Thursday, June 29, 2017

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Cube's Yoo Seonho witnesses today

theqoo -Seonho is seriously driving me crazy..ㅠㅠ Listen, all you need to do is just to debut.. -Why are his feet so bigㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ -Seonho-ya, you have a really bright future ahead.. -I think he will do well if he also starts his career as an actor.. His visuals will start to give off the 'actor' vibes once he grows up.. -I can't...
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Red Velvet Seulgi's visual before she debuted

Middle School High School Debut preparation Now instiz -Seulgi is so pretty.. I wish I looked like her.. -Whoa.. She hasn't changed at all.. -The more I look at her, the more she resembles Kim Yuna.. -Seulgi-ya, you look so elegant..ㅜㅜ -Our Seulgi has never been ugly in her entire life..ㅠㅠ -Kang...
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Son Naeun's sister, Son Sae Eun

Her name is Son Sae Eun, was born on 1997.  She's 175cm tall. instiz -Whoa.. I thought she was an actress..ㄷㄷ -Whoa.. They look similar, they have amazing genes.. -Whoa.. Look at her body.. She looks like the sharper version of Son Naeun.. -They look similar.. Both of them are equally beautifulㅠㅠ -Whoa.. She's seriously so tall.. -She...
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Yoo Seonho is so freaking annoyingㅜㅜ

edited title: Yoo Seonho has gone crazy after PD101 ended.. This is the video that Cube uploaded to their twitter yesterday. It's my first time seeing someone looking handsome even in the middle of eating.. I mean, why does he have to get more handsome after the show ended..ㅜㅜ I used to have no interest in Produce 101, I really regret for not recognizing...
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Idol School's members who look like IOI's Yoojung and Doyeon

instiz -Oh.. I can see it.. -I can see the resemblance of the first girl with Doyeon, but not the second one.. -The girl in the second picture reminds me of that actress in Age of Youth! The one that has a love line with a chef!! -Agree.. That's what I thought of when I first saw them.. -I heard the girl who looks like Doyeon is a '05liner..ㄷㄷ -Whoa.....
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Gifs of manager taking away the food/beverages that idols received from their fans

VIXX's Ken Jung Chaeyeon WJSN's Luda instiz -Chaeyeon.. So cuteㅠㅠ -Let them eat those..ㅠㅠㅠ -I understand that those managers have some reason behind taking away the snacks/beverages.. But I think I would be really sad to see my gift being thrown away like that..ㅠㅠ -But at least don't throw it like that, the fans are watchingㅠㅠ -Our...
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