Sunday, December 11, 2016

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The OST that Chanyeol is featured in..

First of all, I'm a fan of Gong Yoo who's really into Goblin these days. To Exo's fans, I'm going to be really honest here. When I heard that Chanyeol is going to be featured in one of Goblin's OST, it reminds me of 'Don't Make Money' song and I wondered why would he feature in an OST.  And for Punch, she's already famous for singing good OSTS. And...
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A male idol who's currently dating with the cameras

is Seventeen and Carats' General Leader, Scoups! Choi Seungcheol (22 years old, S.Coups) has been dating the cameras since his debut, he keeps on giving them a very dangerous and fatal smile whenever he sees them. First of all, this is Scoups on Seventeen's stage yesterday: He has been dating them since he made his debut.. He keeps on flirting...
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Because of Kim Heechul, fans get to see Yoona's annoyed expression that they have never seen before

It's my first time seeing Yoona with that expression instiz -That looks like something that my friends and I would do to each otherㅋㅋㅋㅋ -She looks like she has reached her nirvana rather than annoyedㅋㅋㅋ That's really cuteㅋㅋ And it's really cool how Kim Heechul treats Yoona just like how he treats another male idol juniorsㅋㅋ -Yoona looks...
Continue reading Because of Kim Heechul, fans get to see Yoona's annoyed expression that they have never seen before
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B1A4's sister is rumoured to debut next year?

She just recently made an Instagram account. She was rumoured to debut with the group that was supposed to be B1A4's sister group, but since there are still no news about it, I think WM is just going to debut her as a solo singer or maybe in WM's next girlgroup..? She was featured in one of B1A4's songs, the one titled 'When It Snows'! If...
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A female idol who suffers a great loss after PD101 ended

is Kwon Eunbin I just can't understand Cube.. instiz -I agree.. She could've debuted with IOI if it wasn't for Cube, she's really really pretty.. Or IBI, at least, she could've debuted with Lee Soohyun, Kim Sohee, etc.. -I personally think she's one of the prettiest trainees in PD101ㅠㅠ She's like the mixture of Park Hanbyul and UEE.....
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