute...

-My baby's so cute...

-Princess Vicky is seriously so cuteㅠㅠㅠ

-She makes me happy

-Ah, cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I've never seen her shy like thisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Just being able to see her makes me happy, I'm thankful for her existence.

-Princess... I hope you had Lucky Vicky day today 🍀

Continue reading IVE Jang Wonyoung and Wonyoung-istic Thinking
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HYBE's CEO, Park Jiwon, Apologizes to Shareholders... Mentions Improvement on Multi-label System

by Reporter Kim Yujin

Park Jiwon, CEO of HYBE, personally addressed and apologized for the recent controversy involving Min Heejin, CEO of ADOR, during HYBE's First Quarter Earnings Conference Call 2024 held on the 2nd. 

He stated, "We have confirmed the facts through the audit process and will take necessary measures regarding this matter." Regarding the multi-label system, he added, "HYBE has grown through the multi-label system after so many trials and errors. While this incident may raise doubt about our multi-label system, we will continue to improve."

On the same day, HYBE stated, "The legal procedures related to recent issues are currently underway, therefore we will refrain from commenting on any related questions."


-What, you're only sorry only to shareholders?

-Why did you deceive us? Did you mess up the gaming industry like this too?

-Don't ruin the entertainment industry and just go away.

-If you still think firing one person will solve everything, you're stupid for real.

-Seriously, get lost.

-Labels should be run like Kakao, you guys are failures.

-How can shareholders trust your label after seeing this mess?

-Instead of apologies, resign.

-Bang Sihyuk, Park Jiwon, and other executives should all leave.

-Honestly, what role does Park Ji-won have? What tasks are assigned to him? What did he actually do this time?

-If you're really sorry, resign.

-If you're sorry, show it through action... Leave.

-It would be better if you leave.

-Only caring about shareholders, huh?ㅋㅋㅋ

-Take responsibility and leave.

-Only shareholders matter for you?

-He's really ncompetent and have no conscience

-You really can't do your job, huh?

Continue reading HYBE's CEO, Park Jiwon, Apologizes to Shareholders... Mentions Improvement on Multi-label System

SEVENTEEN Maestro Full Group & Individuals MCountdown Fancam

 Group fancam

Individual fancam


-The camera work in the actual performance is hilariousㅋㅋㅋ

-They're really doing well. MCountdown, reflect on this. Did you really have to shoot the choreography like that?

-Cutting to the crowd instead of the dance break...

-Wow, the fans' cheers are so loudㅋㅋㅋ They're cheering so well.

-Wow, the choreo is so intenseㅋㅋㅋ

-Wow, they're killing it.

-Wow, the fans' cheers are really loudㅋㅋㅋ

-The live sounds even better on the fancam.

-Wow, it looks much better on the fancam, the choreo is really intense...

-Wow... How did they come up with that choreography?

-The live performance is insane.....

-Fortunately, the cheers are well heard on the full cam. It's rewarding to have shouted so hard after watching the live broadcast with such low volume.

-This is K-pop.

-Did Coups lose weight?

-The choreo is insaneㅋㅋㅋ It's different from watching the music video.

-It's so cool, seriously.

-Coups and Jeonghan are so gentleㅜㅜ They said their legs hurt, they worked hardㅜㅠ

-I can't stop watching, the live performance is insaneㄷㄷㄷ
Continue reading SEVENTEEN Maestro Full Group & Individuals MCountdown Fancam

IVE Performs HEYA for the First Time on MCountdown


-It's great to have live performances right from the first week...

-The stage set is amazing, the concept is good, and the performance is really good too.

-The choreography is good, and all the members are really pretty and talented

-The outfits are unique and good, and so is the song.

-The stage and outfits are nice, but the pants are disappointing.

-The pants are a bit disappointing, but everything else is pretty. The hair accessories are gorgeous, and the stage setting too.

-Wonyoung, how much more beautiful do you want to get???

-The main vocalist is extremely pretty.

-The main vocalist is really good at live performances.

-The singing, styling, and the girls'' live performances are all really, really good, but I'm a bit disappointed with the choreography...ㅠㅠ I think it would have been better if they had gone for a more hip-hop style.

-The main vocalist really stands out this time.

-The choreography doesn't seem to suit them, it's bland... Besides that, the girls are too pretty and good at singing, everything's great!!

-Princess Wonyoung is so lovely.

-Even though they still used AR here, it seems like they're putting in a lot of effort to perform live, which is good.

-Oh, it's not lipsyncing?? It seems like they've improved a lot in live performances, they're good.

-Among the 4th Gen idols, IVE seems to be the most hardworking on stage.

Continue reading IVE Performs HEYA for the First Time on MCountdown
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SEVENTEEN Woozi with Samuel🪄 MAESTRO Challenge


Seventeen practically raised Samuel


-Wow, it's been so long since the last time I sawSamuelㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Wasn't he in Produce 101?

-Wow, this is somehow touching.

-He's the kid that Seventeen raisedㅠㅠㅠㅠ So good to see that he's been doing well.

-No way, he was smaller than Jihoon... He's grown so muchㅠㅠㅠ I heard he's making a comebackㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Wow, it's so nice to see Samuel again.

-It's been so long since I saw Samuel and Woozi together, it feels nostalgic.

-Wow, what's Samuel up to these days? ㅠㅠ

-Wow, Woozi is working hardㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-He's the kid Jihoon used to carry around ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-That baby was smaller than Wooziㅜㅜㅜㅜ

-Samuel was raised by SEVENTEENㅠ He was even smaller than Woozi, but he grew up wellㅠㅠ

-Oh right, they trained together. It's been a long time I saw Samuel.

-He grew up a lotㅠㅠ

-Wow, Samuel... ㅠㅠ It's nice to see he's still doing well.

-Samuelㅠㅠ Jihoon used to carry him around so much... It's good to see himㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-He was really such a little baby.

Continue reading SEVENTEEN Woozi with Samuel🪄 MAESTRO Challenge
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Kim Jaejoong Shocked When IVE Leeseo, Born in 2007, Addressed Him as 'Uncle' ... "Hurts My Heart"

by Reporter Jung Eunchae

The youngest member of IVE, Leeseo, introduced herself, saying "I'm 17 years old in Korean age. I was born in 2007." Kim Jaejoong, who was born in 1986, was taken aback to hear that, saying, "So there's a 21-year age difference between us."

Then, when Leeseo said she wanted to address Kim Jaejoong as 'Uncle', he responded, "Hearing 'Uncle Jaejoong' hurts my heart." In response, Leeseo suggested, "Should I call you Oppa then?" However, Kim Jaejoong replied, "No, that's not it either. It feels a bit strange. Don't force it. You can call me 'Ajusshi', or even 'Grandfather'"


-Wow... He's old enough to be her father🥲

-Still, he said it's a bit strange to have her call him Oppaㅋㅋㅋ

-Uncle Jaejoongㅋㅋㅋ But when she tried calling him 'Oppa,' he immediately said that's not itㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-????????? 21-year difference?

-I understand how he feels. When someone calls me 'Aunt', it feels weird because they're not my niece or nephewㅋㅋㅋ It's not like I want to be called 'Unnie' either, but it just doesn't feel right, you know?ㅋㅋㅋ

-I get what he means. Maybe calling him 'Sunbae' would be better.


-What do you mean 'Grandfather'?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Just calling them 'Sunbae' would be fineㅋㅋ

-Leeseo looks mature and Kim Jaejoong just doesn't age... So the 21-year age difference doesn't look obvious at allㅋㅋㅋ It's not a big deal!!

-With that age gap, calling him 'Oppa' doesn't make senseㅠㅋㅋ 'Uncle' or 'Sunbae' would be better.

-The article title is written to stir up controversyㅋㅋ If you don't read the article, you'll misunderstand.

-But really, Kim Jaejoong takes care of himself wellㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He doesn't seem like an old man ㅠㅠ

-Honestly, 'Oppa' just doesn't sound right. Isn't the word 'Sunbae' more fitting at times like this?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Continue reading Kim Jaejoong Shocked When IVE Leeseo, Born in 2007, Addressed Him as 'Uncle' ... "Hurts My Heart"

The song that is said to sound similar to ILLIT's song


-Oh no...

-There's a part that feels oddly similar.

-The melody in the beginning seems similar.

-Wow, it's exactly the same.

-Isn't it sampling?

-They definitely sampled when making the song, although it's not necessarily agreed upon in terms of copyright - that's plagiarism.

-Isn't it too short to call it plagiarism?

-It's the same...? The melody line is too identical.

-The intro is too similar.

-It's not just similar, it's exactly the sameㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-They probably did this on purpose? Aiming for noise marketing.

-If it's sampling, usually they introduce the song in the description. Like, "This track is sampled from another song."

-It's too identical, it must have been bought, it can't be real.

-They probably just gonna try to quiet this down with money again.

-Isn't this insane?????

-If it's this similar, it's likely sampling, but wouldn't it be mentioned in the album credits?

-Wow... Again???? What is HYBE doing as a company?? It seems like they can't produce anything without copying from someone else.

-I'm not sure what the legal standard for plagiarism is, but it can't be this similar by chance..

-They might have bought the same melody sample for both songs.
Continue reading The song that is said to sound similar to ILLIT's song
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Aespa Steps on Everything and Heads to Kwangya... First Full Group Appearance on 'Amazing Saturday'


Aespa is set to guest on Amazing Saturday. 

According to DongA.com, Aespa will be filming on May 3rd. However the airing date is yet to be confirmed, most likely to be aligned with their comeback schedule to attract viewers.



-Wow, full group

-Wow, amazingㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-The titleㅋㅋㅋ Looks like this will be the meme of the yearㅋㅋ Gotta watch 'Amazing Saturday' after a long time, I think Karina will do wellㅋㅋ

-I've been waiting for this

-Why is the title like thatㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Wow, so excited!!!!!!

-Awesome, can't wait to see these ultra-beautiful talented singers.

-Let's step on 'Amazing Saturday'~~~

-Step on them all, Aespa!!!

Continue reading Aespa Steps on Everything and Heads to Kwangya... First Full Group Appearance on 'Amazing Saturday'

Talking About Her Dad Throughout the Show ... Shin Seulgi is Nothing Without the Stories of Her Dad, Who Owns a Building Worth of 100 Billion KRW

by Reporter Ryu Yeji

Shin Seulgi talked about her father more than she talked about herself. It seems like the show invited the wrong guest. Shin Seulgi's father, Shin Yongho, should've been the one sitting in the guest seat. 

Throughout the broadcast, Shin Seulgi only shared episodes about her father, Shin Yongho, a director of a plastic surgery clinic. From the moment she introduced herself, she didn't leave out stories about her father. She even revealed his real name. She said, 'My dad is friends with senior Kim Gukjin. They've gone golfing together several times. My dad usually doesn't praise others much, but he praised senior Kim Gukjin for being good at golf.'

She continued, saying, "My father is a renowned plastic surgeon known for his medical volunteer work. He personally performed surgery on a child from Myanmar who had a large growth on her head." Then she added, "But actually, I only knew that my dad was a doctor, I didn't know the details until now. It's fascinating."

Hearing this, Kim Gura asked, "Did your father have a big plastic surgery clinic in Gangnam?" Shin Seulgi replied, "Well, something like that, but I don't know much about it..." Then Kim Gura asked, "He's kinda wealthy, right?" Shin Seulgi replied, "Yes... people... call me 'diamond spoons'." 

Shin Seulgi continued, "In everyday life, I don't feel anything special... But one day, I just called my dad. But then my dad was panting on the other end of the phone. So I asked, 'Dad, what are you doing?' And he said, 'I'm currently racing penguins in Antarctica.' So I asked, 'What are you talking about?' And my dad said he went to Antarctica to run a marathon." She recalled the incident at that time.

She continued, "My dad has a strong sense of adventure, so he even climbed up to 5,800m of Everest. Because of that, I was really worried about my dad's endless challenges, but he said, 'There's one thing you don't know. When you go to Antarctica, there's a cruise ship nearby, and when you go to Everest, there's a helicopter. So, you don't have to worry at all.'"

Despite being someone who could easily rise to stardom with her own abilities and talents, she continued to emphasize her plastic surgeon father and her family's wealth as her selling points.

Some actors have deliberately hidden the fact that they are celebrities' children and have produced results with their own abilities.  What the public wants to know is not about Shin Yongho's credentials, but Shin Seulgi who just made her debut. 


-She really did talk a lot about her dad

-I watched it and it seems like all she did was to answer the questions she was asked. But somehow, stories about her dad are the only ones that aired on TV.

-I'm sure she talked about other things, too. There must've been some editing.

-Who is this?

-Why so mean? She was just answering questions the panelists asked her.

-The title is really mean...

-If you're jealous, say it
 ㄴHonestly, I'm really jealous

-It seems like the reporter got really jealous...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Anyway, she did really well in Pyramid Game

-The article was so maliciously-written

-Maybe she was invited to talk about her background? Or maybe she's a newcomer who doesn't have any hit works yet?

-It's 'Radio Star', she only answered questions she was askedㅋㅋㅋ Reporters write articles so maliciously to gain views these days

-The reporter must've been quite envious to write this...

-Yeji, if you're jealous, just say it~

-The reporter is so mean;; I watched the whole show and that was the only thing the MCs asked her. 

-Her dad owns a building worth 100 Billion KRW, it's worth boasting aboutㅋㅋㅋ

Continue reading Talking About Her Dad Throughout the Show ... Shin Seulgi is Nothing Without the Stories of Her Dad, Who Owns a Building Worth of 100 Billion KRW
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ADOR (CEO Min Heejin)'s Official Statement

We would like to provide an accurate account of HYBE's claims.

We express deep regret that once again, at a crucial moment when New Jeans new album was announced, we had to release a statement not about them, but with other news.

ADOR has repeatedly requested, in conversations with the media, that HYBE refrain from spreading issues other than artist-related news to prevent issues that could harm New Jeans. HYBE previously stated that they would not argue against Min Heejin's press conference. However, we express deep disappointment and regret at HYBE's decision to resume arguing through the media shortly after.

Despite HYBE's rebuttal, ADOR did not respond in order to protect the value of artist activities. But with ongoing confusion caused by unverified issues, ADOR would like to clarify the accurate facts regarding the current controversy.

1. Regarding the alleged seizure of management rights:

HYBE's claim of "seizure of management rights" is a baseless and groundless assertion. Furthermore, the evidence presented is not aimed at seizing management rights but rather emerged from ongoing conflicts with HYBE. We once again emphasize that there were no specific plans or actions aimed at seizing management rights.

As gratitude began and the negative public opinion intensified, a vice-president deeply concerned about Min Heejin's safety visited key executives of HYBE to request an end to the one-sided public opinion warfare. However, HYBE executives responded by saying, "This isn't the time to worry about Min Heejin. If you get sued, as the person responsible, how will you bear the damages? Think about your family," pressuring the vice-president to cooperate with HYBE. They made the vice-president sign a consent form under psychological pressure, assuring that there would be no problem if they cooperated. The next day, the contents of the vice-president's KakaoTalk were exposed in the media. This is a serious invasion of privacy and a violation of human rights.

Recently, Min Heejin's legal representative, inquiring at the Yongsan Police Station for the submission of evidence, confirmed that the vice-president, who was the author of the document, had been excluded as a defendant.

HYBE maliciously misrepresented the conversation without considering the context, making it appear as if Min Heejin's original intention was to seize management rights, and deliberately publicized it extensively in the media. Min Heejin's statement, "This should be a private conversation," was also manipulated, as it had no relevance to the content being misrepresented.

2. Regarding Financial Compensation

Previously, Min Heejin stated in the press conference that her compensation was not a salary but rather an "incentive" of 20 billion won. This was compensation for achieving 335 billion won in operating profit within two years of ADOR's establishment.

As mentioned in the press conference, the issue raised regarding the calculation of incentives was not about the amount itself, but about the criteria for determining incentives and the transparency of that decision-making process. Min Heejin felt that HYBE's criteria for determining incentives were unclear, and there was a lack of clear explanation regarding the process of calculating incentives.

Distorting the facts regarding these incentives and mentioning Min Heejin's salary, incentives, and stock rewards while clouding the issue is nothing but an attempt by HYBE to frame Min Heejin as being motivated by financial greed.

3. Regarding Internal Whistleblowing and Audit Process

On April 22nd at 10:00 AM, Park Jiwon as the CEO of HYBE, reportedly responded to ADOR's internal whistleblowing email. At the same time, HYBE initiated an audit by seizing the representative's laptop. Additionally, HYBE sent a letter demanding the resignation of Min Heejin and requesting a shareholders' meeting. Then, news articles about HYBE's sudden activation of audit rights over Adoer's management were reported consecutively just a few hours later. The next day, articles continued to be published almost like a live broadcast due to HYBE's aggressive media activity targeting individuals. HYBE, we'd like to ask: What response did you provide to Min Heejin's internal whistleblowing email?

Furthermore, we'd like to ask: What kind of audit process for a publicly traded company involves publicly disclosing audit content and editing reports with unverified information as if it were a live broadcast? Moreover, artists under HYBE's labels were about to make comebacks.

This activation of audit rights is causing serious disruption to the work of Min Heejin and ADOR's employees who have been working day and night ahead of New Jeans' comeback. HYBE claims to provide new laptops immediately and download existing data to ensure smooth workflow, but this is not true. The representatives' laptops were seized without even allowing time to download existing work materials. The seizure process was also unreasonable.

4. Regarding HYBE's Promise to Debut New Jeans as their First Girl Group

HYBE has publicly designated New Jeans as Min Heejin's girl group and HYBE's first girl group since the "Plus Global Audition." This is a fact that New Jeans' parents and former ADOR employees all remember as witnesses. Eventually, with the addition of Sakura and Chaewon, HYBE debuted LE SSERAFIM as their first girl group, failing to keep their promise. Even though it has been revealed that HYBE did not keep its promise, HYBE continues to make false claims without hesitation. At that time, Min Heejin relinquished her shares and requested the establishment of ADOR, enduring various disputes during its establishment and relocating New Jeans members to ADOR for debut.

Despite the truth about New Jeans' debut process, HYBE persists in lying about the fact that "due to the company's split and the transfer of contracts, the debut schedule of New Jeans was inevitably delayed regardless of HYBE's intentions."

5. Regarding the Part Where HYBE Forbid Min Heejin to Promote New Jeans' Debut

HYBE expressed concerns about the possibility of Sakura joining Source Music and information about the composition of New Jeans members being exposed simultaneously, this is not only untrue but also logically inconsistent.

It's not clear how stating that ADOR debut team is "composed only of rookies" is related to Sakura joining Source Music or why the revelation of ADOR's debut member composition would be problematic.

HYBE justified that "setting a minimum promotional period was decided due to the consecutive debut timing of the two teams, which lacked sufficient time for adequate promotion," but there was no such agreement. At that time, HYBE wanted to create confusion in the market by suggesting that LE SSERAFIM could be Min Heejin's girl group, leading to Park Jiwon, the CEO, openly asking Min Heejin not to promote New Jeans through phone calls and social media. This fact is confirmed by the SNS conversation records between Park Jiwon and Min Heejin, yet HYBE continues to change its stance, offering unrelated reasons.

6. Regarding Slave Contract

Min Heejin is not denying the necessity of the non-compete clause itself. As the representative of a company engaged in the entertainment business, she is well aware that engaging in competing businesses during the term of employment and for a certain period thereafter can be prohibited. However, the subject matter and duration of the non-compete clause should be reasonable, which is not the case with the current shareholder agreement.

Contrary to the official statement on April 25th, HYBE's rebuttal issued on April 26th, which was distributed to the media, shifted the responsibility for informing about the shareholder agreement to Min Heejin, while also partially disclosing its contents and refuting them.

The current unfairness of the shareholder agreement lies primarily in the fact that Min Heejin should be freed from the non-compete obligation once she no longer holds shares, and it would be natural for anyone to seek to rectify such unfairness. HYBE claims in its rebuttal that it responded last December, saying, "There were differences in interpretation regarding the sales-related provisions in the contract, and we will resolve the ambiguous provisions," but the content is not ambiguous to any legal professional, and Min Heejin must continue to bear the obligation of non-compete until she obtains HYBE's consent to dispose of all shares. While HYBE claims to have responded last December that it would resolve the ambiguous provisions, it was not until mid-March of this year that a proposal containing this content was received.

7. Regarding other follow-up reports related to the shareholder agreement.

After HYBE's rebuttal, numerous follow-up reports confirmed through the media have been rampant with speculation and distortions regarding the shareholder agreement. To clarify any further misunderstandings:

HYBE is deceiving by claiming that Min Heejin demanded a 30-fold multiplier regarding the put option, insinuating that the current conflict stems from financial motives. However, the 30-fold multiplier was a proposal reflecting the future value of producing a boy group and was just one of many proposals during the process of amending the shareholder agreement, not a priority item in negotiations and was fraught with various unreasonable elements.

Furthermore, HYBE promised Min Heejin an additional 10% stake in ADOR through stock options upon signing the shareholder agreement in March last year. However, legal advice revealed that stock options cannot be granted to Min Heejin as a major shareholder under corporate law. These stock options were not requested by Min Heejin but were proposed by HYBE. Min Heejin could not erase the judgment that HYBE had deceived her. It was a matter of 'trust.'

HYBE proposed lifting the non-compete obligation, and it is untrue that Min Heejin refused this. HYBE proposed that she serve mandatory employment for eight years and bear a non-compete obligation for one year after retirement, and the foot options would be exercised gradually in line with this period. However, amid the negotiations of the shareholder agreement, the issue of ILLIT arose, which continues to the present day. Min Heejin has not conveyed her position regarding HYBE's proposal. It is untrue that Min Heejin expressed her refusal.

8. Regarding Min Heejin's acquaintance who's a shaman

The success of New Jeans and the remarkable achievements of ADOR achieved in a short period of time are based on rational management decisions. 

The origin of ADOR's sales and operating profit is due to preventing unnecessary expenses, efficiently managing budgets, and simultaneously working hard to enhance brand image, thus increasing its value. If it were possible as they claim, why would CEO Min Heejin and the members of ADOR work tirelessly day and night?

It's pathetic that HYBE, which should lead K-POP, not only attempted to frame it for personal defamation purposes unrelated to the issue, but also announced it just before CEO Min Heejin's press conference.

9. Regarding HYBE's treatment towards New Jeans

It was HYBE that announced the sudden audit on April 22 without even knowing the audit results, let alone having concrete evidence, alleging impossible claims like "seizing management rights," and triggering this issue before New Jeans comeback without even attempting to understand ADOR's position internally.

HYBE claims to have suggested "not mentioning the artists." If they deemed that bringing up issues that could be quietly resolved internally and attacking Min Heejin and ADOR externally wouldn't affect New Jeans' brand value, it's a fallacy to cover up their own misjudgments in management. 

I hope the above helps dispel further speculation and misunderstanding.



-Please let Cinderella wins. 

-I'm cheering for you🐰

-Nicely written.

-'At that time, HYBE wanted to create confusion in the market by suggesting that LE SSERAFIM could be Min Heejin's girl group, leading to Park Jiwon, the CEO, openly asking Min Heejin not to promote New Jeans through phone calls and social media.' Oh my God...

-It matches the content of the press conference. Unlike HYBE, which releases articles with inconsistent statements, always changing their words. 

-As time goes by, HYBE looks more and more pathetic. Min Heejin, fighting.

-But if the conflict deepens like this, ADOR will ultimately suffer... It seems like the legal battle needs to end quickly, although it hasn't even started yet.

-HYBE, you damn thugs.

-HYBE is really going downhill

-Are they crazy? Threatening the vice president's family??

-HYBE, just go to hell.

-"Think about your family." What's that? Are they gangsters?

Continue reading ADOR (CEO Min Heejin)'s Official Statement

'Sunjae-ya' Byun Wooseok Has Also Lost His Name


Actor Byun Wooseok has also lost his name.

Byun Wooseok is currently playing the role of Ryu Sunjae, the vocalist of the idol band Eclipse, in the recent tvN Monday-Tuesday drama "Lovely Runner". He impresses with his warm appearance, switching between a high school student at 18 and a 34-year-old celebrity, capturing hearts perfectly.

Especially noteworthy is how Byun Wooseok, despite having no prior experience as an idol trainee, flawlessly portrays the role of an idol, earning praise from both drama fans and existing idol fans alike.

This led to excessive immersion in the drama for Byun Wooseok. His appearance at the opening ceremony red carpet of the 25th Jeonju International Film Festival on the 1st also attracted significant attention. Especially, fans who visited the red carpet scene didn't call Byun Wooseok by his real name but instead referred to him as "Sunjae," drawing attention.

There have been numerous actors who have lost their names due to the popularity of their works and characters in the past. With Byun Wooseok also being called 'Sunjae' instead of 'Byun Wooseok,' he joins the lineup of 'actors who have lost their names.'


-But the name 'Sunjae' fits him so perfectly.

-Look at the comments, they're all calling him Sunjaeㅋㅋㅋ

-But he's too much of a Sunjae ㅠㅠ

-He attended Jeonju International Film Festival as the representative of Eclipse yesterday.

-But he's Sunjae after all ㅠㅠ

-The name 'Sunjae' fits him like a glove. And the fact that Sunjae's last name is Ryu... It just suits him so well.

(translating more comments soon)

Continue reading 'Sunjae-ya' Byun Wooseok Has Also Lost His Name
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Min Heejin, 'Stop Distorting the Truth... I Didn't Request for Rights to Terminate Contracts, but for Independent Operation'

by Reporter Han Sooncheon

Regarding the content stating that Min Heejin, the CEO of ADOR, demanded the exclusive termination rights for New Jeans, it was explained as "a request for independent label operation."

On the 2nd, Min Heejin's representatives clarified, stating, "On January 25th, CEO Min demanded that important contracts, including the selection of external contractors and exclusive agreements, be made under the authority of the CEO in a face-to-face meeting with HYBE CEO Park Jiwon." They further elaborated, "This was to resolve unreasonable interference encountered during New Jeans' debut process and was a request for independent label operation."

According to Min Heejin's side, the revised shareholder agreement was sent to HYBE on February 16th. They argued that the KakaoTalk messages claiming a takeover attempt were from April 4th, which they asserted was both untimely and irrelevant. Min Heejin's side accused HYBE of distorting the truth and manipulating public opinion, stating that if HYBE continues to disclose negotiation details, they propose resuming negotiations.


-Min Heejin, fighting ㅠㅠ

-I believe in you

-Seriously, HYBE's PR is really dirty

-Why is HYBE trying so hard to get the public on his side? It's already over

-Wasn't the initial statement from HYBE about Min Heejin secretly trying to leave? If it was openly demanded during negotiations, it would be a completely different situation. The more the content is exposed, Min Heejin seems to be a person with nothing to hide, and HYBE seems to have a hidden agenda...

-I'm cheering for you

-HYBE, go bankrupt

-It's not like it was done secretly; it was demanded during negotiations. I understand that, but wanting to do whatever you want as the label representative holding 18% of the exclusive contract seems too much no matter how you look at it.

-I've been watching closely all along... Now it seems like HYBE perspective has been distorted.

-Just fight it out in court, damn it, instead of manipulating public opinion.

-They didn't demand termination, right? If they had demanded termination, it would be different from independence. Just paying the penalty and leaving seems like the best option.

-Who would believe HYBE's words now?

-Pay the penalty and go independent.

-The conclusion will come from the court anyway. Since it seems like part of someplans, neither HYBE nor Min Heejin will be seen in a positive light now.

-HYBE's PR tactics are nauseating. At first, when they brought in Min Heejin, they promised independence and autonomy between labels, but now they're not keeping that promise at all and rejecting requests for that, so what kind of "takeover of full authority" is this?

-By now, supporting HYBE is a matter of intelligence. Those who sides with HYBE simply lack the literacy skills.

Continue reading Min Heejin, 'Stop Distorting the Truth... I Didn't Request for Rights to Terminate Contracts, but for Independent Operation'

Actors who have 'lost' their names


Not Lee Taegon, but Wang Mo

Not Kim Byungchul, but (Cha) Paguk

Not Shin Sungrok, but That Dog from Kakao Talk

Not Yoon Shiyoon, but Kim Takgu

Not Jin Jihee, but Bbang-goo-ddong-goo

Not Park Sunghoon, but Jun Jaejoon


Not Byun Wooseok, but 'Sunjae-ya' <<< NEW!


-But he's really Sunjae

-Ryu Sunjae!

-Yeah, because he's Sunjae...

-I always call him Sunjae now...

-Because it's Sunjae, I call him Sunjaeㅠㅡㅠ

-Sorry for being out of topic, but while reading the post, I suddenly got curious. I understand what "Paguk" means, but why do they also call Kim Byungchul 'Cha Paguk"? 

 ㄴIt's because he played as Cha Minhyuk in Sky Castle? Could it be related to that?

-Sunjae... Ryu Sunjaeㅜㅜ

-Shin Sungrok doesn't even have a character name ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Because he's Sunjae, that's why I call him Sunjae

Continue reading Actors who have 'lost' their names
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ADOR's Side: 'Requested New Jeans to Terminate Their Contract, Aimed at Operating an Independent Label'


ADOR's side denied the report that Min Heejin demanded the authority as the CEO to unilaterally terminate New Jeans' exclusive contract without having to go through ADOR's board of directors this year. 

Previously, it was reported that Min Heejin delivered a revised shareholder agreement containing such a demand to HYBE on February 16. In response, Min Heejin and ADOR's side revealed HYBE's claim of Min Heejin abusing her power and the release of the release of chat logs in April 4 are unrelated to this matter. 

ADOR further stated, "This once again reveals that HYBE is distorting the truth and manipulating public opinion. If HYBE intends to continue disclosing the contents of shareholder agreement negotiations, we propose reopening shareholder agreement negotiations."


-Cinderella wins. Min Heejin and New Jeans, fighting!

-HYBE just shows its own mess through their media play.

-HYBE, as expected, so lame.

-HYBE is disgusting for distorting the entire timeline for media play.

-One side keeps saying the same thing, and the other just says whatever they think will disadvantage the other in the public opinion, so there's no consistency.

-HYBE is really disgusting.

-Disgusting. 🤢🤮

-Cinderella wins!! HYBE's media play is seriously disgusting.

-HYBE's PR is seriously disgusting.

-HYBE is so disgusting... They media play too much, so their words change dozens of times a day. In the end, Cinderella wins. Min Heejin, fighting.

-Cinderella always wins.

-"This once again reveals that HYBE is distorting the truth and manipulating public opinion. If HYBE intends to continue disclosing the contents of shareholder agreement negotiations, we propose reopening shareholder agreement negotiations." ㅋㅋㅋㅋ HYBE, stop with the media play and come back to the negotiation table

-Why are you always acting like a loser, HYBE?

-HYBE's media play is damn pathetic. Come back to the negotiation table.

-What does independent operation and termination rights have to do with each other??

Continue reading ADOR's Side: 'Requested New Jeans to Terminate Their Contract, Aimed at Operating an Independent Label'
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"Min Hee-jin Demanded 'Exclusive Termination Right of New Jeans' Contract' Earlier this Year"

by Reporter Kwon Namyoung

 It has been revealed that ADOR demanded the authority to unilaterally terminate New Jeans' exclusive contract without having to go through ADOR's board of directors earlier this year. 

According to sources on the 2nd, the legal firm that represents Min Heejin sent a revised shareholder agreement to HYBE in February this year. This occurred after both sides engaged in negotiations regarding changing ownership shares at the end of last year.

HYBE judged this proposal was unreasonable and rejected it. 

From the perspective of entertainment companies, their exclusive contract rights of their artists are considered important assets for company operations. That's why it's customary for major entertainment companies to require board approval for exclusive contracts.

For example, BTS and BLACKPINK have publicly announced the completion of board resolutions for the renewal of exclusive contracts or for the signing of group exclusive contracts.

If Min Heejins's demands were accepted, it would mean that New Jeans could terminate exclusive contracts solely at the will of Min Heejin, without going through the board of directors of either ADOR or HYBE. 

Currently, the ADOR board of directors consists of three members, with Min Heejin and her close associates, Vice President Shin and Director Kim holding decision-making power. In other words, Min Heejin controls the board.

However, with the current structure, if such a move were detected, HYBE, which owns 80% of ADOR shares, could hold a shareholders' meeting to replace the ADOR board of directors and prevent the departure of affiliated artists. However, if Min Heejin were to have the right to terminate exclusive contracts, HYBE would lose its means to prevent the departure of affiliated artists (New Jeans).

HYBE suspects that such demands from Min Heejin are related to the conversation transcript stating "ADOR becomes an empty shell" that was disclosed in the interim audit results on April 25th.

According to the interim audit findings, Mr. A, an associate of Min Heejin, proposed options such as "Exercies put options on January 2, 2025 (Exit) → ADOR becomes an empty shell → seek financial investors → HYBE will be advised to sell ADOR → sell at a reasonable price → Min Heejin acquires ADOR shares with the money obtained from being ADOR CEO + CashOut", among others.

However, Min Heejin's side claims that these proposals are at the level of "private discussions." She stated at a press conference on April 25th, "I have no interest in taking away management rights or anything like that. I really don't understand (about taking away management rights)." 


-If this is true, Min Hee-jin seems to be in some danger too.

-She said she never planned to take over the management rights. With so much manipulation, how can we trust her?

-If that's the case, why not just go to court and fight instead of constantly leaking to the media? Don't they have confidence in winning?

-So, this is what she demanded after all the negotiations failed... And if she just asked HYBE directly for the right to terminate, it's not like she secretly planned to leave, right? She just openly asked for the right to terminate, but since her contract negotiations failed, she'll probably be stuck there.

-It's better not to be swayed by public opinion and just observe this matter...

-No matter how you look at it, it's not betrayal

-HYBE seems desperate

-I can't trust Hive at all, this all sounds like media play!!

-It seems like they're doing media play again.

-If they've already decided to dismiss her, they should at least protect the artists, but instead, HYBE keeps mistreating New Jeans

-It's becoming more certain that there's no evidence of betrayal.

-Go, Min Heejin!

-They're cleverly trying to twist her words again.

-Min Hee-jin was really in the right all this time...

-Stop the media play already, it's been two weeks, how many articles are they going to publish?

-Just let it go, HYBE. It's a bit embarrassing, don't you think?

-So where's the evidence of betrayal?

-Stop the media play, HYBE, it's disgusting.

-HYBE is so childishㅋㅋㅋ They asked for it in February. Why are they blowing it up now just before New Jeans comeback and calling it betrayalㅋㅋㅋ?

-Min Heejin didn't do it behind the scenes, she just asked straightforwardly, and they all rejected itㅋㅋㅋ

Continue reading "Min Hee-jin Demanded 'Exclusive Termination Right of New Jeans' Contract' Earlier this Year"

The outfits that IVE will be wearing on MCountdown today


Sporty outfit + Ponytail & Headband

-Wow, these outfits are so cute.

-It's really pretty and trendy, but I wish Leeseo's shorts were a bit longer

-These outfits from the music video is my favorite!!!! It's sporty and casual, making it looks trendy.

-These outfits are the best in the music video, the ponytail is also nice.

-I've been looking forward to these outfits since the teaser came outㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I like it, especially the pants, it's nice ㅋㅋ

-I was curious about these outfits, I like it.

-So cuteㅜㅜㅜㅜ Looks comfortable but trendy and nice.

-They seem to have lost a lot of weight, wow... they're so skinny but pretty

-They're making the tall ones look short

-It's a trend these daysㅋㅋㅋ Much better than uncomfortable clothes, it's pretty.

-The bottoms look weird though, that awkward length of pants;

-It's not my taste, but I like it because elementary school fans and younger fans would like to imitate it.

-I personally thought these outfits were quite mediocre.

-It's pretty, but the length of the pants is really awkward.

-I think these outfits were the prettiest in the music video.

-Sporty and pretty.

-Some of the members' outfits are disappointing.

Continue reading The outfits that IVE will be wearing on MCountdown today
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[TEASER] Dan World releases official statement on the HYBE dispute

Dan World is unexpectedly involved in the middle of the controversy between entertainment agency HYBE and ADOR's CEO, Min Heejin.

Dan World Corporation firmly asserts that such involvement in controversy is baseless and intends to take strong legal action against spreading fake news aimed at defaming Dan World, causing disruption to its operations, and resulting in economic losses.


-What's this?

-??? Is this real?

-A teaser?

-It says teaser, so I thought it was a parody...???

-It's funny that it's a teaserㅋㅋㅋ I know it's not something to laugh about, but it's just funny. Why would they put something like this as a teaser(?) videoㅋㅋㅋ

-My idols are making a comeback so shut up.

-This is the first time I've seen an official statement teaserㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Releasing a teaserㅋㅋㅋ Is this K-pop?

-Is this for real or a joke?? Seriously.

-Why is it over 3 minutes long? What kind of teaser is this? Do they have more to say?

-What a teaserㅋㅋㅋ

-An official statement teaser...? I've never heard such thing before in my life

-Even official statements have teasersㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-A 3-minute and 46-second teaserㅋㅋㅋ

-Seriously, DanWorld is making a fuss again.

-Seriously, it seems like they're just looking for viewsㅋㅋㅋ

-Come on, HYBE, you should clarify quickly, what's going on?

-It's just a promotional video, unbelievable... Let's not boost the views.

-They're really desperate for views, huh?

-Are they trying to get more views? Not buying it.

Continue reading [TEASER] Dan World releases official statement on the HYBE dispute