
Wednesday, June 12, 2024


'Lovely Runner' Imaginary Group 'ECLIPSE' Featured on Billboard Korea's Instagram


-Eclipse is real!!

-Shouldn't Eclipse at least do a project group by now?

-What's happening?

-Oh my, it's insane.

-Eclipse, please come back.

-Eclipse actually existsㅠㅠ Seriouslyㅠㅠ

-Eclipseㅠㅠ Ryu Sunjaeㅠㅠ

-Eclipse is realㅠㅠ They're not just an imaginary band...

-Eclipse, please have a concert soon ㅠㅠ

-It really feels like Eclipse is an acuatlly existing band at this pointㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Eclipse, please hold a concert soonㅠㅠㅠ

-Eclipse is real, please come to Dingolive...

-Eclipse is so cool...

-So, when will Eclipse hold an actual concert now?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I'm waiting for Eclipse's concert...
Continue reading 'Lovely Runner' Imaginary Group 'ECLIPSE' Featured on Billboard Korea's Instagram

An actress who've been told "You can't be an actress, you're ugly" a lot


'You can't be an actress, you're ugly'

Chun Woohee

For real?

She often made it to the final round of the audition only to be rejected with the comment, "Your acting is great, but your face is too actress-like"


-She's freaking beautiful, which bastard said that?

-I've always thought Chun Woohee was beautiful, what is this nonsense?

-When Chun Woohee was auditioning in her early career, they probably preferred striking, distinctive features... Like Son Yejin, Jun Jihyun, Song Hyekyo, Han Gain, Kim Taehee, Han Yeseul... those faces? That's likely why those comments were made. 

-What's not beautiful about her?

-Chun Woohee is beautiful;; She's not a fancy doll-like beauty, but she's objectively a pretty, isn't she,,

-She's freaking stunning, her gaze is so captivating, I just love Chun Woohee so much.

-She's gorgeous;;;;

-??? Her face is perfectly proportioned and beautiful, though???

-I really don't get it, she's so beautiful.

-What does too actress-like even mean, she's an actress, why is that a problem?

-What does actress-like face mean? Isn't that usually a compliment for idols?

-They're always so harsh on actresses' looks, it's really annoying; Chun Woohee is freaking beautiful.

-I'm shocked, why? I just don't get it.

-I'm not exaggerating, she's gorgeous.

-Male actors can look all sorts of ways, but they're so picky about actresses' looks ㅡㅡ

-Saying she's unattractive is ridiculous. She might fit serious or indie films more than typical romances, but she's definitely not unattractive.

-To me, she's one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen.

-What does too actress-like even mean..?

-Wow, they must be crazy, how could they not see how beautiful she is.

-Does it mean she has a face suited for movies rather than dramas? If so, I agree.
Continue reading An actress who've been told "You can't be an actress, you're ugly" a lot
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Park Woojin - NewJeans' How Sweet Challenge



-Is Woojin overseas? The atmosphere looks good.

-As expected, he's a great dancer.

-His moves are precise and he dances very smoothly.

-Wow, out of all the cover videos of 'How Sweet' I've seen, Woojin's is the cleanest! His dance is really impressive.

-Wow, he dances so well. His control of strength is amazing.

-Wow, so good, so smooth.

-As expected, Park Woojin.

-What's this? Is he a new God of dance? He's dancing so lightly and well, and his facial expressions are great too.

-Why is he so light yet strong? He's amazing.

-Park Woojin can even dance well to girl group songs.

-Came back to watch it again, his facial expressions are so good.

-I love you, Park Woojin.

Continue reading Park Woojin - NewJeans' How Sweet Challenge

"Super Embarrassing" ... BELIFT Lab's Rebuttal Video Against Plagiarism Allegations Backfires, HYBE's Stock Drops


On the 10th, Belift Lab, a label under HYBE, posted a video on their newly created YouTube channel, 'BELIFT Lab Announcement,' titled 'Belift Lab's Position on Plagiarism Claims.' The following day, on the 11th, HYBE's stock closed at 198,000 KRW, down 2.22% from the previous trading day.

On the same day, BELIFT Lab also issued an official statement on their social media accounts announcing legal action against Min Heejin, CEO of ADOR, and malicious commenters who raised plagiarism allegations between ILLIT and NewJeans.

Additionally, many believe the stock decline was influenced by the perception that BELIFT Lab's actions were a negative response to Min Heejin's peace offering to HYBE at a press conference after avoiding her dismissal as ADOR CEO through a temporary injunction.

Company posts a video denying plagiarism accusations against ILLIT ... "Super Embarrassing" 

BELIFT Lab denies plagiarism accusations through a Youtube video: "Their company is their biggest hater"


-The titleㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I never thought the word 'Super' would be used like thisㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-The headline is really something elseㅋㅋㅋㅋ They're gonna get suedㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-No one in their right mind would release a video like that...

-Super embarrassingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-I'm sure not only one or two higher-ups read this articles before it came out... How did the headline get approved?

-It's clear who's giving their artists the most trouble nowㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-They're just making more enemies by dragging popular idols into thisㅋㅋㅋㅋ They should focus on their own artists' image instead.

-The journalist might get sued at this pointㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Their company is their own haterㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-It's even made it to the news nowㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Continue reading "Super Embarrassing" ... BELIFT Lab's Rebuttal Video Against Plagiarism Allegations Backfires, HYBE's Stock Drops

B.A.P is back!


Former B.A.P members Moon Jongup, Jung Daehyun, Yoo Youngjae, and Bang Yongguk have announced new activities.

On the 12th, MA Ent. released a documentary teaser video featuring Moon Jongup, Jung Daehyun, Yoo Youngjae, and Bang Yongguk on its official SNS and YouTube channel.


-What about Zelo? Oh, he's in the militaryㅠㅠ

-I still listen to their songs these days.

-Wow, it's been a whileㅠㅠ

-I missed them... this is such good news!!

-Wow, I'm excited!!

-Jongup must be so happyㅠㅠ

-They really went through a lotㅠㅠㅠ They always showed their skills with live performances even in tough conditions. I'm so happy they’re reuniting.

-I hope everything goes well..

-Wow, my first loves...

-I loved them so much in middle school... Amazing. "No Mercy" is such a great song.

-Wow... They were all so talented and had great songs. I hope they do well.

-Dae-hyun's talent is too precious to waste. His live vocals are amazing.

-Wow ㅠㅠㅠ I still listen to their songs...

-I can't believe Zelo is already in the military.... He was the youngest idol in the industry....

-I always thought they had so much potential. It’s good they're reuniting. I was wondering where the youngest member was, and now I see he’s in the military?

-I remember when they debuted ㅜㅜㅜ Even though I wasn't a fan, I really liked them.

-Amazing, so glad to hear this. They were such a talented group.

Continue reading B.A.P is back!