Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Hwang In Yeob confirmed to play the role Han Seojun in True Beauty

Han Seojun He was born in 1991 and is 185cm tall theqoo -Regardless the fact that he doesn't resemble the character, I don't think he suits the role of a high school student... -They should've just casted Kwon Hyunbin... -I think they should've just casted Kwon Hyunbin, both of them are rookie actors, anywayㅋㅋㅋ Or maybe...
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I thought Taeyeon and Irene were the same height

But Taeyeon turns out to be a little bit taller?! instiz -Maybe Taeyeon was wearing shoes with thick platforms...? -Irene was wearing sneakers and Taeyeon's shoes had thick platforms at that time... -I think they're around the same height?! -I think Taeyeon is around 160...? -I think Taeyeon is a liiiittle bit taller than Irene... -Joohyun...
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AKMU's Chanhyuk seems to be thinking about leaving YG Ent.

He asks about the company Lee Hi wishes to sign with Lee Hi is not signed with any companies at the moment Q: Which entertainment company do you want to sign with? CH: Wait for awhile. I hope you'll sign with me if I build one. LH: He has been talking about this for 2 years CH: I have a dream about Lee Hi's voice LH: He keeps dreaming about my voice CH:...
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Taeyeon seems to be so busy making bracelets... (ft. she has made 55 so far)

Taeyeon is the type of person who would do that one thing for awhile once she's immersed in it (It usually doesn't last for a long time, but she'd be really immersed in it) Recently, she has been really into making beads bracelets These are the bracelets that she has made Her own bracelets The bracelets she made for Hyoyeon, Key, and Yeri The...
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Wanna One's members and the moment where they became hot topic of the town

Kang Daniel - Sorry Sorry Fancam Park Jihoon - His wink in Pick Me Lee Daehwi - His center position in Pick Me Kim Jaehwan - His part in Sorry Sorry that goes 'Now stop, and come to me~' Ong Seongwoo - His first evaluation stage Park Woojin - 10 Points out of 10 Points Fancam Lai Guan Lin - Fear Yoon Jisung - Produce 101...
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The boy group whose the visual members get different opinions from public

EXO These are the three members who are often get mentioned as the visual member of the group Suho Chanyeol Sehun I think it's just the matter of personal preferences theqoo -For me, it's Sehun... I love him... -I think it's Kai... But if we're talking about the classical beauty, it's Suho. -Now that I think...
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Sandara Park unexpectedly get hit in the back of her head

The guest arrived from Hongkong at 8PM, the night before the filming The panelists ask if he recognise any of them  Park Narae asks if he recognises Sandara Park since she's really famous He claims he doesn't recognise her since all he does is study 'I don't know why, but in South Korea all the pretty women look alike' 'Maybe because...
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The visual of YG's upcoming boygroup

This is the first time YG is releasing a boy group with a lot of members (12 members) They're planned to debut this July, currently filming for their MV The oldest member was born in 1999. There are members who were born in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005. Out of 12 members, 8 of them are Korean and 4 of them are Japanese. theqoo -2005...?...
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