Friday, May 27, 2022

Japanese remake of Itaewon Class, Roppongi Class, reveals their trailer

 theqoo-The female lead character is pretty... But her acting skill is bad...-The female lead character looks so pretty, she suits that hairstyle really well-I think they shaved his hair a little bit too much...?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ-Their acting screams, 'Everyone, look! I'm acting!~~'-This looks like a segment from SNL...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ-What's the name of the female lead character? She's so pretty...-I had no idea...
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The picture that fans had a difficult time figuring out who it is

 Commenter #10 got it righttheqoo-I thought it was Soobin...-Hul... I thought it was definitely Soobin. How could the shape of their lips be so identicalㄷㄷㄷ-I was like, 'It's obviously Soobin'...-You're telling me that's not Soobin?-Anyone can tell that's Minhyuk-Cha Eunwoo...?-Whoa, I'm pretty good at telling idols apart but I can totally understand why...
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Netizens drag GDragon's newborn nephew to Jennie and V's dating rumor

 The picture that GD posted on his InstagramThere are netizens and reporters who are jumping to conclusions after seeing this pictureGD posted a picture of fresh daisies'What does that bastard have that I don't?''What's wrong?''Why can't I have you, exactly?''Fresh daisiesㅋㅋㅋㅋ''ㅋㅋㅋㅋFreshㅋㅋㅋㅋDaisies'In fact, GD posted that to celebrate the birth of his...
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The difference between the pictures that Getty Images and fans took of IU on Cannes Film Festival

 She looks elegant in the pictures that GettyImages tookShe looks like a baby dumpling in the pictures that fans tooktheqoo-Am I the only one who likes the fan-taken pictures more?ㅋㅋㅋ-She looks gorgeous in the Getty Images pictures and adorable in the fan-taken picturesㅋㅋㅋㅋ-She suits that dress really well. She looks so gorgeous.-I can't believe she manages...
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A Chinese singer denies accusation of plagiarizing Taeyeon's INVU M/V

 Everyone on Weibo, even the ones who are not her fans, is embarrassed for thistheqoo-I heard that her fans are grateful for making this a controversy...-What is the name of the singer?-I think they're just doing the noise-marketing strategy. It's pissing me off...-She should've at least caught up to the original's quality...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ-Her MV looks really...
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The comment that the girlfriend of the model that fans point out as V's look alike in the dating rumor picture left on Instagram

 There was a false rumor spreading on online communities, Twitter, and Youtube saying that the man in the picture is not V, but a model who went to Jeju Island in AprilThe model himself already clarified that it's not him. The comment section on his Instagram was suddenly filled with hate comments and rumors, so he limited it. In the end, his girlfriend...
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Treasure reps, 'Bang Yedam will be studying music - Masiho to take some rest, the group will be promoting with 10 members for now''t he just start studying once they finish their promotions?-It's my first time seeing an idol taking a hiatus to focus on his music study right before his group starts a tour...-Why is he taking a hiatus right before the tour? The tour could actually help his study in music, though...-I'm...
Continue reading Treasure reps, 'Bang Yedam will be studying music - Masiho to take some rest, the group will be promoting with 10 members for now'

LE SSERAFIM's live performance on Music Bank today

 In this completely live performance, you can hear their breath, their necklace, and even their stepstheqoo-I'm so shocked that it's completely live...-At this point I think they didn't do this on purpose, I think it might have been a live broadcasting accident-That sounds like an MR removed video...-This is literally live...ㄷㄷㄷ It's so much better than I expected-They all sound good but Kim...
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