Sunday, December 11, 2016


Is Gong Yoo that cool?

Does Gong Yoo really look that cool in Goblin? 
My girlfriend goes "Ah.. He's driving me crazy.. He's so cool.. Oh God" whenever she sees him but I just don't get why.. What does she like about him?


1. [+88][-0] First of all, his chemistry with Lee Dongwook is excellent. He's just as tall as the Namsan (Nam Mountain) and his shoulders are as broad as the pacific ocean.. And with that figures, he still does all the cute things.. Not to mention that he's also very handsome and manly.. 

2. [+87][-4] When Descendant of The Sun became a hit, I didn't fall for Song Joongki no matter how cool he looked in tha drama.. But Gong Yoo is something else.. He has taken over me.. I'm falling head over heels for him..ㅠㅠㅠ

3. [+73][-1] He's so freaking cool..

4. [+50][-0] He's handsome, everyone knows that.. His proportions make him look like a Western model.. I've seen a lot of tall men but it's my first time seeing a tall man with such model-like proportions like him..

5. [+41][-0] Gong Yoo is really cool.. I'm not a hardcore fan of his but he makes my heart race whenever I see his smile in Goblin.. And he looks good with Lee Dongwook and Yook Sungjaeㅠㅠ He also looks good with Kim Goeunㅠㅠ Whoa.. My heart flutters just by seeing him wearing turtle-neck sweater and long coatㅠㅠ And he also really looks good in suitsㅠㅠㅋㅋ

6. [+38][-0] Are you asking because you really don't know? Looks like you haven't watched Goblin at all.. Honestly, I never thought that he was handsome or cool before I watched Goblin.. But I changed my mind after watching the dramaㅠㅠ Of course it's probably because of his role in the drama, but his acting skills also play a big role.. On top of that, his figure.. His shoulders, his body proportions, his height..ㅠㅠ He's not just that typical slim and tall man you often see in the streetㅠㅠ He's really handsome and his smile makes my heart flutterㅠㅠ He has a great chemistry with Lee Dongwook, Kim Goeun and Yook Sungjae. Yeah.. Anyway, women are so into him these daysㅋㅋ

7. [+28][-2] Song Joongki and him both have some cringeworthy lines in their dramas but he looks cooler when he says the linesㅠㅠㅠ And we're also going crazy not only because of Gong Yoo, but also because of Lee Dongwook..

8. [+27][-0] He's not that typical flower-boy that girls like these days.. He has something different in him, he's handsome, manly and also has the 'aura'.. That's why women are so into him..

9. [+27][-1] I've liked him since 'She's on Duty' and from what I know, he's an actor with a very clean history.. He has never had any scandalous or controversial rumours at all..

10. [+27][-0] 

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