Wednesday, December 14, 2016

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The Black Pink's members who are friends with Nayeon

is Jennie and Jisoo. I wonder how did they know each other. instiz -It's really nice to see pretty girls hanging out with pretty girlsㅎㅎㅎ -This is why they say birds of a feather flock togetherㅠㅠㅠ I want to see them interacting with each other in public.. -Jennie.. is really beautiful.. -It's really nice to see my girlfriends...
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Jung Chaeyeon who almost ate a dry ice

"Whoa.. This is so cool~ It looks refreshing" "It's not something hot. She could feel the cool air from it" "What's this? A pudding?" She spins the glass to get a better look of it [Can I eat this?] "Shall I try eating it?" Korean Stewardess: "You can't eat this" "This is inedible?" In the end she hands the glass to...
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The scene that Nam Joohyuk shot while literally laughing because of what Lee Sungkyung did

The funny thing is that they filmed this scene with no music playing in the background. The only thing that can be heard was the sound of them running out of breathㅋㅋㅋㅋ Bokjoo and Joonhyun bursted out laughing as soon as the director shouted 'Cut'ㅋㅋㅋ Bokjoo: Hey! Don't laugh~ Joonhyung: You're questioning what are you doing right now, right?...
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Guys, I got accepted in Harvardㅠㅠㅠㅠ

What should I doㅠㅠㅠ  I got accepted in Harvardㅠㅠㅠ I ran into my mom, hugged her and cried in her arms after I saw this.. I also called my father, who's currently staying in Koreaㅠㅠㅠㅠ pann [+791][-14] 1. [+196][-2] This is the most epic post I've ever seen in Pann this year.. A Pann-user got accepted in Harvard, that's unbelievableㄷㄷㄷ Congratulations,...
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Show me the best stage outfits that your biases have ever worn!

There are a lot of singers with good stage outfits nowadays! But which outfits that look the best in your biases? The most legendary ones! I'm an Exo-L and my favorite stage outfits are the ones they wore on 151219 Music Core for Unfair stageㅠㅠ I think Baekhyun is a geniusㅠㅠ pann [+371][-46] 1. [+362][-140] These kind of outfits can be really tricky,...
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A male idol who doesn't know the content of B1A4's 'Baby Goodnight'?

To. Seokmin The song that you want to sing to Carats as a lullaby? (As you whisper it to their ears, you won't be a human in this world anymore. Good bye, world) Answer: Baby Goodnight-B1A4 B1A4's Baby Goodnight is a song about a guy putting her girlfriend to sleep then goes to a club to playㅋㅋㅋ Seems like Seokmin just chose that song because it...
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Kim Jungkook and Song Jihyo to leave Running Man, Kang Hodong in discussion

instiz -Hul.. Why.. Noㅠㅠ -Hul..ㅠㅠ -It's such a pity that Song Jihyo and Kim Jungkook decided to leave the show.. I hope Kang Hodong won't join the line up though.. -I have a feeling that they're going to have Running Man season 2 at this rate.. -Ah.. Kang Hodong.. He doesn't really suit the concept of this show.. -The show will be boring...
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Jisoo pretends to be dead whenever she feels embarassed

*pretends to be dead because she's embarassed* Kim Jisoo 4 and 1/2 dimensional. Weird kid who talks and laughs a lot. instiz -So cute..ㅠㅠ -'Weird kid who talks and laughs a lot'ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ -What theㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ -I saw this live and it was really funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋ I think she has a lot of attractive charms in herselfㅋㅋㅋ -That's really different with...
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Rare sight of Sejeong having no expression in her face

instiz -Huk.. She looks like Taeyong in one of those pictures.. -She's beautiful.. -This is why people call her "The Smiling Angel"ㅜㅜ But still, she looks pretty with or without expressions.. -She looks pretty when she's not smiling but now I get it why people say that we look better when we smile.. -Whoa.. Look at...
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