Thursday, May 2, 2024


The song that is said to sound similar to ILLIT's song


-Oh no...

-There's a part that feels oddly similar.

-The melody in the beginning seems similar.

-Wow, it's exactly the same.

-Isn't it sampling?

-They definitely sampled when making the song, although it's not necessarily agreed upon in terms of copyright - that's plagiarism.

-Isn't it too short to call it plagiarism?

-It's the same...? The melody line is too identical.

-The intro is too similar.

-It's not just similar, it's exactly the sameㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-They probably did this on purpose? Aiming for noise marketing.

-If it's sampling, usually they introduce the song in the description. Like, "This track is sampled from another song."

-It's too identical, it must have been bought, it can't be real.

-They probably just gonna try to quiet this down with money again.

-Isn't this insane?????

-If it's this similar, it's likely sampling, but wouldn't it be mentioned in the album credits?

-Wow... Again???? What is HYBE doing as a company?? It seems like they can't produce anything without copying from someone else.

-I'm not sure what the legal standard for plagiarism is, but it can't be this similar by chance..

-They might have bought the same melody sample for both songs.

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