Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Why it's meaningless for Kim Soohyun's company to attack Kim Saeron's aunt with personal information

 Garo Sero Research Institute described the informant who leaked Kim Soohyun's private life as 'Kim Saeron's aunt.' However, articles reported that the informant is not actually her aunt. Additionally, at today's press conference, the family stated, "(The deceased's) mother does not have a married sister. The 'aunt' who recently gave an interview is an...
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The part that Kim Soohyun's side is currently overly obsessed with

 Garo Sero Research Institute described the informant who leaked Kim Soohyun's private life as 'Kim Saeron's aunt.' However, articles reported that the informant is not actually her aunt. Additionally, at today's press conference, the family stated, "(The deceased's) mother does not have a married sister. The 'aunt' who recently gave an interview is an...
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Kim Soohyun's habit

 theqoo-What is this?-Wow, how can people just turn a blind eye to this?-Wow, his fans really buried this... That is surprising.-I mean... Not even playful taps? He's actually hitting them...?-See? I always thought there was something off about him. His way of speaking and acting has always looked strange to me. -Those people paid money to come and see...
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Kim Soohyun's side: "The person in the photo is not Kim Soohyun"

https://v.daum.net/v/20250318152701076Kim Soohyun's side stated, "The family and Garo Sero Research Institute are continuously making claims that are not true through press conferences and reports," adding, "For example, we attended the late Kim Saeron's funeral and the person in the photo posted on Kim Saeron's fan account is not Kim Soohyun, but someone else."They...
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Kim Soohyun's side changes stance after Kim Saeron's photo release: 'Taking legal action' → 'Willing to negotiate'

Upon reviewing the 1st and 2nd legal notices Gold Medalist sent to Kim Saeron, it was confirmed that the agency, which initially strongly urged (Kim Saeron) to repay the debt, slightly changed their stance after Kim Saeron posted her picture with Kim Soohyun, stating, "Let's have a discussion about the repayment and methods."Among the 2 legal notices obtained...
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A comment on Weibo about the 2nd legal notice that Kim Soohyun sent to Kim Saeron that received 7,000 likes

 Looking back now, it seems like Kim Soohyun's agency deliberately targeted Kim Saeron. Every time she did something, multiple lawyers would get involved, warning her that she would be sued and the compensation amount would only increase as more cases were added. In the end, she had no other option but to either d*e or go to jail. After all, the mouth...
Continue reading A comment on Weibo about the 2nd legal notice that Kim Soohyun sent to Kim Saeron that received 7,000 likes

The 1st legal notice Kim Soohyun's side sent to Kim Saeron (2024.03.15) → 2nd legal notice (2024.03.25)

 1. Wishing you endless prosperity. 2. As the legal representative of our client, Gold Medalist, we hereby urge you to fulfill your debt repayment as follows. 3. As you know, you borrowed 686,409,654 KRW from our client on 22 November 2022 under a loan with an agreement to repay it by 31 December 2023. However, you failed to repay the loan even after the...
Continue reading The 1st legal notice Kim Soohyun's side sent to Kim Saeron (2024.03.15) → 2nd legal notice (2024.03.25)