
Sunday, June 9, 2024

Seo Hyejin PD, who discovered Lim Youngwoong, takes on the callenge of forming a girl group, "'Aiming for 'Under 15,' younger than NewJeans."

Seo PD said in an interview, ""After finishing domestic auditions, we are preparing for second auditions in Southeast Asia. We plan to visit Thailand first, then Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and more." She added, "After going through all the locations, the outline of the program is expected to be revealed by the end of August."

'Under 15' is a K-audition program that will feature children aged 3 to 15 from over 70 countries worldwide, much younger than the average of NewJeans members' ages at their debut which is 16.4 years old. Regardless of race, nationality, or genre, the program aims to produce a 5th Gen vocal girl group to promote globally.

The challenge lies in how to make this program different from previous similar programs. Global audition programs have already been widely broadcasted by major TV stations. Companies like HYBE and JYP Ent. have also created multinational girl groups through global auditions.

Seo PD stated, "Conventional girl group auditions select singers according to the company's intentions. Broadcasters act as platforms." She continued, "CreA Studios' first goal is to cultivate talent. Based on the experience gained from numerous audition programs, we aim to select vocal geniuses. This is what makes our program different from previous audition shows."


-NewJeans became popular because of their good member composition and planning, not just because they're young.

-If you can't take proper responsibility, please don't create new groups.

-Send kids to school. Don't think of making money off them.

-If they're young, they should be in school. This can be considered child abuse.

-Leave NewJeans alone...

-Why is NewJeans being mentioned everywhere?

-NewJeans didn't become popular because they were young. It was due to good planning, songs, and the charm of the members. Focusing too much on age is strange. The audition program aiming for excessively young kids is too much.

-It seems like everyone wants to create another NewJeans, huh?

-NewJeans didn't become popular because they were young, though...

-Who is this person anyway?

-Stop making young kids suffer.

-Stop exploiting young kids.

-I really don't like this person.

-Seeing articles like this makes me realize just how popular NewJeans are...

-A person who knows nothing about the idol industry running an idol audition...

-That's child abuse.

-Why is everyone so angry? Who is this person?

-Are you crazy?

-She's lost her mind.

-I think liking idols under 15 would make me feel guilty... 
Continue reading Seo Hyejin PD, who discovered Lim Youngwoong, takes on the callenge of forming a girl group, "'Aiming for 'Under 15,' younger than NewJeans."

Fans starting to worry about the diet of this Youtuber

TW: Eating Disorder


60kg -> 40kg The Start of the Madness Diet | Losing 5kg in just one day

My body changed in 5 days. 

96th hours of fasting. I still exercise as I fast. 

Going from 44 to 40 in just one week. Madness diet. 

For a content... I think she's straining her body way too much.


-There was this one time when I only drank water for 2 days because I was sick. I felt dizzy when I got up, I almost fell backward. If I had to exercise in that condition, I probably would collapse. 

-She should go to the hospital at this point...

-I've gone for 3 days only drinking water without eating anything. I ended up collapsing and had to be rushed to the emergency room. Please don't starve yourselfㅠㅠ

-Seriously, this is madness...

-She keeps calling it a detox diet as she pretends that everything's fine... But to me, it's just like pre-anorexia. 

-This could easily lead to developing eating disorders... Take it easy...

-She's sacrificing her health for this...

-This looks like the typical pattern of an eating disorder...

-At this point, she seems to be really obsessive with her weight. It looks like she should visit a psychiatrist. 

-Her mental strength is really impressive. 

-This is an eating disorder.

-If anything goes wrong, you'll end up like me... Getting gallstones...
 ㄴDo you get gallstones if you starve yourself??

-Seeing things like this, I'm worried that young kids might see it and think, "If I starve, I'll lose weight," and blindly starve themselves...

-I know because I'm seeing a psychiatrist for an eating disorder, but this person already has a serious eating disorder. She alternates between binge eating and fasting to extremes... 

-If you starve yourself to lose weight, you'll suffer from heart failure...

-That's not dieting; it's just destroying your health... She didn't lose fat from all those diets, all she lost was just her muscle

-Losing 5kg in one day is really bad for your health.

-Losing 0.5kg per week is the most effective way to lose weight without harming your health in the long term.
Continue reading Fans starting to worry about the diet of this Youtuber

Look at EXO-K's faces when they first debuted...



-My loves..

-I really liked them at that time.

-Thank you.

-To think about the abilities (Not superpowers, but their dancing and singing abilities) they havealong with those faces... They're truly legends.


-No matter how many times I've seen this, they still look handsome each time...

-The way they all have different hairstyles and hair colors is so cute and funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-They were really legendary.

-Seriously, they're all good-looking..

-Even at their debut, they were really good-looking.

-They're just like a blessing.

-The beginning of a legend... Even their concept was legendary.

Continue reading Look at EXO-K's faces when they first debuted...

NewJeans and Aespa are currently receiving negative reactions from international K-pop fans


NewJeans is currently receiving huge backlash from international fans as news about them putting up Aespa's flyers on HYBE's company building gain tons of RTs on Twitter


-So what if they don't like it?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I just checked the Tweet and it's really ridiculous how pissed of BTS' fans are in the repliesㅋㅋㅋㅋ They told NewJeans to not scatter trash around the building since it's not their company

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋThey're such evils. It doesn't matter though, both NewJeans and Aespa can never get stepped on~~👽🐰

-I'm sure it's only ARMYs. They're the only fandom who takes HYBE's side. 

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋYeah, whatever...

-I knew they would be taking this so seriouslyㅋㅋㅋㅋ At this point, it's just ridiculous...

-Seriously, though... What's wrong with them?

-ARMYs are at it again...

-They're at it again... Just like how they always doㅋㅋ Just ARMYs being ARMYs...

-Why is that a big deal??ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-What does it have to do with them??ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-It's interesting to see some fans getting all worked up just because of thisㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-ARMYs core...

-??? First of all, this anecdote is getting positive reactions from Korean Twitterㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-It just sounds cute to me...

-Aespa, NewJeans... I love you...

Continue reading NewJeans and Aespa are currently receiving negative reactions from international K-pop fans

Whoa... Jang Nara used to be an idol. I'm shocked.

 I heard she was in a group under SM Ent., so I was like '???'. But it turns out that she really was an idol. Looking at the pictures down below, she seems to be that member who attracts a lot of fans. 

-Not an idol, but a solo singer... Jang Nara was really a popular singer; all her songs were great!
ㄴ(OP) Even the fact that she was a singer is surprising...

-Her songs are really good

-Listen to Jang Nara's Sweet Dream...

-She was one of the top-tier female solo singers in South Korea
ㄴ(OP): Was she that big??? I only knew about Lee Hyori

-She was a top-tier female solo singer, also in terms of sitcoms, dramas, and commercials simultaneously.
ㄴ(OP): Wow, I had no idea...

-During her prime, Jang Nara was making 500 M KRW a day.

-The fact that the OP didn't know this is even more shocking!!!

-Before IU, there was Jang Nara

-I always get surprised every time I meet someone who doesn't know that Jang Nara was a singer, I guess I should get used to it now. 

-She used to be more popular as a singer back then...ㅋㅋㅋ Looks like the OP is really young.

-''Jang Nara Syndrome.' This phrase was trending nationwide.

-It's been 20 more years, so it's natural that more people don't know, right..? I probably wouldn't have known either if I hadn't been in this online communityㅋㅋ
Continue reading Whoa... Jang Nara used to be an idol. I'm shocked.

EXO Suho, "I've been in SM Ent. for 13 years, but I don't have much power because there are many seniors who have been 20 years in the company."


EXO's Suho Talks About His Status at SM Entertainment

On June 9, KBS Cool FM's "Park Myungsoo's Radio Show" featured DJ Park Myun-soo in a phone conversation with Suho.

During the call, Suho expressed his regret at not having any scheduled meetings with Park Myungsoo while promoting his new song '(1 to 3).' Suho said, "Senior Park Myungsoo has great taste in music. We had a talk during my last album promotion, and I hope we can meet again to share some fun stories." Park Myungsoo responded warmly, saying, "It's not difficult. We can arrange it right away."

The two had previously agreed to create fun content together. Suho showed enthusiasm by saying, "I'll talk to the company right away to make it happen." When Park Myungsoo praised Suho's influence at SM Entertainment, Suho humbly replied, "I've been in SM Ent. for 13 years, but there are many seniors who have been 20 years in the company, so I don't have much power." Park Myungsoo jokingly responded, "Those with 20 years should retire," to which Suho laughed and mentioned, "TVXQ and Super Junior seniors are still going strong."


-The seniors in SM Ent. are really strongㅋㅋㅋㅋ You probably need to be there for 30 years to have real influence.

-Kangta has been in the company for 30 yearsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Why does he look so tired?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Yeah, Kangta, BoA, Super Junior, SNSD, SHINee are all still activeㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Even the idols from the 1st Gen is still active under this companyㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-It's because this company embraces criminals and keeps giving them money. I can't imagine how much he hates it. 

-He's probably going to leave soon.
  ㄴWhat's wrong with you?
  ㄴWhat are you talking about?

-What's wrong with the comments? Why should Suho be leaving the company soon??

-What's wrong with the commentsㅋㅋㅋ Who are they to tell them to leave the company??ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Why do the seniors have to leave the company?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ That's hilarious

Continue reading EXO Suho, "I've been in SM Ent. for 13 years, but I don't have much power because there are many seniors who have been 20 years in the company."

Clips of Karina throwing the first pitch

-A strike? That's amazing.

-I love that she didn't overact before throwing the pitch like others. And she nailed the strike. Why is she so beautiful?

-Is there anything she can't do?

-Wow, she's really beautiful. How is she even human? This is crazy.

-It's incredible how she looks so unreal even without stage lights. She's so pretty.

-My eyes and heart are cleansed.

-This is crazy. She's good at baseball too. What can't she do? And everyone was taking pictures of her, it's so funny.

-Her eyes take up half of her face.

-How does she throw the pitch so easily? She's a natural. Lotte fans must be thrilled.

-She made it look so easy. 

-She threw it so effortlessly, but it flew perfectly.

-Karina is a goddess.

-She's good.

-Look at her hair volume...

-How can our Jimin be good at pitching too...
Continue reading Clips of Karina throwing the first pitch

5 drama characters who viewers thought would be traitors


Stayed a true baseball man until the end

King Jongmu from 'Stove League'

Stayed loyal until the end

Lee Jungmoon from 'Mr. Sunshine'

Stayed a competent aide until the end

Yang Jongyeol from 'The Aide: People Make the World Go Round'

Stayed righteous until the end

Park Dongwoon from 'My Mister'

(He even forgave Lee Jian)

Stayed just a friend until the end

Kim Jungbon from 'Stranger' 


-This post was obviously written because of Jungbonㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-He's not on the list, but I always suspected Kim Euiseong from 'Taxi Driver'ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I feel like Jungbon is going to betray in season 3.

-You never know with Jungbonㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-You guys are being too harsh on Jungbonㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-For me, it's Lee Sang-yi from 'My Demon.'

-'My Mister' and 'Stranger' made me really anxiousㅋㅋㅋㅋ But it turned out they were such good guysㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Why isn't Kim Euiseong from 'Taxi Driver' here?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I never stopped suspecting Kang Hoon from 'Little Women.'

-Right, I came in thinking about Jungbon.

-I kept doubting Kim Jungbon.

-Kim Jungbon had such a suspicious faceㅋㅋㅋㅋ It was impossible not to doubt.

-I still don't trust Jungbon; there's something about him.

-Among the recent dramas I've seen, the CEO from 'Lovely Runner'ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I thought he was the one who killed Sunjae in Episode 1.

-I still can't trust Jungbon.
Continue reading 5 drama characters who viewers thought would be traitors

A Japanese hit song that people keep saying sounds really similar to DAY6's Time of Our Life

As soon as I heard it, I thought of DAY6's lyrics...
"To be honest, I've been waiting for this a lot"

DAY6's song was released first

Comparison video

-This isn't plagiarism, right?

-Wow, the intro sounds exactly the same. If it was the other way around, DAY6 would have been heavily criticized.

-It's the first time I'm hearing this, but it's exactly the same.

-I think they copied the melodyㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Even if it's not plagiarism, it's still shamelessㅋㅋㅋㅋ Japanese bands don't even see copying as a problem. Over 70% of Japanese popular top bands have a history of copying pop songs.

-I heard both songs for the first time and they sound the same to me.

-It's not just similar, it's exactly the same.

-I don't know if it's plagiarism, but it seems like they used DAY6's song as a reference.

-It's exactly the same.

-The intro is similar.

-I've listened to this song a lot, but I never noticed. Now that you mention it, it seems similarㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Am I tone-deaf? It doesn't sound similar to me at all.

-The beginning is really similarㅋㅋㅋㅋ As soon as I hear it, the lyrics of DAY6's song come to mind.

-They're the same. The rhythm is very similar.

-Huh? I never thought they were similar.

-It's too similar. Wow...
Continue reading A Japanese hit song that people keep saying sounds really similar to DAY6's Time of Our Life

"The fans are all ugly" ... A girl group member judging her fanboys' looks


Former AKB48 member-turned-actress Shimazaki Haruka (30) faces criticism for her comment about her male fans' looks on broadcast. 

During ABEMA's 'Love Hyena 2' on June 4th, Shimazaki Haruka and Kashiwagi Yuki, recalled their experiences with 'handshake events.' It's an event where celebrities and fans shake hands, a practice that is not commonly seen in South Korea.

Kashiwagi Yuki mentioned, "Over 500 fans attend handshake events. We usually decide talk informally and formally with the fans, depending on each of them." When asked about fans who are memorable to her, Shimazaku Haruka responded, "I don't remember any of them." When the host asked if there are any of those fans who are their types, Shimazaki Haruka replied, "No. There are no handsome men among idol fans."


-The fact that this turned into an article is hilariousㅋㅋㅋㅋ Where did the criticism come from?

-She's so straightforwardㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's not like she's saying something that is not true... I mean, it's already a relief if they don't smell...

-So honestㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-She's just being honestㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-She only said that there are no handsome men among idol fans. How does that become "All fans are ugly"?

-The question was weird from the start, wasn't it??

-Even if they're not good-looking, aren't they the ones who spent money on her???

-She already had that concept from the start, even when she was an idol. She was famous for her indifferent attitude. That's what made her popular.

-"There are no handsome guys" = "They're all ugly."?? That's a really strange way of thinking.

-She's just the type of person who say things like thatㅋㅋㅋ

-She didn't exactly say that her fans are ugly. She just said that there are no handsome men among her fans.

-She made similar remarks before, didn't she?

-She was always like this, right?
Continue reading "The fans are all ugly" ... A girl group member judging her fanboys' looks
, , ,

Minji went error after Karina said that she was proud of her


After doing the challenge, Karina asked the Catnips to spread the 'Alien Invasion' sticker around her companyㅋㅋㅋㅋ So, Minji secretly put up these stickers around her company behind her manager's back. So funny.

Minji succeeded on doing the mission she was given to

Karina's reaction:

Karina: I got such a good news as soon as I got off from work. Minji-ssi made it. Actually, I knew she would nail this. Oh Gosh, I'm so proud of her. 

And Minji heard this news during her live broadcastㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

What's this? I just got some information... What.. She.. said she was proud of me... Ah--Uh--



-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋShe really went error

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ How can someone be this cute?

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's because Minji is both a leader and one of the oldest member in NewJeansㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Ah---Uh---ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She became a puppy

-Ah... This is seriously so cute

-Crazyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So freaking cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Karina knew Minji would nail her missionㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-So cuteㅠㅠㅠㅠ I know NewJeans have no leader, but Minji is the oldest member in the group. It's cute how she acts like that because an Unnie she likes said that she was proud of her...


-Both Aespa and NewJeans are so cute and heart-warmingㅠㅠ

-Karina is 4 years older than Minjiㅋㅋㅋㅋ Even their name rhymes, Jimin-Minji... So cute

-Why are both of them so adorable?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Continue reading Minji went error after Karina said that she was proud of her

How idol fans' usually book their spots in events

If you do this on a soccer match, it'll get torn apart immediately


What happens when idols come to a baseball match

Baseball fans move seats because idol fans' are taking pictures 


-I used to work at the airport, it was really uncomfortable when idol fans do this.

-It's awful, seriously. Not only that, they also always cause trouble.

-I've encountered this a few times at the airport, it's really frustrating. It's a nuisance, I can't even get through the entrance because of them.

-So annoying.

-Seriously, don't do that...

-It's ridiculous.

-As an idol fan who often goes to offline events, I was confused when I first encountered such behavior... But there's nothing I can do since everyone does it. 

-It's disgusting.

-Setting up a ladder and putting a lock? Really freak and troublesome. It's really embarrassing. 

-Oh, seriously, what a disgrace

-But why do they write the phone numbers? What is it for?

-Even though it's almost like a culture, this behavior should be stopped. If broadcasting stations don't take firm actions against this, they will never stop doing this.

-Are they still like that? I've torn up a few of those before...
Continue reading How idol fans' usually book their spots in events

The height of Byun Wooseok's standing mic is unbelievable


When the staff brought the microphone, it was unbelievably high. But when Byun Wooseok approached it, the height was just right... 

It was insanely high, but when Byun Wooseok stood in front of it, the height was just rightㅋㅋㅋㅋ



-He's not just tall, but also has amazing body proportions...

-It's like an optical illusionㅋㅋㅋ

-My ideal type is a gentle giant ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I really want to see him in personㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Wow, he's really tallㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Oh, my heart flutters.

-Is it an illusion? It's weird even though I see it with my own eyesㅋㅋ He's really tall.

-When I first saw it, I thought "Why is the mic taller than him?" But it was actually the perfect height for him, I was so surprisedㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Wowㅋㅋㅋㅋ I knew he was tall, but is he over 190 cm? He's really tall.

-Wow... His body proportions are insane.

-I thought, there's no way he's that tall, but when Byun Woo Seok got closerㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋThe height was actually perfect.....

-His proportions are amazing. He's really tall, but his face is really small.

Continue reading The height of Byun Wooseok's standing mic is unbelievable

June Girl Group Brand Big Data Analysis Results ... 1st: IVE, 2nd: Aespa, 3rd: ILLIT


1. IVE

2. Aespa


4. (G)I-DLE


6. TripleS

7. Blackpink


9. Oh My Girl

10. Baby Monster

11. Apink

12. Red Velvet

13. Fromis9

14. Kiss of Life

15. H1-KEY

16. SNSD

17. Mamamoo



20. Kep1er

21. Woo-ah!

22. Dream Catcher

23. New Jeans

24. ITZY

25. April

26. Cignature

27. SPIA

28. Girls Day

29. Ladies Code

30. EXID

31. WJSN


33. UNIS

34. Laboum

35. Young Passe

36. Weeekly

37. CLASS:y

38. Alice

39. Candy Shop

40. XG

41. Billie

42. Rocket Punch


44. Nature

45. Tweety

46. Cherry Bullet

47. NiziU

48. Black Swan


50. Unicode


-Fighting, IVE, Aespa, and New Jeans!😍

-Huh? How did NewJeans end up in 23rd place? Are they kidding?

-Why is NewJeans ranked so low?

-NewJeans was the biggest issue of the first half of the year, isn't their ranking too low? It wouldn't be strange if they were in 1st place.


-Seeing NewJeans' score makes me think this ranking is not worth considering. The top ranks are not weird, but how is NewJeans so low?

-There's no way NewJeans' ranking be that low...?

-The reliability of this data seems questionable.

-I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds this strange.

-How did they collect the data to get these results?

-Do people still trust this?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-NewJeans is ranked 23rd...?

-This is really ridiculousㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Who still believes in this?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-No need to be surprised. Even fans now ignore these rankings.

-I don't care about idols, but this is really funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Brand reputation rankings are just nonsense.

Continue reading June Girl Group Brand Big Data Analysis Results ... 1st: IVE, 2nd: Aespa, 3rd: ILLIT

SBS Viewer Ratings


Nationwide / Seoul Metropolitan Area

1. 5.7 / 6.1 🔻 Lowest

2. 6.1 / 7.0 

3. 7.0 / 6.7 

4. 7.9 / 8.2

5. 8.5 / 8.5

6. 9.4/ 10.0 🔺 Highest


-It's really fun, Jisung is amazing as always, and all the actors are great.

-It's so fun. I didn't expect it to get high ratings because it's a bit hard to understand.

-As expected, it's getting high ratings because it's good.

-Even the supporting actors are amazing. It's really entertaining and well-directed.

-It's really fun, no dull moments and the pacing is great.

-It's so entertaining and not just heavy all the time.

-I don't usually watch dramas, but my mom says this is the most fun drama recently.

-I need to binge-watch this.

-It's really entertaining. You never know where the story will go next.

-It's amazing, I only wait for Friday and Saturday now.

-There's no unnecessary scenes or dialogues, I can't even go get water because I don't want to miss any parts of it.

-The ending is crazy. The ending of episode 6 yesterday gave me chills.

-Every episode feels like a movie.

-I watched it for the first time yesterday, it was fun. I'm going to watch from episode 1 again.

-Wow, the ratings are insane!!

-My parents are watching it, too. As expected, Ji Sung is a trustworthy actor.

Continue reading SBS Viewer Ratings

Kim Hyeyoon just arrived in Bali


She was already in the car and got off from the car to greet fans and even bowed 90 degrees to them.


-Why did she go to Bali?

-Our Mamel, get some rest soon.

-Why Bali?

-She must be tired. Get some rest, princess.

-There were so many fans even late at night, it must have been overwhelming. She seems so kind and cute.

-Her flight was delayed, so she arrived late. It’s nice to see both the fans and Hyeyoon greeting each other.

-When I went to Bali, my hair was greasy and it was a mess, but Hyeyoon looks so fresh. The flight to Bali is quite long, it must have been tough. Get some rest!

-Her flight was delayed, I hope she rests well.

-Hyeyoon is so pretty~

-Oh dearㅜㅠ The fans also worked hard staying up this lateㅜㅜ

-The fans also worked hard staying up this lateㅜㅜ

-Hyeyoon, you worked hardㅠㅜㅠㅠ Bowing 90 degrees to greet fans, so touching ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ

-It’s early morning in Bali, and there were so many fans that she seemed a bit overwhelmed. But she still greeted everyone warmly.

-Why are overseas fans so good at Korean?

-Wow... They even know that her nickname is Mamel

-Wow, so many people gathered even though it’s late. They call her Mamel there too, so cute.

-Everyone calling her "Unnie"!!! It’s so cute ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-It’s heartwarming.

-Despite the long flight, she still took time to greet everyone. So sweet.

-Amazing. It’s a relief everyone stayed safe and orderly.

-So cute, Kim Hyeyoon ㅠㅠㅠ

Continue reading Kim Hyeyoon just arrived in Bali