Saturday, March 4, 2017


The 'freckles' tattoos that becomes a trend overseas

I guess everything can become a trend.. instiz -They look like blackheads.. -Hul.. -Can't they just use make up for that..? It doesn't look natural at all.. -I bet they're going to regret having that tattoo sooner or later.. -They look like strawberries.. -Wow.. That's fascinating.. -I'll give you my freckles...
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The male idol whose shoulders are 60cm wide

He stated that the width of his shoulders are 60cm in a TV program.. I wasn't sure at first, so I decided to do a research.. Here's the chair that he sat on in that TV program.. You clearly can see the chair in the first picture.. But when he was shot from different angle, you can't see the chair anymore. ? I think he was honest when he said...
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The sound thay never fails to startle celebrities no matter how many times they've heard it

instiz -Ah.. They look cute and funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ -Im Changjung is so cute..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ -Who's the guy in the last gif? He looks so cuteㅋㅋ -Choi Seungcheolㅋㅋㅋㅋ -All of them look cuteㅋㅋㅋ But the sound of the exploding fire cracker is indeed really loud, it's impossible not to get startled at all..ㅠㅠ -I remember seeing a really funny...
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