Daehwi: Would you choose to re-enlist in the military or to compete in Produce 101 again?
Sungwoo: I'd go on Produce 101 again.
Daehwi: Really? Ah... Is it because I haven't enlisted yet? For me, I'd choose to re-enlist.
Sungwoo: Really? You'd choose to re-enlist?
Daehwi: Wouldn't any man choose that?
Sungwoo: That just doesn't make sense.
Daehwi: Really? Is it because it's too long? But Produce 101 was really tough as well.
Sungwoo: Produce 101 was indeed tough. It is also physically exhausting. But... You get to go home.
Daehwi: Isn't it the same with military service? You probably get to sleep more in the military than in Produce, no? Is it hard to explain?
Sungwoo: Going to the military twice just... Doesn't make sense... Ah... To all the soldiers, you work really hard. I was just recently discharged, you know.. Please stay healthy and don't get hurt. Fighting to all the soldiers!
-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He just couldn't explain it in words and suddenly said 'Fighting to all the soldiers.'
-Ong Sungwoo would 100% make it if he went on Produce 101 again.
-Any idol or trainee can go on a show like Produce two or three times, but no one enlists in the military twice...
-When my idol was asked if he'd rather re-debut or re-enlist, he chose to re-enlist right awayㅋㅋ I thought he'd absolutely choose to re-enlist, especially since the other option was to go on Produce 101 again...
-Ong Sungwoo is still so handsome… My fixed pick.
-Even I would choose to go back to Produce 101...
-Although military service has gotten easier these days, losing your freedom and having your whole day controlled is still torturing.
-You can't be free in the military...ㅋㅋㅋㅠ
-Daehwi-ya... Just enlist quickly...
-Enlisting in the military service is something you're forced to do, while going on Produce 101 is more like pursuing your dream. So it's clearly differentㅋㅋㅋ
-It's incomparable... Especially since he just got dischargedㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
-Let's ask Daehwi the same thing after he finishes his military serviceㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ But since Daehwi struggled a lot during Produce 101, his answer could be different from Sungwoo's.
-My dad still has nightmares about going back to the military. I guess that’s how it is for men.
-Ong Sungwoo looks so cute in that hoodie.
-Honestly, this isn’t even a fair comparisonㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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Ong Sungwoo chooses: Re-enlist in the military vs Compete on Produce 101 again