
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A gym in Incheon declares 'No Ahjumma Zone' ... Prohobits middle-aged women from entering


No Entry for Middle-Aged Women

<8 Ways to Distinguish Ahjummas from Women>

1. They love free stuff regardless of their age

2. They get criticized everywhere they go, but they don't know why

3. They sit in priority seats for pregnant women in public transportation

4. They go to a coffee shop with a friend, order only one coffee, and ask for an extra cup

5. They secretly dispose of food waste in public restrooms or toilets

6. They're stingy with their own money but don't think twice when using others' money

7. They keep repeating saying the same thing due to poor memory and jugment

8. No one helps them when they fall, except God

-A Reconstructed Social Media (SNS) Post by the Owner of a Gym in Incheon-

On the 10th, JTBC's 'Crime Chief' reported a social media post by the owner of a gym in Incheon. 

The informant stated, "I understand the sentiment behind why the business owner posted such a message, considering how challenging running a business can be. However, I don't understand restricting gym access based on gender and age."

The owner claimed that due to significant damages caused by middle-aged women, they initiated the 'No Ahjumma Zone.'

The owner stated, "Middle-aged women bringing a laundry basket to the gym and running hot water for one or two hours to do laundry have doubled our water bills. They also made harassing remarks like 'You'll give birth well' to young female members."


-Totally agree! :)

-But at what age are you considered an Ahjumma? Thirty?

-What's the criteria for being an Ahjumma? If you don't fit those 8 criterias, you're just a woman, but if you do, you're an Ahjumma... Even if I was considering going to that gym, I wouldn't after seeing that kind of message.

-Is that for real...?

-What does using priority seats for pregnant women have to do with gym access? They just want to rant about women.

-This seems to have crossed the line.

-They've gone too far.

-Why not just make that gym for men only then?

-The problem with our society is that we use 'Ahjumma' as a derogatory term.

-Is this really a post from 2024...??

-I don't know how the word Ahjumma became like this. It used to be a friendly term.

-Wow, it's absurd... If men do those, does that make them Ahjummas too?

Continue reading A gym in Incheon declares 'No Ahjumma Zone' ... Prohobits middle-aged women from entering
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Kim Soohyun to host 'KCON 2024' in July


Kim Soohyun, Rowoon, and Jeon Somi, will be hosting M Countdown 'KCON LA 2024.'

Taking place over three days from July 26 to 28 at the Crypto.com Arena, LA Convention Center, and Gilbert Lindsay Plaza in Los Angeles, 'KCON LA 2024' will feature these stars as hosts for M Countdown. Kim Soohyun, renowned for causing a global sensation with each of his projects, and Jeon Somi, a leading figure in global K-POP trends, will be joined by Rowoon, who has successfully transitioned from a singer to an actor.

Particularly, this is Kim Soohyun’s return to 'KCON' after nine years, since his last appearance in 2015. As a key figure in the global spread of Korean content, his presence at 'KCON LA 2024' draws significant attention. Kim Soohyun will host the closing event on the 28th. His recent drama 'The Queen of Tears' topped Netflix's global TOP10 series (non-English) list, reaffirming his status as a global sensation, and his upcoming appearance is highly anticipated.


-Wow, Kim Soohyun!

-Oh, they invite actors to KCON too? I thought only MAMA does that.

-Is Rowoon a good MC?

-This is great.

-Why are they inviting an actor to KCON?

-Why do they keep making Rowoon an MC?

-I haven't watched KCON in a while.

-I think it's unnecessary to have actors host a concert.

-Different hosts for each day?

-Oh, looking forward to it.

-He's the type to shine on stage. I wonder if he'll do as well as Song Joongki and Park Bogum.

-Why do they give hosting gigs to actors at these kinds of events? I don't understand... It's the same as having idols host at the Blue Dragon Film Awards.

-Why though? Hiring professional MCs would be better.

Continue reading Kim Soohyun to host 'KCON 2024' in July

EXO's Full Group Album for This Winter Potentially Scrapped Due to Conflict with ChenBaekXi

by Journalist Park Seyeon

EXO's plan to release a full-group album this winter is likely to be scrapped due to the conflict between Chen, Baekhyun, Xiumin, and SM Ent.

According to the music industry on the 11th, SM Ent. and EXO had initially planned and discussed releasing a full-group album this winter. The concept was a seasonal winter song rather than a performance-focused track, inspired by 'First Snow' which received great love from the public and regained popularity recently.

During the first half of the year, members focused on solo and individual activities, so the winter album project wasn't actively discussed but was still considered as a possibility.

However, these plans have become unlikely. The previous day, CBX held an emergency press conference criticizing SM Ent., to which SM Ent. responded by announcing their intention to sue CBX, stating they could no longer tolerate the situation.


Given that CBX and SM Ent. had already experienced significant conflict last year, it is seen that the recent press conference has made reconciliation nearly impossible. As a result, unless a dramatic agreement is reached, it is unlikely that EXO's full-group album will be released this winter.


-With Kyungsoo around, it will not be a big deal if those two main vocalists leave.

-It seems better for EXO to just go their separate ways now.

-Let's move on without them.

-Isn't this practically a disbandment?

-This is really severe.

-Who is left in EXO now?

-No need to worry about the main vocal, Kyungsoo is enough.

-This really feels like a survival showㅋㅋㅋㅋ The number of members decreases every time there's newsㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-This is crazy, proceed without them.

-Can't EXO continue without them? Even as a non-fan, I think it's a shame if the album is scrapped because of those three...

-EXO still has Suho, D.O., Chanyeol, Kai, and Sehun, so the main vocal, main dancer, leader, visual, and rapper are all there. It's fine with 5 members! Let's proceed without them.

-Wow, EXO-M is really legendary. None of them kept their contracts, 100% escape group.

-I hate CBX more than the Chinese members who left. They are the worst for pretending not to be hungry for money while holding the group hostage. SM Ent., make sure to sue them properly.

Continue reading EXO's Full Group Album for This Winter Potentially Scrapped Due to Conflict with ChenBaekXi

Kim Soohyun♥Im Nayoung, sparked dating rumors overseas ... An unexpected pairing


Actor Kim Soohyun (36) and Im Nayoung (28), a member of former group IOI, were seen whispering affectionately at a music festival held in Incheon.

On the 10th (local time), the foreign media outlet 'ET Today' reported a dating rumor between actor Kim Soohyun and singer-actress Im Nayoung.

Kim Soohyun and Im Nayoung attended the '2024 Ultra Music Festival Korea' on the 7th. Their appearance caught the attention of the audience, who then recorded the two and posted the footage on social media.

In the video, Kim Soohyun and Im Nayoung are seen standing side by side, enjoying the music. Kim Soohyun had a casual 'boyfriend look' with a black baseball cap and oversized shirt, while Im Nayoung showcased pure charm in a white sleeveless top.

Kim Soohyun was seen whispering to Im Nayoung, displaying a friendly moment. Im Nayoung, unfazed, continued the conversation naturally.

The unexpected pairing left netizens bewildered. Comments included, "Did Kim Soohyun and Im Nayoung even have any connection?" and "I never imagined the two were acquainted."

Some are denying the dating rumors. They argue, "The festival's sponsor was also the sponsor for tvN's 'Queen of Tears.' Not only Kim Soohyun but also actor Park Seojoon was present. They were whispering because it was noisy." The sponsor mentioned is Mercedes-Benz.

Meanwhile, Kim Soohyun is back to his prime with the tvN drama 'Queen of Tears.' During the drama's airing, actress Kim Saeron posted a selfie with him on social media, sparking 'self-dating' rumors.

Im Nayoung debuted with IOI through Mnet's 'Produce 101.' She has since appeared in various films and dramas, establishing herself as an 'acting idol.'


-If it's true, it's something that we should congratulate them for.

-Aren’t they just friends?

-It's been so long since the last time I saw Nayoung.

-How can one photo spark dating rumors?

-I saw the video, and they surprisingly look good together. Nayoung is pretty and has a good personality.

-They’re not hiding it, so they must just be friends.

-Does whispering mean they’re dating?

-I saw the video, Kim Soohyun whispered to other people too. They don’t seem close; it was just for a second.

-Do they even know each other?

-If it’s true, congrats. If they’re just friends, hope they had fun.

-Looks like they’re just acquaintances.

-If it's true, they look good together.

-Huh? How do they know each other?

-Have they ever worked on the same project? Their friendship is surprising.

-If they were really dating, they wouldn’t be so open about it.

-It surprises me to know that they know each other.

-It was so loud there, that's why he leaned in to talk to her.

Continue reading Kim Soohyun♥Im Nayoung, sparked dating rumors overseas ... An unexpected pairing

CBX's legal representative, "Claims that EXO's full group activities are canceled is NOT true, it is carried under a separate contract with SM Ent."

by Journalist Lee Minkyung

Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin's legal representative denies reports of EXO's full group activities being canceled

On the 11th, Lee Jaehak, the legal representative for Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin under INB100, stated, "There were no discussions about this before the reports came out. The claim that EXO's full group activities are canceled is not true."

Furthermore, Lee clarified, "The full group activities of EXO were carried out under a separate contract with SM Ent. The issues raised at yesterday's press conference are about their individual activities and have nothing to do with the group's activities being canceled."

On the same day, a media outlet reported that EXO's full group activities were effectively canceled due to SM Ent.(hereinafter referred to as SM) suing Chen, Baekhyun, and Xiumin's agency, INB100.


-If they think contracts are so important, why do they treat the ones they've signed like trash?

-What do they want to do? They don’t want to honor the contract, don’t want to pay, and yet they want to release statements, want to continue activities, and want to be part of EXO.

-They want to do whatever they please... Disregard the contract and the fans... Please just go away.

-After all the fuss they made with SM Ent., they still have the audacity to ask SM Ent. to release an album. Hilarious.

-What if SM Ent. decides not to proceed with the group activities?

-They caused this mess and still want to continue as EXO. Unbelievable.

-How can SM Ent. proceed with group activities amidst this dispute? Is the lawyer serious?

-Do you really think SM Ent. will allow this now?

-Would SM Ent. want to proceed with full group activities in this situation?

-So dumb.

-This is really annoying now.

-Do they have any conscience? Seriously?

-What are they even doing?

-They don’t want to pay but want to make money as EXO. Ridiculous.

-SM Ent., just sue them and cut ties.

Continue reading CBX's legal representative, "Claims that EXO's full group activities are canceled is NOT true, it is carried under a separate contract with SM Ent."

Why did they hold a press conference when CBX was not even present?

by Journalist Kang Dayoon

CBX held a press conference without CBX. However, it left numerous questions. Why? Why now? Why like this?

EXO CBX's agency, INB100, held an emergency press conference on the 10th at the Shilla Hotel's Youngbin Hall in Jung-gu, Seoul, to accuse SM Entertainment of deceptive agreements. The press conference was attended by the Chairman of p_Arc Group, Cha Ga-won; the CEO of INB100, Kim Dongjoon; and attorney Lee Jaehak, representing INB100 and CBX.

EXO and EXO fans were constantly mentioned during CBX's emergency press conference. However, it appears that they have been considering the situations of the other EXO's members during the emergency press conference. Previously, SM En't said in their statement, "After receiving the official document containing the content proof, we have decided to not pursue the issue further in order to avoid interfering the activities of EXO's members, especially D.O, Chen, and Suho who are currently actively promoting their solo album, concert, and other projects."

Reporters are only doing their job, and if Suho and D.O. are expected to understand their fellow EXO members' issues, what about other artists? On the same day as the emergency press conference, the group Cignature held a showcase at 2 PM for their fifth EP, 'Sweetie but Saltie.' At exactly the same time as the emergency press conference, at 4 PM, Everglow held a showcase for their fifth single album, 'Zombie.'

Both Cignature and Everglow were releasing new albums after ten months. However, due to CBX's emergency press conference notification, many reporters had to choose which event to attend. The name "emergency press conference" inevitably drew attention to CBX. Although Cignature's showcase was held at 2 PM, many reporters gave up attending their showcase because it was about 30 minutes away from the venue of the emergency press conference. The impact was even worse for Everglow, as their showcase was held at exactly the same time as the emergency press conference. 

After the press conference ended and Chairman Cha and CEO Kim left, many reporters bombarded attorney Lee with questions. However, the only responses he gave out cautious statements such as, "I need to answer in the presence of my clients. If you have additional questions, I will respond all at once through the appropriate channel," "Since my clients are not present, I must refrain from commenting," and "We will respond through the channel later."

When asked if the statement read during the press conference would be distributed separately, INB100 replied, "Soon." The statement read at the emergency press conference was then distributed at 8:24 PM. After the emergency press conference was over, SM Ent. released their statement at 6:46 PM. INB100's reply regarding the "channel" has not yet been received.


-They've been a nuisance in every way possible.

-Please check out Everglow's music video.

-I didn't know Everglow was having a comeback. How is their song??

-Reporters canceled their scheduled plans because of that 'emergency' press conference. Ugh, what a mess.

-Such a nuisance.

-It wasn't even something worth an emergency press conference, just caused trouble.

-Their actions resemble HYBE's...

-So that's why the reporters were angry and asked why they held a press conference for the same issue again.

-Wow... What a nuisance to other groupsㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Poor Everglowㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Guys, listen to Everglow's new song. It's good.

-This could have been Cignature's last comeback, thoughㅠㅠ

-They really lack consideration for others.

-It's been a really long time since Everglow's comeback, right?ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I like both groups, so I'll listen to their songsㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-What a nuisance. The press conference had no substance anyway. They just wanted attention.

Continue reading Why did they hold a press conference when CBX was not even present?
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Actresses Who are Frequently Mentioned for Lead Role in the Remake of 'Princess Hours'


1. Roh Jeong-eui

Among the actresses who get mentioned the most for the lead role, she has the highest synchronization to the female lead role in the original work.

*Note: This is the female lead role of 'Princess Hours' in the original work

2. Kim Hyeyoon

With her cute appearance and solid acting skills as the master of teen rom-com genre, she manages to portray even cheesy scenes really well. Therefore, she is frequently mentioned for the female lead role in 'Princess Hours'

3. Shin Eunsoo

An actress who looks great in school uniforms, surprisingly, despite her popularity, I see a lot of posts wanting her to play the female lead role in the 'Princess Hours' remake.

In addition, there are actually many others, but since these three share one thing in common as former child actors, I decided to write about them.


-Kim Hyeyoon was a child actor too???? I didn't know!!

-Roh Jeong-eui would fit Song Jihyo's role well.

-Song Gain...

-I think Jin Ji-hee would suit the role as well...

-I believe Kim Hyeyoon can play the role of Shin Chaekyung without making it too cringy.

-It's funny how the actors mentioned for the lead roles of 'Princess Hours' remake change every year...

-I think Shin Ye-eun would suit the lead role really well.

-Let's go with Roh Jeong-eui.

-I like Shin Eunsoo.

-Kim Hyeyoon, please. She'll be perfect for this role.

-Roh Jeong-eui pleaseㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-What drama is the last gif of Shin Eunsoo from?? It looks interesting.

-Shin Ye-eun!!!!

-Not Kim Hyeyoon;; She doesn't suit the lead role at all...

-Shin Ye-eun, because she's also a good actress...

Continue reading Actresses Who are Frequently Mentioned for Lead Role in the Remake of 'Princess Hours'