Friday, July 19, 2019

NCT is a group who's capable of writing and producing their own song

NCT's Taeyong just released a song that he personally wrote and produced It's a really great song The MV is already released Taeyong is actually a rapper, but this time he comes up with an R&B Hip Hop that focuses more on his vocal. It's very easy-listening. The title of the song is Long Flight pann [+277][-54] 1. [+74][-3]...
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Why does no one make a big deal out of NHE?

I'm sure you guys probably have seen some videos of this youtuber who has been constantly posting dance covers on her channel, NHE. If people made such a big deal out of the latest Baskin Robbins ad, I seriously don't understand why none of them think this is a big deal  She usually wears pants for male idols dance cover and skirts for female...
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The trainees who got praises for doing well in their center evaluation videos

A lot of national producers were disappointed to see the number of trainees who don't do well in their center evaluation videos. These are the trainees who are judged to possibly can handle dance and singing live. If you want to see the trainees who did bad, just go to Naver Cast and randomly click on any videos. Jo Seungyeon Kang Minhee Lee Hangyul Song Yuvin theqoo -Song...
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This dress that Jennie wore in her latest Instagram post was sold out in just an hour after she posted

Something that I would never be able to wear in my whole life theqoo -She exists to create trendsㅠㅠ She's so gorgeous... -That dress suits her really well... -I want to buy everything that Jennie wears... -I bet they actually want to have Jennie's body instead of the dress... -People buy that because they actually have the body...
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Kim Mingyu in the evaluation video for the center position in the final show

theqoo -But we all know that he's going to debut anyway... -Mingyu-yaㅠㅠ It hurts my heart to see how hard he works and the amount of effort he puts in everythingㅠㅠ I hope he gets to debut with my pick... -Why bother creating an X class if even kids like him get to debut... Tsk... -I stopped watching after a few episodes and it seems like...
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The group's name for this season of Produce X 101 is X-ONE

PDx101 And X-ONE #D-1 You guys have worked so hard This was posted by a staff/insider (NB: Was posted before they officially revealed it on the show) theqoo -This must be posted by an attention-seeker staff/insider... -Nope, that can't be. That must be a typo... -Sounds like a Wanna One's rip off... -Whoa, that's the worst... -They...
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Produce X 101 reveals the 4 trainees who are possibly to be in the 10th rank

It's either Nam Dohyun, Son Dongpyo, Geum Donghyun, or Lee Hangyul They still haven't revealed who ranks 10th instiz -Lee Hangyul, you have to debut... -Dohyun-ah, why are you there?ㅠㅠㅠ -Hul, so they're only debuting 10 members this time? -Dohyun-ah, let's debutㅠㅠ -Dongpyo-ya, let's debutㅠㅠ -Guys, let's save Dohyun... -I can't...
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