Garo Sero Research Institute described the informant who leaked Kim Soohyun's private life as 'Kim Saeron's aunt.' However, articles reported that the informant is not actually her aunt. Additionally, at today's press conference, the family stated, "(The deceased's) mother does not have a married sister. The 'aunt' who recently gave an interview is an aunt who is more like a real mother to Saeron than her own mother." They also added that "She is more like a biological aunt than (Saeron's) actual biological aunt." It is common sense that when you identify yourself as an 'aunt' through the media, it means that you are the mother's biological sister. Whether the informant is an actual relative or just a close acquaintance could influence the public's trust. However, at the press conference, the family was vague about whether the informant was an actual relative or just a family-like acquaintance. Recently, multiple industry insiders have informed us that the informant is actually the mother of a certain actor.
Kim Saeron's 'Aunt'
Kim Saeron's side has been explaining this since the issue first came up.
The aunt and Kim Saeron have had a relationship for over 20 years and Kim Saeron has been calling her 'aunt' since she was a child. Also, when the aunt was interviewed, Kim Saeron's parents were there with her.
The cousin who lent Kim Saeron her phone to text Kim Soohyun is also the daughter of this aunt.
But today, they suddenly claimed that they received a tip and are exposing the aunt’s identity, saying she’s the mother of a certain actor.
Is this really an important issue right now? Regardless of importance, I don’t even understand what the problem is.
-I also call my mom's friend 'aunt.' What's wrong with calling someone an aunt?
-What does that matter? It's not like this aunt has been lying behind Kim Saeron's family's back. She came forward with them. It sounds like they're just nitpicking because they're cornered.
-Why are they so obsessed with that?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Whether she's really her aunt or not, focus on the facts!!!!!
-I don't have a single biological aunt, but I have hundreds of women I call 'aunts' around me~! So what?
-So what?ㅋㅋㅋ
-Whoa... They're exposing the aunt's identity like a threat. It sounds like they're saying, "Your daughter is an actress, right?"
-They’re just trying to derail the conversation by making people doubt the informant's credibility so no one will discuss the main issue. Do they really think that’ll work?
-Calling your mom’s friend 'aunt' is super common. Even if she's the mother of a certain actor, does that change any facts?
-I also call my mom’s friends 'aunt.' What’s the problem?
-Huh? Isn’t this a threat? They’re basically saying, “We're gonna end your actress daughter’s career.”
-Is it even possible to be this pathetic?
-If someone who isn’t even a biological aunt is willing to step up like this, it just shows that Kim Saeron must have lived well.
-Are they threatening her? Just because they’re in the same industry?
-Are they not Korean? The title 'aunt' can be used for so many different relationships in this country.
-Wow, they must really have nothing else to nitpick.