Thursday, September 5, 2024

DAY6's Happy ranks 3rd on Melon TOP 100 (Out of 5 songs in the TOP 5, 4 of them are DAY6's songs;;)

 How is this even possible?theqoo-Crazy, even Time of Our Life made it to the TOP 5-We’re living in the DAY6 era.-DAY6 beat DAY6!-Wow, that’s amazing! But it's also impressive that Supernova is holding onto second place in that situation.-What is this...? I’m a fan, but I can’t believe what I’m seeing...-Is this for real? Wow.-It’s incredible that songs...
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Ji Changwook's company releases announcement regarding the controversial autograph at a stage greeting

 <We're looking for a person>We are looking for the fan who awkwardly reached out when their signed notebook was snatched by Ji Changwook during a stage greeting for 'Revolver' on August 7th. *If you are the person who lost the notebook or know them, please leave a comment!(Verification may be requested for verification)PS: Although the snatched...
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Movie 'Harbin' first trailer and poster

 theqoo-Wow, the poster is awesome.-What’s Harbin?-I must watch it.-Definitely watching this.-The production team and actors are amazing. Really looking forward to this lineup...-Let's aim for ten million viewers.-I want to see it quickly. I’m looking forward to it ㅠ-Ooo, looks like a masterpiece. The color is good. It seems like it will do well!!-Let’s...
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BLACKPINK Lisa's Tiktok updates (with SHINee Taemin)

@lalalalisa_m Face eyes 💫 w/ @TAEMIN DC: @Neffah Twins ♬ New Woman (feat. ROSALÍA) - LISAtheqoo -Lisa and Taemin!?!?!?!?!?!?!?-Hulㅋㅋㅋㅋ What’s this combinationㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ-Hul, didn’t see this combination coming at all-Lisa went to SHINee’s concert before!-Hulㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Did Lisa do Taemin’s challenge then?-So cuteㅋㅋㅋ-Wow, I was surprised by the title and came hereㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ-Whoa... It's somehow fascinating...
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A Korean-style hero drama series representing the 12 Chinese zodiac signs is in production

 = ‘Twelve’ The story of heroes representing the 12 Chinese zodiac signs struggling to protect the Korean Peninsula from evil spirits is being prepared with a target release next year, but the release platform is undecided.Actors currently in discussions to join:Ma Dongseok: Leader Taesan, leads the heroes.Ji Changwook: No information yetSeo Inguk:...
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The condition of Loossemble's physical album design

To. CTD에바지요 앨범 디자인 누가했나요ㅡㅡ— 이감 (@11potatooo) September 4, 2024theqoo -Didn’t they check the sample...?-No way...-Did they print the whole batch and not check even once? If they checked and still sold it, that’s really too much.-What is this…? Both the designer and the printing company didn’t notice?-I want to believe there’s...
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Kwon Jinah leaves Antenna after 10 years together Kwon Jinah is embarking on a new journey, parting ways with the agency she has been with for 10 years.On the 5th, it was reported in the music industry that Kwon Jinah’s exclusive contract with her current agency, Antenna, will expire this month. After long discussions, Kwon and the...
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The post that RIIZE Anton posted early this morning

Early this morning, he posted a long message to celebrate the 1st anniversary of their debut.Personally, this part stood out to me:"I realized we don't need to shoot up like a rocket. There have been tough moments in this year, but what's more important is learning and overcoming them." "Today, I recommend the song titled 'A Summer Night's Dream'~ㅎㅎ It's...
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Taeil sets his Instagram account private

 It seems like he plans to disappear without apologizinginstiz-I'm not interested at all~ He's just someone I don't know now.-I wonder why he chose to be a celebrity, but it’s actually better this way.-He didn’t apologize at all, right? I guess he's worried that apologizing might be disadvantageous before the police investigation results come outㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ-It’s...
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