
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A gym in Incheon declares 'No Ahjumma Zone' ... Prohobits middle-aged women from entering


No Entry for Middle-Aged Women

<8 Ways to Distinguish Ahjummas from Women>

1. They love free stuff regardless of their age

2. They get criticized everywhere they go, but they don't know why

3. They sit in priority seats for pregnant women in public transportation

4. They go to a coffee shop with a friend, order only one coffee, and ask for an extra cup

5. They secretly dispose of food waste in public restrooms or toilets

6. They're stingy with their own money but don't think twice when using others' money

7. They keep repeating saying the same thing due to poor memory and jugment

8. No one helps them when they fall, except God

-A Reconstructed Social Media (SNS) Post by the Owner of a Gym in Incheon-

On the 10th, JTBC's 'Crime Chief' reported a social media post by the owner of a gym in Incheon. 

The informant stated, "I understand the sentiment behind why the business owner posted such a message, considering how challenging running a business can be. However, I don't understand restricting gym access based on gender and age."

The owner claimed that due to significant damages caused by middle-aged women, they initiated the 'No Ahjumma Zone.'

The owner stated, "Middle-aged women bringing a laundry basket to the gym and running hot water for one or two hours to do laundry have doubled our water bills. They also made harassing remarks like 'You'll give birth well' to young female members."


-Totally agree! :)

-But at what age are you considered an Ahjumma? Thirty?

-What's the criteria for being an Ahjumma? If you don't fit those 8 criterias, you're just a woman, but if you do, you're an Ahjumma... Even if I was considering going to that gym, I wouldn't after seeing that kind of message.

-Is that for real...?

-What does using priority seats for pregnant women have to do with gym access? They just want to rant about women.

-This seems to have crossed the line.

-They've gone too far.

-Why not just make that gym for men only then?

-The problem with our society is that we use 'Ahjumma' as a derogatory term.

-Is this really a post from 2024...??

-I don't know how the word Ahjumma became like this. It used to be a friendly term.

-Wow, it's absurd... If men do those, does that make them Ahjummas too?
