Tuesday, December 20, 2016


a small reminder!!

hello guys.
i dont know how many times have i talked about this, but please do remember to put credits everytime you share any of my posts or retranslate them to your native languages.
i just think that it would be really nice if you at least.. credit me... *inserts sad emoticons here*
i sometimes see some accounts (esp in instagram and line@) that retranslates my posts to their native languages but they don't credit me in the end, i had to dm them on instagram to ask them to put some credits. some of them responded, some of them didn't-- or haven't, idk.
i know that maybe im not the only one who translates those certain posts, so yus im not accusing some certain account or anything else. no bad intentions, weehee!

oh and also

have a nice (holi)day!:)

any good tv series/dramas to watch? (beside goblin, bokjoo) 
im dying of boredom here.......................................................

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