Tuesday, June 20, 2017

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Yoo Seonho and Hwang Minhyun in the behind videosㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Seems like Yoo Seonho really likes Hwang Minhyun so muchㅋㅋㅋㅋ He always sticks right next to Minhyunㅋㅋㅋㅋ Minhyun said he promised to treat Seonho meat, it's so cuteㅋㅋㅋ YSH: I can't see you again now..? HMH: You still can see (meet) me~ What are you talking about.. Staff: Seonho, which one do you like more, Hwang Minhyun or Kang Daniel? YSH:...
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Ha Minho uploaded an apologize letter on his Instagram

Hello, this is former Produce 101 Season 2 participant, Ha Minho. First of all, I would like to apologize to all parties who was wounded by the recent controversy. I feel responsible for all my wrong-doings and currently reflecting on myself. I'm so sorry for causing such a big mess.  In my high school and middle school days, I was an immature...
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T-Ara's Jiyeon and Hyomin crying after winning 1st on The Show

instiz -Oh boy..ㅠㅠ Imagine all the hardships they went through all this time..ㅠㅠ -Congratulations on your win.. I'm so proud of you, girls.. -It must be tiring for them.. Congratulations.. -I'm tearing up..ㅠㅠ -Congratulations.. I will always love you, girls.. -I really love their song! -Hul.. They won??ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Congratulationsㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ -Let's...
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Wanna One's hater who has crossed the lines

'Rem, please do (kill) this one too' Note: Rem here is a murderer who killed a primary school student in Incheon instiz -Is she in her right mind? Ugh.. -Looks like she's out of her mind.. -Ah.. I'm getting mad.. -This is seriously not right.. What have Jisung done to her to make her say things like that.. -Whoa.. I'm getting goosebumps.....
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Sulli uploaded a video of dying eels, deleted it, and uploaded it again afterwards

She cut open the eels before grilling it, in the video it was seen that the eels were suffering in pain to their deaths.   Sulli was also heard laughing while dubbing the eels like "Help me~~ Help me~~ Aaargh~" Fans were shocked to see this video, including the overseas fans as well. Some of her fans shielded her saying that it's not that...
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This gif of Kim Jonghyun is seriously amazing..ㅠㅠㅠ

The lyrics go like "To the beautiful you~" in this part. There was a fan who went like "Me?" and Jonghyun nodded and smiled to herㅠㅠㅠ So sweetㅠㅠㅠㅠ +) Full body gif instiz -I like this gif so much..ㅠㅠ I can't bring myself to exit from this page..ㅠㅠ -I can't help but always click on this post whenever I see it..ㅠㅠ -This is my fifth time...
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The picture that makes you realize how short Yoon Bomi's hair now is..

She cut it right under her ears Before: instiz -Bomi looks pretty no matter what hairstyle she has..ㅠㅠ -I personally think she looks cuter with short hair! -Hul.. I can see Jung Yumi in her now that she cuts her hair.. -She really does look beautiful with short hair..ㅠㅠㅠ -That's how my hair looked like back then in middle school.. -Yoon...
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The picture that makes me tear up whenever I see it

We got to see various stages throughout the show, but I personally think Sorry Sorry Team 2's stage was the best stage I've seen in the show. I really miss that time.. pann [+376][-15] 1. [+66][-1] I'm seriously tearing up now that I look at that picture.. I don't think there will be another team that's just as good as they were.. Now that I think...
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I confessed to my crush and cried a lot today..

There's this guy that I really like so much, it almost like a virus, there's no cure for it. We have no possibilities to be together and I'm having a really hard time to move on from him so I just thought maybe it's better for me to confess my feelings and get rejected by him. I've been thinking about this for around 2 weeks. During P.E class today, I...
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The type of faces that unexpectedly are famous among women

instiz -Whoa.. I like them.. -The last one.. Since I'm so into Suspicious Partner these days..ㅋㅋㅋ -Now that you put them in one post, they all look similar..  -Men with monolids who look reliable and trustworthy..? -I love Park Seojun and Dongha.. -Yoon Gyunsang..ㅠㅠ Dongha..ㅠㅠ Marry me.. -Unexpectedly.....??? -They have...
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