Sunday, December 11, 2016

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The OST that Chanyeol is featured in..

First of all, I'm a fan of Gong Yoo who's really into Goblin these days.
To Exo's fans, I'm going to be really honest here. When I heard that Chanyeol is going to be featured in one of Goblin's OST, it reminds me of 'Don't Make Money' song and I wondered why would he feature in an OST. 
And for Punch, she's already famous for singing good OSTS. And when Stay With Me first came out, I didn't listen to it because I know that Chanyeol is featured in it.
But everytime the drama ends, I always hear that song and it's really nice song.. So I looked up for it and turns out that's the song that Punch and Chanyeol sing..
I don't have to explain about Punch, she's really good at singing and everybody knows that. But Chanyeol, he's beyond my expectation, I was really surprised.. Why does SM tell him to rap, they should let him sing instead..
Okay, I'm writing this post because the song is really nice. Goblin, fighting!


1. [+232][-13] Thanks, anyway Chanyeol got accepted in SM because of his singing abilityㅋㅋㅋ You should go and listen to his cover of 'All of Me' on Youtube if you have timeㅠㅠ It's really niceㅎㅎ

2. [+197][-8] I recommend you to listen to this song that Chanyeol is also featured in:

3. [+183][-38] I feel really nice to see a post praising about Chanyeol's talent, I'm really proud of him.. But I have to admit that the way the OP starts this post is not really nice, there's nothing I can do about that anywayㅋㅋㅋ Well, anyway thank you for acknowledging his talent..

4. [+50][-2] It's true that he's still lacking some rap skills, but he's really passionate when it comes to music and he says that he's the happiest when he writes songs.. His skills are improving as the time goes by.. And he really sounds better when he sings rather than when he raps.. But still, please don't be so mean about itㅠㅠ He's a hard-working man, I believe that he's going to do a great job..

5. [+39][-1] His voice is really sexy..

6. [+34][-1] He does almost all of the backing vocals in Exo's songs.. He has this voice color that any groups can't survive without..

7. [+32][-1] I thought he was going to debut in a band like Trax, but instead, he debuted in Exo. Seems like SM tells him to rap because he has a nice and deep voice.. He sang a cover of All of Me in a fanmeeting last year, go watch the video if you have time..

8. [+28][-1] Don't Make Money.. That song doesn't suit him at all.. You have to listen to Freal Luv, you'll realize that he's actually not that bad at rapping.. He has a really deep voice so anything like 'Don't Make Money' doesn't suit him.. You really have to listen to Freal Luv, I swear you won't question about his rap skills anymore after listening to it..

9. [+28][-5] Questioning about a rapper's rap skills is just.. not a right thing to do..

10. [+23][-1] Chanyeol got accepted in SM because of his singing skills..

someone asks me why did I put 'a netizen' instead of 'netizens' in the tweet because there's only ONE PERSON who wrote this post do you get it like hm the others might have acknowledged it since a long time before but this girl who wrote the post right here she just realized it after listening to the ost ok

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