There are two type of people in this world:
The ones who have good skin because they were born with it and the ones who have good skin because they take a good care of it (by not smoking, drinking alcohol, etc)

He checked the age of his skin and the result said '15 years old'

-I think he was originally born with nice skin and on top of that, he doesn't smoke nor drink alcohol, that's why it looks flawless..
-But does quit smoking and drinking alcohol really help your skin to look better..?
-He was originally born with it..
-I think he was born with it.. There are a lot of people around me who smoke, but still has a flawless skin..
-I'm 100% he was born with it.. One of my friend has a really flawless skin even though he smokes and drink alcohol frequently..
-I want to date him..ㅜㅜㅜ
-He indeed has a really nice skin but the thing that I'm really jealous of is his hair, he has a really thick hair..
-I don't smoke and drink alcohol but my skin doesn't look like that..ㅠㅠ
-I bet he was originally born with nice skin! Because I don't smoke and drink but I have a really bad skin...ㅎㅎ
-I can't even see his pores..
-I can't believe that he's 30 years old..
-Look at how he doesn't even have any blackheads..
-He was born with it + takes a really good care of it..
-Eric Nam.. Even his skin is flawless..ㅜㅜ
-Whoa.. He literally doesn't lack in anything..
-He's so perfect..