
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Newly released NCT's merchandise


It's the discontinued fanlight cushion

25,000 KRW (~18 USD)


-So ugly. Get rid of it. 

-Why are you reminding us about this?

-What the heck?

-Are these people insane?

-Who would buy that?

-This is so ridiculous that it just comes off funny to meㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Stop with this bullshit, really.

-Does this come with a photocard?

-I'm an NCT's fan and I think this is just a waste of resources. It's crazy.

-This is getting on m nerve. 


-You guys are mad because the design is ugly... Right...?

-They really don't take us seriously, do they...?

-Looks like an implant. 

-I wonder who bought it... They sold it all out. I don't know if I'm supposed to laugh or cry.

-I can't believe they sold it all out...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Continue reading Newly released NCT's merchandise

Yoo Ah-in's father passes away ... "Mourning and staying at the funeral"

by Journalist Lee Seung-gil

Actor Yoo Ah-in (real name Eom Hongsik, 37) has lost his father.

According to entertainment industry sources on the 7th, Yoo Ah-in’s father, the late Eom Young-in, passed away today after a long battle with illness. He was 67 years old.

A source stated, “Yoo Ah-in’s father had been struggling with a chronic illness. We heard that his condition had worsened recently,” expressing their condolences. Following the tragic news, Yoo Ah-in is now staying at the funeral in deep sorrow.

The funeral is being held at the DCMC Daegu Catholic University Medical Center Funeral Hall, with the burial scheduled for 9:30 AM on the 9th, at Myungbok Park.

-Oh... My condolences.

-If he was battling an illness, he might have found peace now. May he rest in peace.

-May he rest in peace... He was younger than my mother...

-He was still young... So unfortunate...

-Oh Gosh... I can't imagine how painful it must be for him. May he rest in peace.

-It breaks my heart to learn that he was around my parents' age. May he rest in peace without pain. 

-He was so young...

-My mother also passed away at that age two years ago... I know how he feels... May he rest in peace.

-Oh, such a young age... I hope he overcomes this sadness. I hope his father is now free from pain now that he’s no longer suffering from his illness.
Continue reading Yoo Ah-in's father passes away ... "Mourning and staying at the funeral"

HYBE and Suga lied again in their statements and apology letter


They confirmed (Suga) was riding an electric scooter. Stating that a breathalyzer test was conducted by the police nearby and Suga received a fine and a cancellation of license. 

"Currently there is no fine imposed. The license cancellation process is still ongoing."

If it's concluded that Suga was riding an electric scooter rather than an electric kickboard at the time of the incident, it will be treated the same, requiring a standard investigation for traffic investigation. 

The investigation will then determine whether there was a violation or not. If it is concluded that he was riding an electric scooter under alcohol influence, the likelihood of just a fine being imposed is even lower. 

No fine has been imposed yet. 

The license cancellation process is still ongoing. 

Depending on whether it was an electric scooter or an electric kickboard, additional investigations for traffic law violations are required. If there are related charges, an investigation into the violation charges is necessary.

An officer found Suga lying on the ground and noticed a smell of alcohol. Suspecting drunk driving, they brought Suga over to the nearest police station. The local police measured his blood alcohol concentration, which exceeded the standard for license cancellation (>0.08%). However, the police officers present at the scene did not realize that the person driving the electric scooter was a BTS member.

Additionally, he was not breathalyzed by a nearby police officer but was taken to a nearby police station for the breathalyzer test. He deceptively stated that security officers who found him were police officers, making it seem like he was breathalyzed at the scene.

He seems to have lied intentionally to create a situation where it had to be an electric kickboard.


-Both the artist and the company are just... ugh.

-Just HYBE being HYBE

-The standard HYBE move.

-Why lie about something so easily exposed?

-Why lie about something so obvious?

-Why tell such a lie?

-Just stop lying, seriously.

-It’s not just a common incident; trying to downplay something that clearly needs police investigation is just dumb.

-Trying to downplay and make excuses, but the story keeps getting more bizarre, tsk tsk. Just apologize and face the consequences.

-Indeed, they’re all in it together.

-Such situations tend to be exposed quickly, so why take such risks?

-Seriously... They've been digging their own grave since the verdict controversy.

-Did they really think they wouldn’t get caught?

Continue reading HYBE and Suga lied again in their statements and apology letter

Military Manpower Administration: "BTS Suga's Drunk Driving Not a Breach of His Duty to Maintain Dignity"


by Journalist Kang Wooseok


On the 7th, the Military Manpower Administration stated that BTS member Suga (31, real name Min Yoongi), who was caught drunk driving while serving as a public service worker, did not violate the duty to maintain dignity because the incident occurred outside of work hours.

The Seoul Yongsan Police Station announced on the 7th that Min was arrested for violating the Road Traffic Act (drunk driving) while driving an electric scooter in a heavily intoxicated state on a road in Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, around 11:15 PM on the 6th. Min, who has been serving as a social service worker since September last year, will be punished as a civilian, not as a soldier or public official. According to the Military Manpower Administration, if a social service worker commits a crime outside of work hours, there is no additional disciplinary action from the agency apart from civilian legal penalties.

The regulations for managing social service workers include "duty to maintain dignity (Article 8)" and "scope of misconduct (Article 29-2)." However, these regulations do not apply to incidents that occur outside of work hours, even for social service workers. An official from the Seoul Regional Military Manpower Administration stated, "There are no separate status measures under military law for incidents that occur outside of work hours and are unrelated to duties. This rule applies equally to all social service workers."

Social service workers are those who are assigned to do public service jobs instead of regular military service due to the results of their military health test. In contrast, active-duty soldiers who commit crimes in society are subject to the Military Criminal Act and are tried in military courts. Although both groups perform mandatory service, active-duty soldiers face more severe legal consequences for off-duty crimes compared to social service workers.

Some active-duty veterans have responded with, "Can we also drink and drive after work?" Kim (28), a marine corps veteran, said, "Both active-duty soldiers and social service workers endure hardships, but active-duty soldiers in more challenging conditions seem to be at a disadvantage. It seems necessary to strengthen the punishment regulations for social service workers to ensure fairness."


-Why is he serving as a social service worker?

-Soldiers need to maintain dignity even during leave...

-Active duty soldiers get punished even if they cause trouble during leave. Social service workers have it really easy; they aren’t even soldiers.

-The law needs to be changed.

-Such an easy deal~ If it's not work time, you can get drunk and even collapse on the street.

-It's so unfair. I feel bad for the active-duty soldiers.

-That’s why they go to social service...

-Because of him, social service workers will get criticized again...

-Social service workers are not soldiers. Even if they die during service, they don't get state compensation.

-Being a social service worker is really nice.

-But aren’t social service workers soldiers? If he was an active-duty soldier, he would have been punished under military law... Why are social service workers excluded?

-Maybe it's because social service workers aren’t considered as soldiers.

-Social service workers are civilians and are affiliated with local government offices.

-One more reason to become a social service worker...

-Social service workers already have a bad reputation, and this doesn’t help.

Continue reading Military Manpower Administration: "BTS Suga's Drunk Driving Not a Breach of His Duty to Maintain Dignity"

BTS Suga posts apology letter on Weverse

Hello, this is Suga.

I am very heavy-hearted and sorry to come to you with disappointing news.

Last night, after drinking alcohol at a dinner gathering, I rode an electric scooter home. Due to my careless thinking that it was a short distance and my failure to recognize that using an electric scooter while intoxicated is prohibited, I violated traffic laws. While parking the scooter at the front gate of my house, I fell by myself, and a nearby police officer conducted a breathalyzer test, resulting in the cancellation of my license and a fine. Although there were no victims or damaged facilities in this incident, it is entirely my responsibility without any excuse. I sincerely apologize to everyone. 

I apologize to all those hurt by my careless and wrong actions, and I will be more cautious in my behavior so this does not happen again.

-He seems healthy; enlist him as an active duty soldier.

-Wow, he emphasizes that there were no victims in his apology letter. He must be crazyㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-Oh, at least he wrote what he did wrong in the apology.

-What do you mean you didn't know you can't ride a scooter while drunk? Are you an idiot?

-The punishment for drunk driving in our country is too lenient.

-His apology is full of self-defense.

-So shameless.

-The way he emphasizes that there were no victimsㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Re-enlist as an active duty soldier.

-At least his statement sounds better than his company's.

-He doesn't seem very sorry.

-Why does he emphasizes that no one was harmed or nothing was damaged? It doesn't make the crime any less seriousㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-If it was just 500 meters, he should've walked...

-I've never been more disappointed by an apology. How could you do this to us?
Continue reading BTS Suga posts apology letter on Weverse