Friday, July 22, 2022


The logo of Min Heejin's girlgroup, New Jeans.jpg


New Jeans


-I love how it's written in Hangeul, it looks so pretty...

-Whoa... It looks so freaking trendy...

-It looks old-fashioned and trendy both at the same time...

-This is new! Especially since I'm used to seeing groups' names written in English in their logos. I love this. 

-That reminds me of SNSD's logo for I Got A Boyㅋㅋㅋ That's also Min Heejin's idea

-Oh, it's written in Hangeul. I'm used to seeing English in idol groups' logos, so it took me awhile to process what it saysㅠㅠ

-I think the logo suits their concept really well. I'm quite sure they're going to change the logo in each comeback anyway.

-They could've chosen a better Hangeul font. They're making me feel bad for saying it looks bad.

-That looks like an assignment done by a 2nd-year art design student...

-I love the logo, but the group's name itself doesn't sound right to me. It'll grow on me, though. But for now, I still think it's not a great name. 

-So cute... They have a really unique group name...

-Hmmm... Honestly, I think they could've done better. I also have to admit that the group's name sounds weird. 

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