Sunday, December 9, 2018

Click this post if you're watching Sky Castle

I'm writing this post because I noticed that every online communities talk about Sky Castle, except here in Pann.. Upvote this post if you're watching Sky Castle Downvote this post if you're not If you're not watching it, then you really need to start to. The 6th episode just aired recently and I guarantee you this is a really good drama. You can watch...
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Let's show off about any kind of useless things..ㅋㅋㅋ

Okay, starting from me.. Do you know the song titled 'Oppa-ya'? I listened to that song as soon as it was released on the music charts, I used to listen to that song a lot..ㅋㅋㅋㅋ The reason was because I was having a crush on my senior back then.. Since it's anonymous here, let's show off about any kind of useless things here>< I'll end this...
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Whose fancams do you often watch even though you're not their fan?

Don't you just have those fancams that you can't help but watch while you scroll down the Internet? Someone who's outstanding, who makes you want to watch their (fancam)..? Even though you don't have any clear reasons for that? I personally often watch Jennie, Nayeon, Jungkook, Kang Daniel, and Yeonwoo's fancams. pann [+202][-36] 1. [+322][-45] Kang Daniel and Jimin's fancams 2. [+265][-38]...
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