-Oh.. I can see it..
-I can see the resemblance of the first girl with Doyeon, but not the second one..
-The girl in the second picture reminds me of that actress in Age of Youth! The one that has a love line with a chef!!
-Agree.. That's what I thought of when I first saw them..
-I heard the girl who looks like Doyeon is a '05liner..ㄷㄷ
-Whoa.. I stared at these pictures in disbelief for a few seconds..
-Oh!! I can see the resemblance!!
-I'm getting goosebumps....
-The girl in the first picture looks like Sejeong more than Doyeon, in my opinion..
-Hul.. They really do look like Doyeon and Yoojung...
-That girl who looks like Yoojung goes to the same school with me.. She really does look like Yoojung..
-Whoa.. They're taking a '05liner to star in their show, tell her to wear P.E Uniform and spray water all over her.. This is a really strange show..
-The girl in the first picture slightly looks like Hyeri..
-'05liner..? Whoa...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ