B.A.P's first-ever trophy
I JUST SAW THIS ON TIKTOK, AND I AM FUCKING SAD AND UPSET. FUCK YOU TSEnt, UNTIL MY VERY LAST BREATH!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬 pic.twitter.com/lkIgOgQa1E— KEI WILL SEE SKZ AGAIN (@kkeiuwumato) March 4, 2023The OP's mom bought it back in 2020, before the OP knew Kpop. Now she knows Kpop and what that trophy is. OP is shocked and posted it on Tiktok. This is the video...
The thing that a Filipino mother bought at a Korean Thrift Shop for 200 Peso (4,000 KRW, ~3.60USD)
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The thing that a Filipino mother bought at a Korean Thrift Shop for 200 Peso (4,000 KRW, ~3.60USD)